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Mayansh Upadhyaya

was really refreshing to see steph hyped and fired up for this game. just wanna really see it against a better team next time.


On the second pre season game video i commented that klay looked different. Now after the first half of the season he still looks not like before, he has an attitude now, something is different. He looks more concerned with his touches and the talk around him than in the past. I think it is that contract year that affects him.


I’m a stay at home dad of 4 kids, in New Zealand. These recaps come out around 9-930am, so each day following a game I have the same ritual; drop the kids off at school, get home, make breakfast and sit down to eat while watching Alch break down the game. On game days, games are usually between 2-430 pm, so I pick the kids up, get home and slowly prepare dinner while watching the game. Perfect life!


For everyone who didnt see the "moment with coach Kerr" referenced in the post interview in the video: <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/warriors/comments/ad30cu/steph_and_coach_kerr_after_the_game/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/warriors/comments/ad30cu/steph_and_coach_kerr_after_the_game/</a>


Alch I'm now taking notes on your videos. Klay dogging it much more, playing like most of the other scorers in the league, if it aint gettin to him, he's coasting, same on D, if his man isn't going up he's coasting. I think you are spot as well with KD not liking the 3 pt line. Any number of great shooters in the league can shoot like he can from 3, no one can make his own shot mid range like KD. And Dray bitching at teammates is almost always his instinctual first move after the other team scores. He may not even realize how silly he looks when it's him, it's like his and 1 scream when he drives, it's instinctual, the refs ignore him. When we get beat on one to the rack, he just bitches at someone else, even if it's him. My favorite is catching Carith watching Steph tie his shorts up postgame....


I was watching Ximo Pierto highlights last night (tough to watch for the lil details when watching game live on tv) and the defensive woes I noticed were also the same ones you pointed out. The more egregious one was when they decided to double WCS like he's AD (lol) when Kings had been hot from 3 all night. The lack of communication was alarming too as in some of those plays, 2 Dubs went to the guy in paint thus yielding an open 3.


I want to see a couple of games holding a team below 100, can't just plan on shooting like 50% from 3 every night


Near the end it felt like a home game sometimes, with the way the crowd reacted. What a game to be in the arena. Wow.


(oops, accidentally pressed 'enter' too early lol) Steph was def POTG as anytime Kings hit a 3 to get ahead, he comes back bombing one of his own. KD also made timely back-to-back 3s but it was disturbing how any sort of lead (be it 16, 10 or just 6) evaporated super fast. Another disturbing thing is aside from Quinn's points in the 1st half, the bench (excluding Dre as he's really a starter in our eyes lol) was a nonfactor. Jonas was a ghost tonight while Zo clanked a 3 and then the missed dunk.


yeah klay actually has that attitude ppl think kd has.. that i dont need yall, yall need me attitude going into a free agency


klay looks real frustrated, maybe cuz hes thinking baout he money


or the all star team selection


that curry jabstep though


yeah alch our perimeter defense is trash giving up so many threes, wanna go back to keeping people under 100 and getting 30 assists a night


someone said curry hit jackson with a hadouken jab step 😂😂😂😂


Part of me wants Steph to try more Hardin gather hop travel step back moves, let the refs know that the entire league may soon do that cheat move, maybe then they will have to make a better rule interpretation.


Thats a good call with Dray..everybody around him is just a custom to it. Me! Im the type to let him know, and that would be in any coworker situation. Dray could stand to up his self awareness.


That Houston game definitely influenced Steph to take more stepbacks, he knows he can do the same shit. That travel he did wasn't premeditated based on his interview, but that stepback is one you have to prepare beforehand to get it right otherwise you mess up keeping the dribble alive. KD having an invisible game is usually what's optimal for the team. Klay finally establishing better balance on his shots, this is not a coincidence that he is making his 3s now. The dynamic between the two is iffy like you say.


It's legal if you do it properly, there's no ambiguity. Steph messed up here because he tried to step too much with what was supposed to be his zero step, ended up moving his right foot twice after he touched the ball with both hands. When you touch the ball with both hands, that's when you start counting the 1st and 2nd step. This is maybe the hardest stepback to do and Steph didn't really practice it much and did it in spur of the moment, based on his interview.


Yo Alc check out this statistic: for all 26 players in nba history to average at least 28/6/6, KD this year has the best TS% of any of them.


Alchemy - the 5:35 point of the video shows KD and Klay, and the communication breakdown on defense, with Klay just walking away. I slowed it down and watched it a couple times. KD is yelling to Klay "I got this man, you take ball" but Klay ignored KD and Justin Jackson drives right to the rim for layup. I think that shows Klay's colors. He's really just about getting his, and isn't much a team guy right now. I think Klay will be the first Warrior to sign with a different team.


Alchemy thanks for calling out Ron Adams, the Warriors defensive coach. I have heard interviews with him. He's humble and rock solid. But, the Warriors inability to guard the three point line night after night after night needs to be seriously addressed. It's real.


It would be so interesting that all season we are worried about what KD might do in FA that lowkey Klay may be the one to leave. He’s gonna be looking for max for sure. He got 3 rings and he is in his prime. The dude looks different right now and just like what the players characterize him, “You just never know with Klay, man”. Okay, in this case if Klay leaves I don’t think there’s a reason to keep Dray at all. Those 3 can’t get it done and we need another superstar “scorer” alongside KD and Steph quite frankly. Also if Klay leaves, that squashes Myers dreams of trading for AD. Although Myers making it known in the first place should get Klay in his feelings tbh.


It's an ugly defense right now, we are making teams look better than they are.


The team doesn't really need another star, if anything Klay looking for his shots and having 20 FGA is making this team way too top heavy. Klay is in the top 20 ppg by sheer amount of shots taken. We need better flexible role players and focus more on Steph / KD. This is assuming Klay leaves of course.


You hit the nail on the head again. The switching on defense is absolutely shameful. I honestly can't blame the coaching on this, bc this is mostly an effort issue. Just compare the defense in the 4Q to the rest of the game. They are so inconsistent with their defensive effort. And the other part related to this that's killing us is the transition defense. Once again, poor effort. We got murdered in fast break points in this game. We are completely losing track of shooters spotting up at the 3pt line on these breaks. We are constantly outnumbered on these breaks bc guys aren't hustling back. It's all an effort issue.


It is very hard to 3peat guys...extremely hard. How many of us really are that enthusiastic 5 to 10 years in the same company like the first year. But when push comes to shove (playoffs, where they know they all have a chance to make history and even the ones leaving can also upgrade their resumes immensely), I believe they'll show up. Good to see Steph take control tho! As for Klay, he's prolly tired of playing 3rd fiddle, the older you get, the more you feel more responsible and demand more respect. We need to remember these guys are humans as we are. Nice work Alch!

Ezra Abbey

super fun game and a pretty spot on analysis alch. I was wondering if you'd consider breaking down some other teams every now and then? maybe the raps, bucks or the thunder. thanks!


Thanks Alch, spot on analyst, I don't expect anything less. Keep up the great work, love your work !!!


Alch on Klay: "Feed the greedy Kid early so everybody else can eat"…yep pretty much, however I disagree with the premises that he is just now showing his true colors. Klay has been consistent about his expectations as his selflessness has always been conditional, as it should be as we should all strive to live a sucker free life. #1) Compete for ships, check. #2) Klay grew up with NBA money so he doesn't have to be the highest paid anything, pay him fair and respectable and he's good, check as management will offer him fair respectable money. #3) Klay Couldn't care less about being THE man but wants to be respected and valued as indispensable towards the teams overall success. That’s where the problem lies as in his opinion him missing the all-star game puts #3 in question. Going into a contact year Klay put in a lot of work this offseason to expand his game, i.e. his ball handling / getting his own shot ability. As a result he was playing out of character early and it impacted his efficiency, coupled with Dray warranting no respect on the perimeter resulting in an extra defender to play free safety making it harder for Klay to operate. Klays numbers suffered thus he may miss the All-Star game. Meanwhile the team is working on getting better, and at times, like at the 2:26 mark of this video, he was open and "needed" the ball as he needs to be an All-star for #3 to be valid. Klay knows if he averages 27.5 pts. a game from now to the break, he will be an All-star, he's shooting for that and it shows. Good news is Klay wants to Win Ships and Boogie is going to help with spacing, as a result 3peating will be Klay 's cure all as with any retrospect he will realize it's not the teams vault he missed the all-star game and as far as order of importance goes, he is best in GSW, he will resign. Alch on KD: "He recognized his selfish ways now he is moving the ball" IMO every game takes on its own shape i.e. long road trip?, officiating crew?, degree of physicality?, Who's dialed in and who isn't as it’s a long season? etc. etc. IMO the best players are like water and be whatever is needed to fill the mold and get the job done. That’s the premise of his decision making not selfish motivation. He is by no means perfect but IMO his intentions are. Hence why him and Russ have both flourished apart. IMO KD ability to be water on the biggest stage is why he has 2 finals MVP's dude doesn't get enough credit for being arguably the best player on the team all while not taking away from anyone's game. KD also strives to live sucker free, thus as long a Dub Nation is putting respect on his name and we max him out on the offseason, he's staying as no team can offer him as much money as we can. Management will do their part and offer him the max, we just got to do our part recognize there are a lot of stacked rosters and some individual freakish opponents, Thus KD is vital and indispensable in reaching our goals just as much as SC30 is. Not you Alch, but some dub fans and apparently Dray don't get that. Again, KD is vital and indispensable in reaching our goals just as much as SC30 is. Ultimately I agree with what you are saying Alch I'd just prefer the wording be a little different.


Very well written! Remember what I am saying is done over a highlight it has to be super condensed. I love KD water analogy I think you are spot on. He is a basketball purest he will try to do whatever is needed. Klay I am more concerned with than you appear to be. True he has always looked to shoot every time he touches it. He never use to let any offensive frustration spill over to the defensive side. He is playing much more individual focused game on both ends its clearly all about him right now. Just watch him, watch how much more slouching of the shoulders he is doing. How lazy some of his switches are. If had to guess right now it be Klay leaving not KD.


"He is a basketball purest he will try to do whatever is needed", exactly! and that meant deffering to russ in OKC, the opposite of water. Almost like when you've been with a selfish female then your next girl is selfless you apperciate it so much more. KD apperciates steph + us being able to offer the most money, yeah dude is staying i agree with you. I'm not worried about Klay because cause his shoot is still flawless he just wasn't playing like Mr. 60 pts on 11 dribbles as he wanted to showcase how much of a complete player he is and it messed up his efficiency, as his shot is always butter when he moves without the ball and less wet with the ball. The moving without the ball part was negatively impacted by dray creating the perfect storm. However, i'm confident that storm will pass, Boggie is going to help with spacing, min splits, and just being a much needed big body to clog up the defensive paint. Bogut couldn't defend the permiter but him and dray worked well together, Boggie will do the same. Once the playoffs start Klay missing the all star game with be the least of where his focus lies, when he is on that float throwing up that 3peat missing the allstar game will be the least of his conserns....right know klay looks bad as he wants the allstar bad / after the break klay is going to change his focus to 3peat and him wanting that bad is going to make him look like his old shelf, us getting it is going to be the cure all and everything will be all good. he staying


Sound logic. I must confess I never imagined us depending on Boogie so much when that deal got done.


Excellent breakdown as always, Alch! Everybody talking about Klay's woes and his selfishness, but I wanted to say I was impressed with KD in this game despite some of the turnovers and blown switches. He wasn't necessarily hunting his shot, but was making a concerted effort to facilitate more. Had some nice passes to Klay for wide open shots, also deferred to Steph(as you mentioned) when he got going. I would like to touch on Steph's passivity though. He had his shot going the entire game, but some of those turnovers were absolutely atrocious considering they were all live-ball turnovers, and were completely uncalled for. Some of them I felt swung the momentum of the game at times. There were a couple WCS dunks that happened right after Steph turned it over. And to be totally honest, Steph looked passive as a facilitator. You mentioned in one of your previous breakdowns that KD was looking to pass just for the sake of it, and wasn't being decisive with it. I felt the same way with Steph this game. Now, I commend him for taking over the game in the fourth quarter, but his decisiveness still needs some work. As a side note I think Draymond was much much better offensively in this game. In particular, I like his decisiveness in getting to the rim on a couple of plays and he hit a three for once.