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pre game live Finals



I am hyped. Win or lose tonight, this is FUN. I feel confident in the series as a whole. If we lose tonight, all good. And VERY interested to see how we use boogie, if we do use him now that he is ACTIVATED.

Strong Foru

Hellooooo.....there's no video. ???


dang ill miss it today 😔


People sleeping on Boogie


Too ready for this!!


I feel like they should target Siakam on defense. Like he might be good on ball but hes made a lot of mistakes from what I've seen. I feel as if hes more reactive than proactive but thats from the litlle ive seen him play. Also, is it just me or does Toronto overplay on defense all the time? Or am I seeing things. From the games that Warriors and Raptors played they definitely got physical. This game 1 is gonna be good, hope I can catch the pregame.


I feel very happy for boogie after all he's been through in the past two seasons


What do you think about the refs everytime the warriors got close the refs pushed the lead back up to 10 like some 2k bull shit


Holy fucking hell why didn't they run more Curry PnR? Why double Kawhi when you're getting repeatedly smoked from 3 point range? It's already tough enough Curry getting robbed 6+ FTs in the first half. Hell the whole team got robbed with bullshit calls. This shit is on Kerr man. They made Siakam look like super prime Hakeem/ Shaq out there.

Connor H

Next season I’d recommend trying out some kind of weekly content for r/warriors to try n bring more people to patreon


Kerr is right though about the transition defense. Rewatching the highlights and my god the lack of awareness on Looney and Livingston on these rotations. It actually makes me feel a little better knowing that this can be fixed and we still only lost by 9, despite also getting shit on by the refs.