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gm vs MEM 31




Nathan Glanzer

Everyone had a solid game. Nice to see.


“Pause of death. Shut up, Alch!!” Lol. Dude, you kill me.


Yeah I was there at this game last night as a birthday gift for my mom who has never gone to a game before. I can probably only afford one game a season lol! But it just looked like Memphis with their lack of Conley was forced to always leave out someone. I was expecting a more grinding type of game since that's how it usually is against them, but they just lacked that defensive presence this time around. Jerebko was completely open most of the night and I really don't think Memphis was ready for his three ball, which were truly the highlight of the night. All of us there were just so pleased when those shots went down for him. But he won't be that open come playoff time, so let's see how it goes.


I’m all about Dray driving to the rim. Would love to see him sneak his way into double digits on a nightly basis with a floater and some free throws.

Neal X

Couldn't agree more about Steph making things too hard for himself, sometimes I'm thinking he just does it out of boredom. This is a guy who can just pull up from the hash mark when he's feeling it, but it just seems like he's not feeling it nowadays unless they are up big already. I want to see the Steph from the legendary OKC game a few seasons ago when Durant was still there and Steph just didn't give a fuck.

Neal X

Double comment but did Kerr really say that about Casspi? Damn. Also did you catch the Japanese player coming off the bench for Memphis at the end? He scored one. Yuta Watanabe, apparently the first Japanese-born player to even win a NCAA Division I basketball scholarship.


I think these jerseys are fire


I like the design but not the colors. But it’s more so our history in them. Go look at every bad game this year.


Alc: the pause of d.. Ig: shut up Alc! Love the commentary bro


I like our guys being less predictable, defenses play draymond for the pass and if he can't command respect from 3 he needs to show the defense that he isn't one dimensional, Klay same way I'm sure he could get some great assists they way he gets guarded because of his reputation that if he gets the ball he's shooting.


Mark who knows! There is a lot of things being lost in tone. What ever it was he looks like a different guy now.


I have a theory on why Klay is taking so much shot, maybe he knows that when Cousins is ready to be inserted into the rotation, his shot attempts might take a hit the most being the 3rd option.


Totally agree with you. I'd like to see Steph getting easier off-screen pull-ups. I can't remember the last time Steph pulled up off a drag screen. I also like Dray's aggressiveness in transition. If he develops even just one reliable way to finish a possession, someone will throw him a max (probably not a good thing for the Dubs, though)


Jerebko on a vet min may be the current most bang for your buck contract in the league. I said it when we got him, bigs who can shoot are lethal in this system. But he's also a complete player. He literally plays hard and physical on every possession and is a much better defender than he seems. Klay has to have seen his shot %'s this year and is realizing that he has to stop chucking or else his %'s will never go up. That play you broke down with Bell slipping the screen shows exactly why Bell is an NBA player and Jones is not. Bell understands those details while Jones is clueless. One notable thing from this game was that we finally saw Kerr start to stagger Curry and KD a little more. Curry started the 2/4Q while KD and Klay rested. I think he's finally had enough with how anemic the offense is with out Curry or KD.


Jerebko is great when he can stay on the floor, dude seems to really like picking up some quick fouls


tbh i really like these jerseys