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Is this live or recorded already?


Its recorded, I have never put up an audio file on here before. hopefully it works smooth otherwise I know Spotify post it ASAP


I'm sorry Alch, but that was the worst Eminem impression I've ever heard 😂


slapping his salami.... lmaooo.

Chris Styner

Say what you want man, everyone is at a different place on the soft spectrum, for me you can rail off 45 expletives, and do the stereotypes, and even get a little racist and it does not matter. But there will always be someone more offended then the last, its a never ending game that you cant win so might as well not play it, do you.


This podcast was sooooooooo good. Wish it was live and interactive.....


Let me see what I can do.. live would be dope! Like a radio show.


Hey Alch just wondering will there be a pre game live for tomorrow? I loved the game 1 live when you got on patty mayonnaise 😂😂


Great stuff. Thanks for the work & insights ....


I think GSW should consider taking Draymond off of Siakam. I don' t like the matchup. I think Draymond can figure Siakam out but I don't think it's worth it. You don't want Draymond completely preoccupied on 1 guy. You want him to be able to create havoc all over the court. He's the best help defender ever. What bothers Siakam is length. We already know Draymond can shut down Gasol bc he did it in 2015 after we put Bogut on Tony Allen. Put Draymond on Gasol and put more length on Siakam .


Your take on comedy is a lot like Bill Burr. Sorta. (I like your take a little better, just reminds me of the way he talks, a little.)


yeah I tend to agree with him out of the snippets I hear form him. But I don't regularly follow his stuff because subject matter.




It's a video from Kevin Durant at practice. What do you think Alchemy? You know a lot about injuries, recovery, phsyiology...


I liked your idea about DJ guarding Siakam, but what happens on offense? DJ is book smart guy, but damn on the court...definitely not ready for prime time NBA finals.


Yeah, I'm not much of a fan of his. People rave about him, but I don't really get it. Westside v Eastside thing? Might be. He's so Boston.


I'm holding out hope for a game 3 return, but after what I saw here, keep it a buck (as you say) Durand looked gimpy as fuck in that video. There's a reason there is NOT A SINGLE PICTURE OR VIDEO from KD's shooting practice yesterday. It's because it aint looking good. Pains me so much because a Kawhi-KD machup in the NBA Finals is right up there with Bird-Magic going at it (almost), and it may not happen


Yo Alch that was a great point you made about being "offensive"...at the end of the day it's about how you treat people. And you're not out here like Don Imus anyway loll


You're overreacting way too much into game 1. Raptors shot lights out and the Warriors did a lot of things wrong to only lose by 9 away from home. We've seen this song and dance where a team dominates (which they didn't even do) in game 1 to lose it all, 2012 finals, or recent ones like Spurs OKC in 2016, Celtics this year, etc. 6-1 without KD and losing one game and the world is gone. Here is my prediction. The Rockets are clearly the second best team in the NBA for the second year in a row by some distance, and the next 4-5 games (with or without KD) are going to colour that page clearly. I am surprised a Warriors fan would not trust someone like Green to not figure out Siakam whose had 1 amazing game in every series and then went on to play normal basketball this post season. There is a 9 day rust period that is no longer an excuse. Anyway, I've been wrong plenty of times in the past, but we'll see how this plays out.


I think so! There are so many MFers who would never say an offensive thing. But they walking around every day discriminating and treating people different.


I thought my stance was clear With the bane sound bite. It’s a tough match up. But my money is on Dray....


No, we have it. Looney can defend Siakam. Bell can probably do it but less so. And, let's be honest, if PHI and MIL can defend Siakam well with Embiid and Lopez, we can put Bogut on him. Siakam will be limited to shooting jumpers bc he won't be able to do those moves in the paint against Bogut.


I hadn't listened to this yet, but if Iggy is cobbled I think they have to try DJ, and also JB at forward, they need to go bigger rather than staying small with a McKinnie downgrade. Boogie's gotta play also, and Bogut, they just have to rotate the bigs, neutralize the size some, run Steph and Klay off their picks. Green can guard Kawhi, and make Siakam deal with the bigs.


I have a feeling the Steph-Klay PnR action will involve a 3rd invisible screener. The 3rd screener will for sure get either of those guards open. And Klay can't initiate that PnR. Has to be Steph, Klay will set the screen, the confusion from TOR starts, and just when they decide who to chase, that 3rd screener will pop up in the picture.


We focus so much on GS transition D but don’t highlight how taking better shots and getting to the middle of the floor, limits those transitions opportunities. Outside of 1 or 2 baskets, Toronto got out in transition off of a bad shot or turnover. Those mistakes are correctable. GS wins game 2, the Toronto “high” comes down tonight


Agreed... that’s the rule of missed corner 3s. Klay in particular needs to be more patient finding better shots.