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vs NY GM-41



Yup. I totally agree on the OKC commentary.

Mayansh Upadhyaya

Thought on the clip of KAT cussing out his coach after he takes him off for being too mad at the refs. Maybe I'm reading into it but that expression of KAT was pure disrespect. Maybe just cuz he's a rookie coach the respect isn't there yet?


I liked it! Look at who KAT is. He needs to be empowered. He needs to take ownership of the team.


Pg has been having a great year, is russ seriously not gonna get him the last shot? Lol


Klay socializing with his new “Hollywood friends”..LOL 🤐😏


While I agree they looked better last night, I think that has a lot more to do with Knicks' terrible off-ball defense. When they struggle, it's because off-ball defenders are muuuuch more physical and engaged on stopping and or slowing cutters and screen setters. The flow and groove the Warriors get into work really well against lesser off-ball defenders, but we've seen them struggle with better communicating defense


you right, it was light work. But they seemed to have the juice or that Gstate energy we use to see.


Russ wild! just wait until he is done, the stories that are going to come out. Not saying anything crazy. Just his weirdness.


Let’s bring that juice on the road trip!!


"... looking like a George Lucas creation."😂😂


Sick Curry dribble @ 11:50, wow!

Kahlil Baker

Wassup with that possible draft pick we could get from Cavs??? McCaw and the Cavs trying to do is dirty


Great analysis as always Alch. I was at the game and you hit on a lot of the things I saw. I would call out KD and Dray specifically for not just telegraphing their passes but staring down their receiver like a rookie QB. I 100% agree with you that Kerr had misread the situation and is trying to feed KD with ball handling but that's not the ideal version of the team or the best utilization of his skills. He's a finisher more than a drive and kick Giannis / Russ / LeBron type. Kerr gotta stop trying to fit a square peg into a round whole hoping to keep KD happy when I think what would best keep him happy is a functioning offense. Knicks defense was awful but they had clearly been told to go out, run Steph off the line and go for turnovers on KD, which they did pretty well. Only thing is that left Klay wide open and as we know he had himself a night. But they got more steals than we should be comfortable with. Mario Hezonja got two steals in a row on the same lazy pass to set up the half court offense and got dunks on both. It was pretty embarrassing if not for the fact that we were up 30 at the time. Something else I noticed was that the loudest that Oracle got was with this lineup: Steph-Andre-McKinnie-Jerebko-Draymond. Why? Everyone was out their hustling for rebounds, cutting hard, shooting and in general just playing with heart. That's warriors basketball and thats what we love. They need to recapture that across the board.


'Why don't we call a simple PnR?' It almost feels like it physically pains Kerr to call a PnR...


Fun fact in regards to Allonzo Trier, he was the dude in which you were like "It's Pat McCaw..nah" in the last matchup against Knicks lol. From what I read about him, he was suspended for banned substance in college but it was also reported that he would ice teammates out (aka not a team player) so that was why he went undrafted.


KD really needs to stop telegraphing his passes. It's just too obivous. Imo he is at his best when driving to the rim and collapsing the defense like LeBron. Let Curry handle the ball more. No more Draymond standing top of the key and teams knowing he will pass beforehand. It will help reduce the turnovers. Let Draymond set more screens and cut. Klay again seems to be getting closer to his normal self while Steph and KD are regressing a bit. Steph's 3 pt shot just hasn't been nearly as consistent before the injuries, even looking at his good games. His misses before were close shots but now his misses are often way off, short or misaligned quite a bit.


Pat McCaw just signed 780k 1 year minimum with Raptors. Ideally Adam Silvers punishes Cavs meddling by giving us draft pick for Zion lol. Also this may be one of the worst #betonyourself move I've seen. Really I want to read McCaw's mind to understand how he fcked this up


🔥🔥🔥 video as always alch I was lucky enough to be court side at that game last night and it was great. I noticed a lot of little things that the camera won’t catch and the media won’t cover for example draymond and kd have great chemistry on the floor and on the bench ( that might be a little obvious idk) they joke around a lot with each other but the way they move there eyes to communicate on a play with one another is ridiculous oh and boogie...that boy lookin ready right now!!! of course Oracle was rocking with Klay going for 43 but tbh I didnt even realize he was the leading scorer until he hit 32 I’m not trying to clout chase or promote myself on your Patreon cause that’s some hoe s**it but I’ll be dropping a “vlog” kinda like your Phoenix one in the next couple of days if it’s cool I’ll link it in the comments or something so you can check it out and again I’m not trying clout chase or be on some 🐍 ish 💯💯💯


"socialize with his new hollywood friends" - pre-LA era?


That was Marcus Semien at the end. Bay Area born and raised and playing shortstop for the A's.


G (ood info. I know Klay is loyal to Oakland (The Town) and the A's.


Thanks Alchemy for the video and for the OKC game ending. Sucks to see Russell Westbrook taking the last two shots, knowing that PG is a better shooter.


Alchemy, quick question. I watched the game, and three different times I saw Draymond give up practically uncontested layups....only to pass the ball to a shooter or three point shooter. I'd rather see him finish at the rim. What do you think?


for the most part I agree. But context of the moment matters. Are we up big? Down Big? close? Is someone hot?


Nice! That had to be a fun one to be at. Very curious to see how the crowds in the city will be.


lol I remember that was my first look at him. He had that ugly half fro going. Similar to the kid Melton in PHX. Lotto talent but slid for character.


It really was. You think he is going to crack that rotation!? Maybe Lowery's back is worse than we know.


I think we're seeing Iguodala having such a better year bc of what happened last year. He coasted during the regular season last year but he got injured when we needed him most in the playoffs. I think he realizes now that it's no guarantee that he will be able to play in the games that we signed him to specifically play him in the first place. I think he feels a little guilty lol. What separates Curry from KD or Klay is that he can have a terrible shooting night but still be the reason we dominate. In Curry's 31 minutes last night, we had a ridiculous offensive rating of 144. He was a game high +38. This is why we need to put the ball in his hands. His gravity is what takes us to that next level.


Was STOKED to see content from other teams pop up! But a little let down when you mixed the clips inbetween the GS-KNICKS footage on and off. I felt like it kinda took the rhythm and feel from the breakdown, but I also wanted to hear more of your takes on Russ and the Thunder and more at the same time. I felt torn! I would love if you seperated the two things instead =) Thank you AA!


I didn't plan for it. I just had the footage on there. And our game was really like 2.5 quarters of competitive ball. I will work it in better moving forward when I do.


Steph has been hinting at that. I think IG's pride is also a factor. Everybody, myself included always questioning if he still got it. At his age its Dangerous as hell to try and flip a switch. Ya kinda got to leave it on.


Great content as always, in regards to you being “Baffled by Paul George staying?” I agree Russ is a head case, as in the clutch he trust nobody but himself and he a stat chacer...a pg like that is a set up. but the idea that Paul George would actually leave $46 million on the table to head back home to Los Angeles always sounded ridiculous to me. Them bird rights ain’t no joke, KD ain’t going no where either watch. And you right Dray is looking solid from the post, which will be huge when boogie comes back as drey in the post alows boogie to get all those open looks teams was dareing dray to take, spacing gonna have Klay eating something serious, can’t wait! P.s. when dray is saying my bad and taking responsibility we know it’s all good in the warriors locker room which is huge as we know the only thing that can beat us is us.