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Mckinnie > Mccaw


LOL the Friday reference. "Oh sheit here come Dbo, I better hide my chain..."

Major Powers

"Baby Hands Bell" lmao


Pro bowl safety that's Draymond, Damn straight.


D Rose? No way first Andrew Luck gets comeback player first, then we'll talk about D Rose. D Rose is really having a biblical revival.


Alchemy, what’s your take on Steph holding the ball on that potential KD/Steph fastbreak at the end of the fourth? Just to kill some clock and try to feed Durant on the block?

Nathan Glanzer

Most travel calls I've ever seen in an NBA game.


Steph doesn't just want a scoring title, he wants MVP, and I think it'll be possible but very difficult. He can't miss more than a couple of games, and needs to win the scoring title while either averaging 50/50/90 or breaking his 3pt record. That should be enough to overcome any voter fatigue and bring home his 3rd


Seems like he was spoke to by the people upstairs based upon that interview. What was said remains to be seen, but damn the offense looks beautiful with Dray as the pivot passing turret back in the lineup.


"A run"


I love watching MVP Steph but have that small worry that him being a little more selfish with the ball will drive out KD.. but no one knows how Durant thinks, maybe he loves it.


He needs to average 5.76 threes a game for the rest of the season to break his record, not missing any games. Right now he averages 5.35 threes a game. So yeah, even though it's Steph, that sounds a little TOO crazy. ;)


First you call KAT a dog that's been neutered, and now you talk about him needing a glass of milk. The end result of this all being that when I see KAT play, I think of a dog sipping milk out of a dog bowl. 😂


Draymond being gone definitely thawed the ice between him and KD. At least I hope so. I love the physicality of Jerebko always hungry on the offensive boards. He’s been a great addition this off season. Curry is definitely taking command of this offense as the alpha dog. I love that he held the ball at the end to eat the clock instead of passing it to KD. Yo, Alch I’m not sure if kerr playing DJ heavy minutes actually stunted bell’s growth. He’s playing worse than last year and playing like a clumsy puppy. I would imagine he would score very low on wunderlich (opposite of Dray). What happened to Iggy? Is he taking rest from the bucks game?


Lol baby hands Bell. Btw I don't think Steph is being that aggressive, if anything he thinks too much about his teammates like Kerr complained. There was that one play where he could have shot the ball after a KD pass but passed it over to Jerebko. You're right he is in mvp mindset but he's not forcing bad shots - by his standard. I actually think Klay is lowkey taking a ton of bad isolation shots. When they go in you're happy but you are left with the feeling that there was something better than a contested shot. But this improvement in Klay making his own shot will pay off in the podt season. Just gotta be real though, Klay should not be taking as many shots as Steph or KD in most games unless the game dictates it. Always in awe how Golden State finds guys like Jerebko, Cook, and McKinnie. They have proven to be incredibly reliable bench players, hell sometimes they perform better than the starters. Anyone notice how much goddamn fast the pace is with Draymond back? Him and Steph are the key to fast paced Warrior basketball, all before the defense sets up. Like Alch said, his energy on defense is infectious.


Yeah IG strained hip reported in shoot around pregame. I think with Bell it was like he was too cocky and they tried to cool that, now he has no confidence.


It is a interesting dynamic.. The honeymoon is long gone, all these guys still feel like they have more to prove.


I agree that Klay is taking a lot of ill-advised shots. I think he thinks he won't get shots otherwise, which is why he's isolating a lot. Also, the fact that he improved a part of his game, he wants to show it off, and to get his reps in. And in this case, the part of his game he wanted to improve was ball-handling and isolation scoring, which he is practicing. That said, Klay has forced a lot of ill-advixed shots in the past, it's just that now hes doing even more often.


I think that was an interesting observation that when Steph passed the ball to Rebko in the corner, it was a pass that took longer so that Steph had time to relocate to the corner. Thats a detail I would've never picked up if it wasn't for these excellent analytical videos. Good stuff. Also, I think Steph is definitely hunting for his shots. That being said, I felt like this game in particular was a good balance between finding his teammates and also getting his own.


Im not worried when push comes to shove he will always try to make the basketball play. Watching him his whole career it just stands out some would be passes he is not making this year.

Kahlil Baker

I love how Curry can ball but I personally hate that jump into a player foul call and Durant’s swipe through foul.

Kahlil Baker

Has anyone heard what KD said about getting his jersey retired and statues in front of chase center?? What are your thoughts?


cant wait for finals to be over and get back to being able to watch full games


Never forget, Draymond is always playing chess. Everyone else playing checkers. Looking at some of these other contenders like TOR, MIL, BOS, etc., we gotta ask ourselves if Cousins will be able to play defense after his injury. TOR plays super small much of the time and MIL can put a guy like Giannis at the 5. Will Cousins be able to survive defensively out there? I'm not worried about his offense, we know he's a beast. But I don't think it's realistic to expect him to defend at the level of Looney. Looney is an elite defender. It's gonna be real interesting how we integrate Cousins into everything we do. We have never had a player like him before.


I envision Boogie being used like Nurse uses Val in Toronto. At least come playoff time. It will be match up dependent, let him go out there for 5 or 6 min at a time and beat up on teams when they have a big on the floor. Now will that happen to close games!?


Yee that Kyle Shanahan reference. Niners!


It really depends on what their goal is either to come out and overwhelm their opponents or to have the second unit run through Boogie. I believe the latter would be most effective it’s just if Boogie can accept that role, but him being the primary option against second units as you said for 5-6 minute spurts would be devastating. Then the 4th quarter minutes being allocated by the matchups.


Feels like the media loves to talk about how weak our bench is, I feel like jerebko mckinnie Looney Andre s.dot and Quinn are the best bench we've had in years, Andre and Sean are slower than they use to be, but the difference feels more than made up by the rest of the guys


Feels like they just want to assume our bench is thin because of how stacked the starters are but we got some amazing talent off the bench for what we're paying


But yeah I think they don't want to run the narrative that were unbeatable, they gotta keep people interested


Hope bell gets his confidence back, he's pretty worthless if he's scared to dunk


I think draymond back in the lineup might just be what he needs

Jansen E

Really excited for the Toronto game now. I still dont know whats up with Klays shot. It just seems really inconsistent and all over the place. I love that the game started with Looney's opening shot and I think he took a 3ball and missed. But I loved that he's doing it! He needs to keep doing it and stay confident. Also funny note. One hard, and great game from Iguodala and the dude's burnt out and has to rest hahahaha. Old man. But good now that hes rested for Toronto!


In the Bucks video, you mentioned you think the Dubs might have roster moves to make...? Where do you think they need more? It seems like our bench-scoring and wing situation has stabilized (Zo! With YOOONAS! as the stretch-4 quasi-wing,) and once DMC comes back our center position will be better, though still a bit thin.


Is it just me or did dray look slimmer?


some times being softer makes you look slimmer especially at 67'..he looked soft not big but soft.