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vs HOU gm 59


Dan Doerge

I completely share your take, All. The conspiracy theory has legs. The playoffs will feature this kind of vulture ball where Boogeymen will get his eyeballs picked out. Unless we come to grips!!OUT

Mayansh Upadhyaya

Man Jordan Bell needs more minutes, he shows raw potential in every aspect of the game. Shooting, dunking, playmaking, defense (very good laterally) but what he lacks in is maturity. Unfortunately I don't think he can ever develop that maturity to become an All-Star caliber player under Steve Kerr. All I'm saying is that he has true raw potential, emphasis on RAW. Once again great analysis Alc!


They did make a statement, though - They don't really give a shit in the regular season - but they gotta stop treating the Oracle like this during this last season there


Felt like only KD cared about this game esp if you listen to his post game comments


The Golden State coasters checking in again


PJ Tucker continues to amaze me every time I watch him against us. He is the absolute Warrior killer. Dude is everywhere on the floor, from rebounds, 3’s and defense. Dude absolutely locked down KD on possessions and I remember vividly he blocked Steph and Klay on back to back driving attempts.


Here’s my take, Warriors have only been tested in the playoffs once and it was a 7 game series against these Rockets. This game reminded me CP3 is more valuable than Iguodola and his loss last year for HOU was big. I’m tired of Dubs getting “comfortable” shitting a brick in PRIMETIME games against premiere teams, potential playoff/Finals matchups. We acting like we have been tested in the playoffs before but actually had to overcome a 3-2 deficit with HOU aiding us in G7 with a historic effort (missing 27 straight 3’s). Hey I get it. I would love to face the Spurs again, or Blazers, or these easy ass matchups that lead to the big one in WCF. But it’ll be interesting if we have to go through SAC (1st round), HOU (2nd round) and OKC/DEN (3rd round) just to get to the Finals, which we are not facing an easy LeBron team anymore...


Unfortunately we are going to need to flip the switch again.


I can't wait to see how Kerr doesn't play Bell for rest of the season.


I don’t think Boogie will care quite frankly. He knows he will only be here for one year and as the season closes, he will push for those 30+ minutes as much as he can to showcase his skill set for his next suitor. Boogie has been lowkey talking shit about the coaching staff, how this minutes restriction is bothering him, even though he ain’t playing well. Dude has his own agenda and it’s so clear


Alc, I have to agree with you that a lot of this was chalked up to proving a point to Demarcus...it was his time to prove himself positively, or negatively ---- DMC +/- was -27.


I think Jordan's "maturity" problem is based off of things that happen his rookie season. From everything I've read and heard this year JB has been a model player from coming to practice everyday and being one of the first guys in the gym and one of the last ones out, etc etc. IMO Kerr simply doesn't want to play him.


Alc, come on mate! we can't even blame Steph... Kerr is basically giving the team to Kd, you can't keep calling Steph out as the leader when kerr is doing everything to cater to kd. the first 5/6 possessions Curry didn't even touch the ball. that needs to be addressed.


i'm surprised you weren't bringing up harden's absence as a deterrent for their motivation. no harden = nothing to win and something to lose, in my line we call this a negative freeroll, its an annoying spot to be in. this game doesn't mean much tho, but i agree they should have better control of their mindset, and am worried about Dray


Right... Steph needs to step out of his comfort zone and speak up more. We need his voice in these moments. He’s grown to accustomed to Dray doing all of it.

Paul Hanson

I actually considered not going to my gig so I could be comfy and stay at home to watch this game instead of getting stuck in Chinese New Year's Parade traffic getting to my gig. When I looked at my phone when I arrived-I saw "HOU 15-0 GSW" and I instantly knew that what I'd been fearing was true. They somehow can't find it within themselves to FOCUS on a game that should really be meaningful-regardless of Harden being in the game. It seems shockingly obvious that they were just out there playing as if in the park on Sunday for the first few minutes. It was all there-Steph's carelessness with the ball, Boogie can't jump, people all out of position, lack of hustle, lack of want-as if they've had enough at the dinner table after seconds. It gets really tiring as a fan watching on TV or the internet-how tiring is it for people who spend big bucks to be there at Oracle? Just lazy-ass effort! They have a chance to be swept by the Rockets this year. Regardless of whether or not they can really 'turn it on' for the playoffs- they seem like a tired team. Tired of being in the limelight constantly-I can imagine thats wearying but still-come on, don't give the game away right at the start! I haven't seen them hungry really too much in the regular season since the first year with KD-that was two years ago.


Bro exactly what I was thinking, draymond acts like he was about to die and kerr's reaction makes it look like he knew. They don't play looney, they take draymond out then who does the pressure fall on?


God awful perimeter defense by KD and Boogie every time Rockets set a screen. It's been like this non-stop. This is LeBron-level effort on defense. The guys that are the least willing to move off the ball should be moving more on defense. I groan every time I see Livingston get on the court... he's just too old now. I notice with Curry when the team is down and it's not the 3rd/4th quarter, he is hunting for the easiest shots possible. That also means he's going to make more of these high risk passes. It means he'll really push the pace in transition. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it doesn't. I don't think it was him not caring, it was him being more anxious. Like you said, Kerr probably knows Boogie is going to be abysmal against the Rockets, especially in the post season. Dude is a complete liability in PnR. I wouldn't be surprised if this was Kerr's way of saying "know your place" in regards to not getting the minutes he wants.


I can not express how annoying it is to see Kd try to play hero ball in that situation late game. Hes guarded by Tucker who is not only the rockets best defender but is the type of defender (small and strong) Kd struggles the most against. Kd seems to get sucked into the 1 on 1 game way too much. Curry seems to just not be interested in the game some time. I wonder if he would have been more aggressive and focused if Harden had played or if hes just done with the regular season and is waiting for the post season. Demarcus needs to stop taking some of these shots. He just doesnt have the lift to make them yet.


Agreed the fans that are spending big bucks have to be pissed! I think you nailed it “ tired of the limelight.


You couldn’t see him rolling Jerebko and Loon out tho? Like I agree! He has earned it but....


Guys dawg it in different ways. Steph it’s his passing and ball control. KD it’s his transition defense and close outs.


I think I'm gonna hibernate now and just wake up when postseason starts. Yawn...


Not giving him a pass but they force us into hero ball by aggressively switching everything. If KD wants to attack PJ it needs to be in space or on the catch and straight up no dribble.


at this point, i'm convinced even draymond can shoot 3s consistently in D'Antoni's system


Fully subscribe to the Kerr conspiracy theory. He wanted to see what Cousins and Bell could do against the rockets.. do you think we need to sign a backup big like Gortat?


I wonder if the reason they haven't filled the 15th spot is because A. They are waiting to see if DJones comes back. B. We are waiting to see what player goes down to injury. Demarcus is plateauing, if he doesn't get some lift I'm not sure how much he plays in the playoffs. The team we need him for is OKC and Adams. At least he can fend Adams off the boards better than anyone else we have.


I agree, unless there was a guy out there that they just have to acquire it makes sense to wait and see based on need.


blood pressure was high on that game. very frustrating to watch. but you know what. i aint competing 82 days a year in some regular season sport. i know they get paid for it, but i imagine its easy to forget that even as a star. and the warriors are spilling over with em. last year they were 45-14 at gm59, 2nd to rockets at 46-13. they need to lose to get some hype to win. i agree alch. i see a losing streak coming. rest green even if he feels fine tonight.

Thomas Ogas

Kerr (and staff) are intentionally NOT adjusting nor are they taking advantage of mis-matches on the floor. The coaching plan was vanilla. While it's possible they had one plan in place for Harden and then didn't switch it out, I think it's because they view the next 20 games as glorified scrimmages. They are looking to fully test out the limits of DMC and maybe other guys on the bench as well. They know Looney works vs the Rockets. Don't know if DMC or Bell work in this matchup, so why not get a larger sample size so they can get some film. I don't think this team fills that 15th roster spot unless someone gets hurt. They have enough line-up experiments on their plate already and still seem to be in test-mode. Adding another player is going to set them further behind.


I'm not sure it sets them further behind--how many minutes will the putative 15th man get?--but it ain't necessary. If there's an injury then get a guy to fill in, like Matt Barnes did for KD. Sure, they had to let go of Jose Calderon but they needed a SF. Or like how we got Quinn Cook when the Chef went down.