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vs SAC 29



No defense, just an open gym all game. I am sick of this I'll see y'all in april because games aren't worth my time. Hopefully by then someone talks to klay about his shot selection because he has been chucking all year.


I was thinking about what you said a few weeks back about a stat for accuracy of passes. I saw two misses from Klay off KD passes that he had to reach for a bit, whereas the ones from Dray hit him square. I think for Klay as a catch and shoot guy, it makes a huge difference and it would be interesting (and far too time consuming) to his percentages when he get a clean polished passed versus the ones he needs to reach for or wait for.


What’s gudd coach, I seen one scenario of draymond talking to fox after the game, what do you think he was giving him advice on?


As a former catch and shoot player both the timing of the pass receiving it off the cut or screen at the right time and the ball coming to your hands in shot pocket rather than having to reach.....all the difference in the world.


I'm glad Kerr recognized it with his postgame comments - the game flipped in our favor in the 4Q bc of Draymond and his defense. Kings missed 7 of their last 8 shots and turned it over twice. That's why we won. And the play of the game was arguably a foul by Draymond on Fox, right here: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=10&amp;v=Lh7QHX9jdAU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=10&amp;v=Lh7QHX9jdAU</a> . We had fouls to give and this was a great hard foul by Draymond on Fox. On the next play, Fox bricked his shot. The reason the game came down to the wire was bc we were playing half-assed defense all night. Kerr needs to start staggering Curry and KD more until Boogie comes back bc these lineups to start the 2/4Q are killing us. Klay leads the entire league in shot attempts lol. Career lows for Klay in 3pt% and FG%. Dude needs to stop chucking. He's taking stupid contested mid range shots when Curry and KD are open. No excuse for that


I've always wondered why Kerr never staggers Steph and KD like Houston does with CP3 and Harden. Maybe he just wants to save it for playoffs (kind of like the Steph/KD pick and roll) as he did it a little more in that Rockets series. Remember when you mentioned in the TWolves video how Nate Duncan said that KD gets actualized and utilized less now that Steph and Draymond are back? It's a fair point and couldn't a simple resolution to it be to not always play him with Steph the whole game? As a coach why wouldn't you want to maximize the talents of your two MVPs? But we'll have to see I guess.


Klay now has more field goal attpts than KD and Curry. Someone needs to tell him to stop chucking every time he gets the ball. Draymond was amazing this game, especially the first quarter. Dude was finding everyone on offense and knew how to draw defenders. Felt like 2016 again, everyone played within the flow for the first few minutes. If there is one guy I don't want shooting full court buzzers it's Steph. No need to do it this year when he is so close to 50% from 3. In fact, he might actually be at 50 if he didn't attempt those.

Kahlil Baker

Hey alc what do you think about the suns owner demanding they approve a new stadium for the team?


Boy! If they don’t resign Dray I want to hear from you first! It was a good foul, Foxx’s speed is what made it so hard. Like hitting a long ball off a pitcher that throws gas. I agree Klay needs to fall back to third wheel.


Honestly! I think Kerr suffers a bit from smartest guy in the room syndrome. You look at his success and it’s easy to see why.


The vets have love for him because there is no backdown. Probably telling him to keep leading his team and it’s his team. Maybe a F Jager too 😀


I hear you... but let’s talk after Memphis Monday! Don’t want that either... but this is what the league is now. My biggest gripe is like that 3ball from Jackson in transition with a open lane to the rim. Guys are trying to be what they are not... frankly we ( the Dubs) are to blame 😀


When you were comparing the rhythm of KD and Klay, one good eye. I have noticed KD with catch and shoot, and is good at it, as long as someone not right on him. It's like it takes a while from him to get the ball in his shooting pocket because it has to go up sar far to get over his head. Klay is the master of catch and shoot regardless of closeness of defenders. But in klays shot during that comment, I think he is also upset because the pass was way off and I don't think he was fully able to get the ball comfortable in his shooting pocket because he had to fire it away so quick. The "brake dribble" JJ did was a great eye, and that takes some skill. Not just doing it, but knowing when to use it. You would've seen most guys in the league take steps right there, or end up shooting a floater. He's really surprised me with his body control. He may not be fast or quick but he has great kinesthetic awareness, and along with his IQ, is hard for some teams to deal with, because even if they're quicker and can jump higher, he knows how to manage dealing with all of it.


Good call on the accuracy of that pass. Better low than high tho. I love that “brake dribble” term I’m have to steal it. Too bad we don’t see it very often.

Ezra Abbey

hey alch! I'd love to see a video of yours maybe breaking down why the rockets have been struggling so much. great video btw


Totally second this...I'd love to hear your take on that. Actually, how about a State of the West video around mid-season?


So it looks like they're back in slog-mode somewhat, honestly. Just playing enough to capture that 1 or 2 seed and then flip the switch in the playoffs. I hope Boogie's hungry enough to put a more pepper into the team when he returns in a week or two.


I felt like draymond was assist hunting all game. Forcing passes in windows that were closed and passing up layups for assists. His stat line showed it too. Maybe Steve Kerr been on him about shooting too much and he’s overcompensating.


He was....But they definitely not on him about shooting too much, go take a look at his attempt since he got back 3,4,5 in game.


Shout out to Uncle Alchemy's insightful and funny commentary, highly entertaining. I loved the "Emo Javel Macgee" and The "Ref from the guys and Dolls production".. Mega LOLs!


Buddy Hield with 27? Definitely had his wood chips before the game. I noticed a lot of times where KD passes up an open shot for a contested and tougher shot. Now, you said something about his rhythm but its possible he just isn't wanting to take the three when its there, as maybe he's gotten too comfortable with the midrange. And I agree that Steph needs more touches, and needs to start dancing on people, because that definitely builds rhythm and confidence. At this point it seems like Klay is dribbling more than Steph, which is an issue to say the least. Kerr is just getting lazy at this point though, he needs to actually start coaching, and getting them to stop turning it over after timeouts.

Connor H

How’s the analytics lookin on your luca vid? Sounds like they’re alot of work but I’d love to see some more like that and the Kobe video


All the behind-the-scenes-drama is one of my favourite things about the NBA, so this Joerger situation got me interested. What's it all about? Can someone give me a quick summary?


Decent those type of videos are a slow build in numbers