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Riding solo! I catch up on the last dance and of course ... some Warriors talk




I just don’t want to give up Wiggins this quickly personally, I think we should at least give it half a season. Yes he didn’t play like an absolute star during his time with us but he seemed to fit well with the warriors system and culture and most importantly he played the game with an ease that you don’t see much in other players or even stars.


no I agree! Wiggins is the younger better fit... it would be about clearing cap and getting picks....

Strong Foru

Nice podcast Alc. I needed a break from all the doom and gloom on tv. Thanks!


🙏🏽... TBH the first few weeks I really wasn’t in the mood to make content and try to pretend to be optimistic or up beat. Don’t get me wrong this is scary... but I have adjusted my mindset to truly be optimistic and seek out the positives.


Hey Alc, With the warriors with a pretty high chance at a top 3 draft pick, if the 76ers fail to meet expectations assuming the season continues...do you think there’s a viable package that would get us Ben Simmons?


Celebrities who become political remind me a lot of celebrities who start gang banging after being millionaires, it's a follower mentality, and it makes sense why transcendent guys like Michael Jordan, Floy Mayweather and Tiger Woods stay away from it. As for Mohammad Ali, when you observe modern day culture you can see he was just trolling back then, but as always people always read to much into trolls.


I saw that Raptors rumor today.. it’s seems absurd from the 6ers prospective . I think it would coast Wiggins and some.


Interesting Ali take... I think when you reach a certain status you do have the ability to sway things or bring important things to light. I agree a lot of it is “ look at me I’m down too” but again the air your talking about, when .. or if they speak, people listen.


Hey Alc, I totally understand what you were talking about Warriors twitter. I had to unfollow Andy Liu and several warrior twitter guys. It was just too much for me. I don't understand the need to constantly slander LeBron to elevate Steph Curry and the Warriors. As if the 3 rings were not enough? So weird. But you mentioned it on one of your videos how Warriors twitter are insecure about Steph Curry.


It’s too much right! It’s almost like people who never competed in sport don’t understand, when you compete you talk your shit and then show respect. Same should go with us fans.. during a series or heated game ok next day get your shit off! But to focus on it day in and day out ...


Great point of view as always, Alchemy. Stay real and true! I have similar opinions towards some of the Warriors writer / journalist. They are intentionally creating "topics" which are not REAL. There is no need for those just because we are living in this new online age. I started to unfollow some of those writers.


I agree with you that beating LeBron three times in the final is defiantly the one of the biggest achievement of this dynasty run. 2017 - 2018 game 1 is epic for LeBron and I would still take him over KD because of his overall skill set and ability. And I think among all the current "Generational" players, LeBron probably respect Steph the most. I don't think KD understood fully why Steph did what he did for the team and KD could be easily swayed by the media / fans. I did not get to watch Jordan's era in detail and I would probably think LeBron is better overall than Kobe and would be the closest comparison to Jordan as the transcendent player. And in terms of the value of a player to the NBA and even basketball as a sport, Jordan, LeBron and Steph will definitely be up there not only from professional view but just from an ordinary fan's view.

paul reboca sr

honestly Alc I've been around since dinosaurs roamed this earth so I've experienced each generation of greatness, so, so many greats hallelujah! I barely being to feel the leather on the ball when Clyde the glide was hooping I remember watching Havlicek play. honestly back to thta word, i am a Warrior through and threw, Steph is AMAZING, so so AMAZING. one of the greatest handles of all time, shots from anywhere on the court, stamina, all around. I'm starting to think that maybe because he and Klay are yellow they don't get what they deserve. But i see them, you see them, we all see them, and they all time great! be blessed


You nailed it he is closest as far as being transcendent.. Kobe obviously played much more like Mike. But LeBron has been similar in value to his teams. Steph could not play another game and his legacy and impact are cemented.


What’s the old saying ... “if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it all” in sports media too me, don’t just say something, to say something. There is way too much of that going on.


There will always be underlying colorism.. Steph & Klay are probably Also loved by more people because they are lighter skin. There for they are disliked more by their peers... there is no way to change people’s built in bias and the advantages and disadvantages that follow.


For anybody that thinks future is a good rapper, just listen to the 2012 freshman cypher, he's just garbage. He gets out rapped by Hopsin (very underrated) and MGK, it's embarrassing. But same thing over here, even though I'm 19, I'm not messin with a lot of the new shit, ain't no better compliment to me than being called an oldhead. I'm listening to a lot of Souls of mischief, Tribe called quest and jedi mind tricks right now, straight 🔥.


Yeah I got to go back more! Problem I have with the early 90s is it sounds so bad on Spotify. The mastering or conversion to streaming is rough.


Late but enjoyed the random topics at the end about the ozone layer and quarantine. Would love to hear more random takes of whats on your mind. Keep up the great content

Freddie D

I knew you was gonna get on him about them barrets. He had my uncle walkin around lookin silly back then lmao. Not gonna lie, I thought it was cool as hell at the time...