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vs CHA gm 60



What up alchemy, ✌🏼


I feel ya! I think part of it is he wants to see what he's got. But he need to realize he can kick to either corner every time.


Why do you think chef curry was soo passive the whole game


Sportsmen acting in junkfood commercials?! Ok, now I've seen it all.


Not sure...I think he is just disinterested right now. Someone had mentioned he realized he is out of the MVP talks. Saturday against the 6ers would be a nice stage to send the league a reminder.


Can someone explain how Draymond is back very next game after being in excruciating pain rolling his ankles? He looked like he was out for awhile. He must've either gotten Kobe's treatment in Europe or exaggerated in front of Kerr to see if he actually gives a shit about him. Also, can we offer Klay a max contract right now and get that shit over with? Alch, what's your take on Dray signing with Rich Paul? Will Dray possibly join LeGM?


Alch, you've alluded a lot to KD on the knicks. What are the chances he goes there? Its getting higher in my eyes. DId you see the footage of him not being with the team in the tunnel pregame?


Didn't know he was a drinker. Then again MJ is the owner and I suppose he might've been partying out too late the night before the game.


Curry been out of rhythm since Boogie started playing. He hesitates on everything even though his form has been good. This team is very top heavy, all the 5 guys are looking for shot opportunities and get their stats. It's hardly the egoless team the media thinks it is. Alch you watch the Lakers game? Media exploding over something I've been saying about LeBron for multiple seasons. His defense was equally as bad early in the season, maybe even worse, and now more people are coming to terms with it. Also has that toxic blaming of teammates. KD was right in more ways than one. No star wants to join the Lakers unless they're delusional (AD?)


Yo Alch, LOVED the cut in the first quarter where you say "listen to KD tell Cousins to go to work" and then you raised the in-game volume up so we could hear it. Really cool. And nice attention to detail! Cuz had a post game quote about Durant being in his ear telling Cousins to relax and just play his game.


Thanks! I think he has a couple more 20 pt nights and he will stop pressing and become more efficient.


Yeah I said it in my last YT vid...he is going to pack it in here real soon. It will be the groin..or lower back...bet!


signing with Clutch maybe he is starting his acting career early on the court...that was so uncharacteristic of him. I don't think it really matters who is agent is, what does is if he is super max eligible.

Freddie D

That move KD put on 'em at the end of the 1st quarter got me ready to run to the gym.


Alch - what's your take on Jonas Jerebko being exiled to far reaches of the galaxy (bench)? I don't believe it's a "legs" issue. Jonas this year has been pretty steady off the bench. Now he's basically a forgotten piece.


Great vid as usual Alch. I loved the 'Who are the biggest threats' videos as well. Besides who you think are a threat, what matchups would you think are fun? I think the Kings would be great for a first round to get the Dubs fired up. No interest in Lakers, Clippers or Spurs for me personally.


By the way, I knew there was something fishy (something rotten in Denmark) on Saturday night vs Rockets when Looney played only 5 minutes. That just didn't make sense considering Faried and Capella were feasting on rebounds (offensive and defensive) in the 3rd and 4th quarter.


Since Steph was kickin with Obama, Steph been feelin himself

Sean An

I cant remember the last time I saw curry so frustrated with his game that he walked off the court with time left. But we should have more faith in the chef to make timely adjustments for the playoffs.


Steph's game is shit right now ('get your 20!'). I absolutely understand it. We as fans need to not lower the bar, but to build an understanding.


he's not competing vs jordan. he's making OAK the legend


less chewing, more lateral movements Steph


be more vocal! THANK YOU ALCHEMY


Space Jam 2.... LMFAO!

Sean An

It has become my concern that, particularly this season and definitely recent games, Steph is not being used as the initiator of the offense. Rather, he is being used as a finisher, mostly by way of catch and shoot. We all know the success of GSW is built on Steph being the "engine" of the offense and the recent way is definitely not the correct way of using Steph. Kerr needs to realize that UNLESS the opponent is hard double teaming Steph (like what the Cavs did in the previous 4 years), the offense needs to run through Steph. I totally get Alc's take on Steph should be more vocal and speak out on his role, but I think Kerr needs to wake the eff up and if Cousins is not warming up as anticipated, stop having Steph just to dribble across half court and give the ball up and run around. Stop that shit. Steph is losing his magic (eating up big guys, top notch finishing around the rim) playing this way. STOP THAT SHIT.


Isn't it always the case that Steph will defer during the regular season when he feels it appropriate? Whether it be KD coming in, Boogie getting his legs back, or a hot Klay game? We all appreciate the egoless nature of Steph's leadership, but we should also understand its not always easy to strike a balance between deferring and disinterest. Like Alch said, I thought he was engaged defensively for the most part. And you know once the playoffs come around, the Warriors will move back to the playoff schemes and Boogie will be wherever Boogie is. If he can contribute to the offense, he will be utilised. The team is too experienced to let Boogie's integration get in the way once the playoffs start. I'm fine with involving him for 2 to 3 months, seeing how quickly he can get his touch back. If Steph takes a backseat for a few weeks, I think that trade-off is ok. I have faith in 30 knowing when to switch back to winning mode.


Ahhh damn. Done with work. Got my from-scratch homedade beef stew and garlic bread. And I got Alchemy for edutainment. Relaxation like a boss.


"Something you don't want to hear at the Doctor's office...... That's too deep!". 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😅