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Spent the last week watching 2 of his games a day, I feel very confident in this take. 

Like most of you probably Ive had a hard time concentrating but my plan is to drop 1 of these a week, along with a classic breakdown and then expect some outside of the box content as well. Brain storming some comic relief stuff. 

Embrace Faith in what ever form you can

Much love!



killian hayes

This is "killian hayes" by Athletic Alchemy on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Alch, For your planning purposes, it might be nice for your patrons to let you know whether they plan to continue sponsorship and for how long. Count me in for at least a year.


I ride with you Alc until you decide to start covering ping pong instead of bball. You are the best sports analyst I’ve found. Frankly you put all these talking head fools on TV to shame bruh 👊🏽


I wanted this to stand on its own as a draft analysis..but obviously he has been linked to the Warriors for a while now. I can definitely see the fit, he is Golden States "type" I could also see a Tre/Luka type of exchange moving back a few spots to get him and more assets.


Great video, love the format


Really appreciate that! I think everybody is playing the waiting game right now and unsure of most everything. All I can do is provide good content and hope for the best!


Damn Alc, if this is the kind of content you're going to be putting out I might have to increase my contribution to match. This is another level, even for the high quality I expect out of you. I'd love to see you doing more player profiles like this, my only "negative" feedback would be that I would love to hear how you see these guys fitting with the warriors. I assume you'll only profile guys that you can see fitting but even a 1 minute overview at the end would give great context.


This kid is pretty talented and would be a great addition to the Warriors but my question would be when would he see any playing time. There isn’t enough room on our roster for guards especially if the team is thinking to play Mulder and Lee. But they don’t have guaranteed contracts so I guess they can let one of them go. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Thanks! I thought about doing that, but I wanted it to stand on its own a a prospect breakdown for where ever he is drafted. But your right most here want that included Ill adjust moving forward. TBH initially watching him I was like if they take him, it wont be so much to help Steph but to eventually replace him. But then I started thinking about how much they like playing Steph off ball anyway. Killian has the size to let steph hide on who he needs to defensively. he could be used like Andre only the more offensive version.


I would disagree; I’m sure he would fit but the real question is if he can knockdown his shots in the nba.. That will determine his ceiling


Keep at it alc! I’m enjoying your vids from boring Sydney Australia. These draft pick videos are great!


lets take Lee out of the equation lol...but yeah he would be directly competing with Poole for that 3rd guard spot..but so would Edwards or Ball


Yo Alchemy, great breakdown as always. Watching these clips I keep getting a Jordan Poole vibe. Longer guard, not really a wing. Questions about how his offense will translate to the NBA. Hayes seems like a better defender mentally, but Poole is already showing his ability to finish around the rim. Do you think Hayes is worth the pick given the question marks about his offense?


YUP! I've been working from home since Wednesday last week and it's been rough trying to concentrate. Feel like I'm trapped in a prison, but I have a speed bag in my garage and I've been hitting that for an hour around lunch time. Helps a lot.


It’s hard to say until we see where exactly the pick is. Can’t take him over Edwards or Wisemen, at least in my eyes. Given the circumstances I think it will be hard for teams to fall in love with a guy Enough to disrupt the top 3 or 4 consensus But IDK! By June hopefully they will be able to get workouts in. Looking at different mocks they are kind of all over the place outside of two mentioned above.


How do you feel about the possibility/fit of Wiseman? Can't remember if you've covered him yet or will at any point. I'm very curious though. I feel like our center position is still extremely weak with how unreliable Looney is. Hayes looks like a JPoole to me.


Man you made him look like a bust 😂 He's not better than Poole by how you described him. No right hand and Suspect shot? Hell no. Jordan Poole comparison: Both above average passers, Low release point shot, lengthy decent defenders. Except Poole is easily a better shooter, has a left hand, more experience and is more physically and mentally ready. I know you think it has to be BAP despite our rookies,but if the BAP is a guy like this then it's better to pick a needed position, the gap in talent can't possibly be that big with such notorious flaws in his game (specially for a PG). There's no sense in throwing away a whole year of chemistry, development and experience for a another rookie that might not even be better. (I'd agree if it was a substantial improvement) Avdija looks WAAAY better imo. Hope you cover him at some point


That’s how you interpreted the video? He is going to be a bust? I will cover all these guys and I will point out their weakness, they all have some. Calling Poole a better shooter than anyone at this point is a reach, but I agree he would be duplicating what Poole’s potential roll would be.


I'm just saying that you mentioned some huge red flags (for me, and given that it's a potential top 10 pick). But I did love the breakdown, it's actually quite refreshing, since most are 90% positives 10% flaws. can't wait for the next one. About Poole tho, 28% from 3 too (despite that atrocious start, he should be closer to 35% rn)


No that’s fair you are of course entitled to your take.. I just didn’t think thats how the video came off.. most kids at 18 don’t use their weak hand. I agree JP will get to a much more respectable %. I think this kid is bigger (still probably growing) hard to say tho against all those undersized guards in his league. JP kinda has a off the bench play in spurts mentality and motor. Hayes has lead dog traits. He has been the “ the guy” when he steps on the court much more than JP if I were to guess. Right now they seem like comparable talents but Killian is 2 years younger..


It did surprise me a lot that he couldn't use his right hand, it honestly feels like we're still scouting for the second round, but it may just be that the last 3 classes have seriously raised the standards. Mitchel's insane lay up package and Playoff series, Tatum's polished game and ecf appearance, Simmon's dominance from day 1, Luka and Trae's MVP numbers, and now Zion and Ja... I kinda expected something on this level tbh. I have to re adjust my expectations.


ALC for these videos can u add a small part about fit with the warriors system...


I will...I thought I kinda spelled it out tho..A big guard who plays defense and is a great passer. He is very much a Warriors system fit.


I think you would be surprised how many guys don't really use their off hand. Admittedly the more athletic you are the less it matters, but Zion and Mitch really dont..Tatum was no where near what he is now..point is that 18 to 21 gap should be a huge time of growth for a player.


I thought you did. I can imagine you doing pure profiles of a good number of guys and then doing a longer breakdown of who you think the best fit is among the whole pack. Don’t cave to pressure! This more objective take should pay dividends for all of us...great work.


Great video Alch. Hmmm idk how he would really help us in the now. I believe next year we want champion ship right? I don't think he's who the warriors should get at all. He's very Jordan Poole's ish but bigger? I would rather Wiseman or BAP. I believe Poole will come along especially after the end of the season. He was showing so much growth.


Hey Alc - as a 20 something, I've always wanted to dig deeper into the history of the NBA, e.g. Jordan years and prior, but have never gotten around to it. Do you think you could do some breakdowns of legendary/league defining series, players, and moments from the previous generation for us young'ins? Appreciate it!

Ezra Abbey

This was well put together alch, thank you. Are you going to do Denny Avdija? I don't wanna bother you too much but I'd love to see one on these on him, appreciate you.


I’m going to give it a shot.. full disclosure when we get before the early 90s I lose some context.


Hey Alc, who do you think is the best fit for us? And would u draft the best fit or the best prospect?


If we talk about defense is Okoro, passing is Lamelo, I'm not sold on Lamelo being at least a solid defender yet, and if Edwards is out of the board for us (if we don't win the lottery), I guess our best option is Deni Avidja, he's not a guard, but can pass and is a good defender, plus he can make the three ball


I also saw someone else make a breakdown scouting video on Hayes and he had mentioned that throughout the season he got better and more comfortable using his right hand, finishing/passing with it and driving right. I think this kid will be a low key star because of his High IQ and passing ability. He has time to get better efficiently.


I need more of these immediately 🙃


Thx for the Killian review! Not easy sussing out potential on the move. So young, yet with some Pro experience already, I also wonder if, at some point, he will continue his formal education? Suppose it depends on his success w BB. BTW, after seeing these flashbacks of past GSW games, I really miss Andre I. What a tiger, ' a motor! Ciao. Thx, M.