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72 vs DAL



Man, I know Kerr can't do that to the stars, but he should really just bench role players after performances like Quins. Make them afraid for their career or something, so they actually put some damn effort.


We have joked form the start of signing Cook, but there is a real element of him being KDs "guy"


This night was all about Luka. Warriors mailed it in. Call it what it is.


Throw the whole team away I'm done.


would not be suprised if we get blown out tonight tbh


Omg AA you didn't show Looney in garbage time. I thought that was a big positive. Speak on that for me.


yeah I was so over it maybe I didn't give him enough credit. Here is the thing those were the most fluid jumpers I have ever seen him take in game. But the context of the moment it was like no pressure complete garbage time. I dont think he will ever have the confidence to pull those like that in meaningful minutes ..at least not on this team. Maybe if he was down in Orlando or something.

Jansen E

I understand Cook is KDs friend, and Lee is Stephs bro in law.....but geezus fucking Christ I’m so over both them. And McKinnie. Time and time again, these scrub ass bench players get opportunities to show what they can do in games without Steph, and they put on a performance like that. I’m extra salty cuz I paid for tickets to that game and saw that’s train wreck in person. THe Mavs couldn’t fucking miss a damn thing which didn’t help, but lord have fucking mercy. Klay and Cousins and KD all played pretty bad, but geezus. When your bench commits more fouls than made FGs....you don’t deserve to make it passed the first round of the playoffs.


Dang! my condolences! Thats the first thing I thought about watching this. Man a month ago on paper this was a great game with Luka and Steph on a Saturday night.


Impressive game for Dirk considering it was his last game at Oracle !


Honestly, I didn't even bother watching the game once I knew Steph was out. For all the people that try to convince me that KD or even KLAY is better than Steph...I told you so. Their spacing and even flow is horrible without him. This is and will always be Steph's team. I've been telling people I think Steph is the best player in the world for this reason, the most important and impactful player on the best team in the league. People can bring up stats, athleticism, anything, but to me it's simple, this game can't always be measured in stats, Steph makes everyone better, he's unselfish which makes this team work.


I expected somewhat of a better game from GS, even if we took the L but I surely expected more from Cook. Yesterday was his 26th birthday and he sure as hell didn't play like it. Idk if he was out partying the night before but he damn sure didn't have anything to celebrate after this game. Just disgusting (barf in my mouth type of bad)... I expect a bounce back game tonight but we'll see. The way the Warriors have been ref'd as of late (over the past couple weeks), it has been a huge concern. It seems like *conspiracy theory* the people with pull in the league is trying to force Harden and some of these other players to be the next great thing- i.e. his mostly cheap fouls that the refs continue to feed him and the lack of calls some of these other teams get, particularly the Warriors. Maybe i'm overthinking it though


Last year Quinn played his way onto the roster, this he's playing his way off. But silver linings alert, Boogie is solid in his game, and solid in his effort.


4:10 That's Warrior's basketball in a nutshell for the last two seasons. Opposing teams give so much space to the bench players (e.g Iggy), no one moves off ball, and it's just playing Hot Potato around the arc. Useless passing. 6:26 Same issue that could have been alleviated if Draymond and KD switched places, so they could utilize some of the gravity Boogie is holding near the paint by giving shooters more space. 5:50 That's some serious tunnel vision by Klay as usual. It's a simple pass to Lee. 8:25, 8:59 I know Cook made a gazillion defensive faults this game but we also have to recognize how often Boogie gets beat switched onto a guard and forces horrible timing and space on help defense. He's also consistently in no man's land. That possession at 8:59 starts with Boogie being off his man, rather than Cook's rotation. 9:09 Many teams in the league move more off ball than the Warriors... this is how they got their good looks from 3s. They didn't get just lucky shooting as Fitzgerald thinks they did.


I'm a warriors fan. The only warriors I ever disliked and didn't root for was a player named Ron "Fritz" Williams who played before Jim Barnett's run with the warriors, rooting for the warriors since 66. I'll say this, in all that time I've never seen a player who plays the game with more joy, with more respect for and appreciation of the game, than Steph and it's why when Steph plays the warriors win. Steph lifts the game and his teammates with his attitude.


Ok you with me! The last few weeks we have been getting dawged by the refs. QC time in the league might be coming to an end. He just doesn’t do enough of the little things and efforts for a guy his size.


good break down, with Boogie the juice is worth the squeeze..


Cook seems to think he can play it cool like an Allstar on a sub par team. You all play your hearts out when you need me I'll show up and get 20 in the fourth quarter. But he doesn't have any game, he can shoot I'll give him that but his defense is horrific. Most super small guys like him, Jughead hat hair aside, play like they are on fire, he plays like he's the suave secret hand shake guy who dropped his motor out at the last stoplight.


I cackled seeing the final score. I’d prefer ridiculous blowouts than painful close losses. Not to mention Denver doing their best warriors impression last night against the pacers. We got a couple “will they get up for this one” games to close out the year. Will be interesting. Looks like that last Denver game is the real “big” one. And the clippers game will be good.


Hit me when you said it was a shame to have paid to attend this game only to cover your eyes... I spent a pretty penny to take my mama to this game. Haha. Oh well... Peep the profile picture. Had to rep the Alchemy hoodie!