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Here we go again


Keep it real Alchemy


Its so frustrating everytime drayman is wide open...

Nathan Glanzer

We lost this one at the FT line. Pathetic.


This game was just bad all around. Both teams deserved an L


I was lucky enough to be at the game - the Oracle absolutely brought it last night after that ugly-ass Christmas Day game. Shame that GS lost the game because 3 of the greatest shooters all time managed to miss 6 free throws together...


Game was quite the circus LoL


I went to the bathroom because I thought they would just foul and curry would get us up by 4, when I came back I saw Blazers by 1.


So after Christmas Dre says its on him to be more decisive...translation hot potato the ball out his hand asap so the fact that he is clearly the weakest link in the half court is not amplified....just because you make a quick pass to one of 3 players being garded by 5 dudes, doesn't change the fact that it is 3 on 5....saddest part is i think this is as good as its gets for 2018-19 dray...what you see is what you get...same way Klay form is good thus when the floor is spaced we know in time he will be fine....dra form is trash thus we know today was as good as it gets for dray...i'm done with dude, dray pisses me off this year as much as zaza did last year...between boogie and the buyout market we will 3 peat, then dray will be traded + free agency and we bout to 4 peat as KD stays for the money and without dray the joy will be back


Maybe we'll get McCaw back and he'll save team 🤗LoL, can't help but be facetious at this point or what to think 🤐


This is where the team could really use a calm, consistent, and professional teammate like David West


I'm glad this one wasn't on down here and I could just go to bed early...


We look like a team that doesnt practice, doesnt plan for opponents, and doesnt really care about these games--and it's showing. I would love for Kerr to get us back to that 2015-16 hunger and ingenuity. IMO, it's on him (and Curry as the primary playmaker) to wake us up from this laid back nonchalant style of play.


Theory: I think that Warriors went into this season believing that they were going to have to scheme against switching defense since the Rockets did it so well against them. I just saw the NBATV special with Steph, Klay, Isaiah, and Dumars, and Steph said that it's a 'copycat' league and teams try executing the same/similar defensive strategies to stop the Warriors. Because the league watched that series vs the Rockets, maybe the Warriors believed that the league would start switching more against them all most of their actions. But I think they've been surprised by the new approach that, for example, the Bucks, Jazz, and Lakers conducted. Teams are either fighting over screens or aggressively doubling Steph, Klay, and KD. It seems now they have to work to counter this strategy that they didn't anticipate going into the season.


Holy Scooby Doo why did Curry not hold onto the ball that last possession smh. Even if we won this game, I still would have been infuriated. The more you compare this offense to 2015-2016, the more you get disgusted by the decline in off ball movement. Of course passing the ball doesn't work (shoutout to Klay and KD complaints) when no one is moving off the ball to create mismatches and misdirections. Only dude moving is Curry and Klay, with Klay being way too easily satisifed on what a "good" shot is. We are net negative when he is on the court, +8 points per 100 possession with him off. Looney and Dray should be moving around, not standing on the perimeter because they can't shoot. It's like they have no stamina to commit. Maybe this problem stems from adding another MVP caliber player in KD? Funny thing is KD in 2017 played far more fluid Warriors offense than what he is doing now. We also saw similar problems in 2018 WCF. There's a reason why this team's offensive net rating rises only by a point with KD on the court. It is what it is.


Anytime Klay shoots a 3 this season, I can pretty much expect it to miss. Dude needs an analyst to observe the physics of his shot and work something out.


Lost in the shooting problems for Klay, Draymond and occasionally Steph, is the change that has occurred in how well blended KD's iso scoring has become....KD is passing/facilitating better and seems to go to that iso gear at just the right times and in the right amounts now...no more getting stuck in iso gear....that's a great sign and Klay's shot will get sorted. Keep the faith, Dubs aren't done.


We need to put the ball back in Steph's hands and he needs to be the primary playmaker. All this off-ball crap is leading to him not being completely engaged and making mistakes uncharacteristic of him. These new lineups with Steph not playing the whole 1st and 3rd are killing his rhythm.


5:22. Oh I forgot about that possession. Jesus this team gets lazier each season. How does NO ONE come up to help Curry out? Even Draymond no longer pushes the pace consistently like he used to. So infuriating. I apologize for the comments spam


KD is one of the biggest culprit in not moving off the ball.


I think we what we are witnessi g together with ego dynamics is that team being used to having deadly screener and 4 assasins are now without single good screensetter and if Durant can go iso ball Carry and Kley can not do it as effectively. that is why we keep talking poor shot sellections death traps and forced shots. We need someone who sets screen and makes physical presence. Even Green is not physical only barking! get some Za or West trype of slow stone wall player even on min Vet contract or get the buggy play already


On the last turnover, Steph was passing to Dray, which makes the decision look even worse. Dray should be the last person to touch the ball in an FT shootout situation.


You're right. When teams get blown out at home the way the Warriors have this year, you gotta blame the coach for not getting the guys in the right frame of mind.


Regarding Kerr, a really telling point was when the Warriors were up 4 points in overtime, WITH THE BALL, and mid way through the 20 second shot clock, the offense just stalls, nothing cooking, nobody moving. I was yelling "CALL A TIMEOUT!" Curry takes a super low percentage fade away, and McCullum walks down court and drains a three pointer


Again, when the Warriors were inbounding the ball to WIN THE GAME, I was secretly thinking, I wish Kerr would just call a simple time out, get the guys on the same page, put the ball in play and win the game. You know how that story ended. For Kerr, calling a time out is below him. Like he can't be bothered actually coaching. I think the Warriors win the infamous Clipper game in November if Kerr calls a time out.


And yet the difference between his career average and this year is less than one made basket in ten shots, which means three misses in every four games at the rate he's shooting threes. And it's only three made baskets out of a hundred less than KD's this year; KD has the lowest 3-point % he's had in the last ten years. But do you feel like every time KD launches a three it's going to miss? And Dray's overall shooting percentage is only one miss in 40 shots less than his career average, and almost identical to what it was two years ago. It's a matter of perception and not reality...


Tough game, but we'll be okay


I kinda want to see them slip to a bottom seed briefly so they can't say well we are still In first


That is a great take! I think you're right. almost half way through now they need to figure out some counters. It might just be taking Draymond off the floor as crazy as that sounds.


Taking about this in the last comments. Steph needs to step up and be more vocal if that's what he wants.


YES! That is what I have been looking at lately. I have even more takes on it that I am kinda saving as I get good examples of it.


Ah no Lol - tho I get what you're saying. Feel they got this (at least I'm hoping)


Part of me almost thinks Kerr is refusing to adjust the team because he doesn't want to readjust once Boogie is back. I imagine if he returns and suddenly we look like a superteam again, it's gonna do wonders for his value this offseason.

Jansen E

This game......sigh.....just ugh. I was having a hard enough time watching it to start out. The lazy passes, stagnant offense, and just Nurkic looking like a 15x All Star and hall of famer on the inside against them. Yes I know hes good, but goddamn. Just like Rondo against the Lakers, he was just destroying them offensively every single time. Then they started coming back and I was like okay! Its ugly but I'll take it! They shouldve won in regulation but fine, I'll take 5 minutes of the Warriors reinvigorated with life! Then a 4 point lead and 3 straight TOs for the Blazers! They got the W! This one is in the bag!.......wait......what the fuck is happening.....Dumb possession + poor transition defense + lazy effort thinking the game is over = they blew that game like a muffukka. I have no idea what Curry is thinking with that attempted pass over a double team. They were gonna foul him. Just eat the ball and sit still. A quick 3 was the WORST possible outcome to give up there......and of course. In perfectly sloppy Warriors fashion, they give up a quick 3. I thought for SURE Durant had that open jumper. He got the defender to fly by and I wouldve put money that Durant hits that 6ft jumper 99/100 times. Its unfortunate this was the 1/100 where he pulls it WAY short. Curry owes Draymond a nice steak dinner and maybe a brand new suit with that stupid ass turnover. Draymond came in with a clutch corner 3 and it was just completely thrown away with his decision making. This game wouldnt have bothered me so much if it were in Portland. But the fact they did this in front of their home crowd and just ASSUMED the game was over and that Portland would give up down 4 points is embarrassing. Kerr needs to start disciplining way more for this bullshit because they are playing way too egotistic and cocky.


Borderline unwatchable game. I honestly barely paid attention to it during the 4Q. Even if we won, not much good at all to take from it. This team is walking a line right now and , frankly, being a little reckless and careless. What would happen if Curry or KD or Draymond got injured right now? GSW's January schedule is brutal. A lot of people left and right criticizing Kerr and our schemes/sets/philosophies right now, but here's a question: would any of it even be happening if Klay were putting up the numbers and %'s he normally does? I think not, bc we'd be winning all these games. You wouldn't hear a peep from anyone. In the last 6 games, Klay is shooting around 15% from 3 lol. As far as an explanation for the team's bad shooting, anyone who plays ball knows the number 1 reason a good shooter goes cold. Tired legs. This team may not have its legs right now.


True but Dray would have passed it to someone else anyways as he had no man on him.


Fair... but he is struggling and they are dragging their feet and Kerr doesn’t seem to be pulling any strings let alone the right ones.


Yo, you’re about to see a LeBron in January during the CLE years, the sequel, during this Jan. They gonna drop a bunch of games, everyone’s going to start saying how bad they are and that they may not make it back to the finals. Plus boogcomes back in January so they’re going to start experimenting. It’s going to be a bad month. Then January will end and they’ll get their shit together and run for the title again. Come check back in February because nothing happening right now matters that much. As much as we want them to, and as much as they may want to, Deep down they know it’ll be alright. I don’t think they can trick themselves into thinking a reg season game is a big game that they all need to perform their best cuz they need to win. They could trick themselves 2 years ago. Not anymore. And 75% of the Warriors best is now only a couple points better than everyone else. 75% effort used to be 10-15pt wins. Which is good for the league. Everyone who thought they would ruin the nba was dead wrong, it helped the nba because it forced teams to use space and ball movement.


@ Alch. You think Kerr has any control over this squad? Something tells me he doesn't. He should be smart enough to know the general problems of the team and has addressed them, only problem is guys on the team are too egotistical to listen. Maybe he lost his ego control over this team.


I think Looney being afraid to foul is something they've been specifically working on with him, remember how many soft little and-1 fouls he used to give up once he got beat in the last couple years? I've noticed he's been way better about that this year. Next step is recognizing which situations to confidently foul and make sure there is no possibility of an and-1. Luckily Draymond is amazing at that so hopefully Looney can pick up cues from him.


Good point... now the Pendulum has swung too far. It hurts his screen setting too. Hate to bring it up again and with another guy. But he is also looking for the bag and needs to stay on the floor.


Hey alc, I have a question regarding shooting in general. So I noticed whenever I play pick up ball, I seem to shoot a lot better off the dribble rather than a catch and shoot shot. So I was wondering, do you think my shooting woes are just a result of me overthinking my open looks, or is there something I can improve mechanically in my jumper to hit those catch and shoot opportunities.


go on^


It’s how you practice. Most people don’t have the luxury of someone shagging balls for them. What you can do is simulate the pass by throwing it to a spot. Then most importantly find your rhythm with your feet. If you are right handed, the footwork is left, right with a slight tilt of your right foot forward. If you can hop on the catch or get that left right as the pass comes it will simulate the off the bounce rhythm.


Shooters shoot. Defenders defend. Don't relax until the last buzzer.


Sounds about right...I wonder if the media announcing the death of a dynasty will motivate Them to push through the dog days.