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vs ATL game 15



I feel like after getting suspended without pay, Draymond is only gonna make the situation with KD worse.


Love seeing Cook get better at making plays for others. Him and Jerebko's contributions on the 3 pointers was a key to winning this game. Oh and also Iguodala. If Draymond ends up leaving the team, I want to see Bell be a potential replacement though it'll take a while. Expected to see KD take that buzzer at the end of the 3rd quarter but nope that's too much to ask for from KD. I don't mind him missing shots, what I'm pissed off by is his completely lazy and selfish basketball plays. He refuses to move much off the ball, the team was actually doing better when he was off the court this game. Hopefully this DrayKD drama ends before the end of the week. I wonder if their anger with each other goes beyond that one specific 4th quarter play.


People should read the Marcus Thompson article on the KD and Dray fight. That shit is juicy.


Man, this whole KD/Draymond drama really have me thinking how much we should appreciate this potential final season of the dynasty...


Ive mentioned this before, and not to say KD has a part in this. But Dray is going to have a burn factor with teammates.


How Lacob and Myers play these next 10 months could determine the next 4 or 5 years of this franchise.

Thomas Ogas

Draymond views himself as a Warriors lifer. Meyers seems to be on the same page -- they had Draymond with them in the draft room "helping" them scout out "16 game players". Curry is a lifer with a max/long term deal. Klay wants to be legendary and doesn't want to be anywhere else. Management smartly had KD doing the Chase Center groundbreaking, then earlier this week touring Chase (with Quinn Cook) and seeming genuinely impressed with the epicness that will be unveiled in 2019. KD seemingly excited to move into the new digs. Everything being smartly set up in the right direction. Then Draymond gets pissed after being called out by KD and lashes out with some pent-up shit that he should have kept to himself and gets ... suspended. I dunno. A part of me think that rational minds and a long season of winning will make this old. The other part of me is just fuming because this is the first time we've seen Draymond get suspended by the team for running his mouth -- no blows thrown, no soup thrown, no whiteboards punched. And everyone in sports media can't fucking stop talking about this.


It really ticks me off that so many people are taking the Durant side in this. Dray is a smart guy even as he's emotional, and getting this business out on the table now is better than letting it fester all season. I think Dray did the right thing at the end of that game, grabbing the ball and forcing it up the court to make a play, and KD was the worst offender in whining instead of moving. Complaining about not being allowed to play hero-ball IS a bitch move, and looking at his past behavior KD seemingly does like to create narratives circling around him. So either Dray thinks KD is coming back but is creating distraction, in which it's good that he got called out, or KD really is leaving the impression in that locker room that he's seriously considering leaving, in which case he should get the shit, because there's no good reason beyond money and ego that he should be considering that - and he's the guy who volunteered to take less money the last couple years. The whole KD next year narrative is awful, and if he's in any way exacerbating that he needs to get called out. But everyone kisses his ass because he's such a great player, but newsflash and from Dray - they won before he showed up and they can win after he leaves. Again, my feeling is if he's ready to walk they they should show him the door - what can they get for him from a team that wants him and he's seriously considering? Enough to win the championship this year, and probably next. You'd be getting maybe the best player in the league for less money than Gordon Hayward makes, and GSW can get back $30M worth of players that are likely younger and with longer contracts. It's fine for KD to be on the fence; it's not fine for him to be saying, "look at me riding this bitch!"...


I disagree with the time and place. Thats what made it out a line. The basketball play it self is debatable. He could of had some beers with him and got in his face at his house, or what ever private venue. I agree big picture tho, after more and more comes to light. In a vacuum you take KD over him everyday of the week. But if he is already pissed and foot out the door!.....I have already been in the ESPN trade machiene with KD.


Trae Young trying to be Steph 2.0 straight away, instead of working up to it. He’s Steph minus the handle, size, passing and shot accuracy.


lol...nah his passing is really good! But if he can't shoot a 40 clip from behind the arc it won't matter.


Okay so I'm NOT saying the nba is "rigged"... But, I'm starting to believe the storylines are... Lebron to LA was a thing all last yr then it happened... And now KD to the knicks... KD always has been like Ryu to Lbj's Ken so I wouldn't be surprised if he followed in his footsteps with another move to regain his respect... That's fine, but the drama behind these things are starting to feel a bit scripted?? Am I tripping?? And then the thing about not being able to resign Boogie... I think KD leaves and Boogie stays... Last thing: You mentioned Klay's growth as a player and I wonder if it is for the team or personal gain... What if he's setting up to leave too?? I'm almost just ready for the offseason to begin lowkey lol...


I think with social media and the how heavily the game is covered. We hear things way ahead of time now. I have to admit...as scary as this is as a fan! Im loving it as an analyst .


I like the Swedish Larry Bird, a lot, but if his 3 point shot goes south that moniker will suffer....ha ha


Wow more stories coming out each hour. Apparently Draymond said "don't talk to me like I'm ________ insert bench here* "


That's some class A interview bullshit from Jerebko


Warriors' nightmare scenario: KD's sensitive feelings get hurt and signs with Knicks to prove he can lead his own team to a title like LBJ, Dray's feelings get hurt bc Warriors sided with KD by suspending him and costs him $120k even though HE's the one who recruited KD and thought he's trying to be a team player for calling KD out for not being loyal to the warriors franchise, Klay doesn't want to be a part of the drama and develops his game and follows his dad's footsteps to be a Laker, Steph and Boogie are the only ones left looking at each other saying, "What the heck just happened?" Then Boogie signs max deal with Kings to go back home like LeBron, Steph curry gets a career ending ankle injury while Iggy and SDot retire due to old age and creaking knees. Now, can we pray for some forgiveness and reconciliation?


You forgot the part about the Chase center roof collapsing and the Warriors play all their games in the Cow Palace...

Raymond M. Wood

Unlike previous seasons, the Warriors' bench is now a little better able to step up when Draymond takes himself out of games, as he invariably does. In previous seasons, even with KD suited up, Draymond and Steph both being out usually meant no W. That is no longer necessarily true.


This is like the first big rift with a Girlfriend after the honeymoon stage is over. It makes you question if you really need each other or could just as soon pursue the office girl who keeps smiling at you. Then you go out with the office girl and you find out all the high maintenance and trouble she brings and you happily go back but always having your eye on the next better thing. I hate that 10 days ago we were killing it and talking about the best team of all time... Now it's Dray the emotional cripple again needing to emote every last emotion he feels. Hoping Steph comes back and those two grow a pair and man up.


Agree this is going to be one telling road trip.. And I do think Dray's assist hunting played a part. If he usually throws it to Steph, SDot, Ziggy, or Klay his passes get caught and the ball goes up. Count the assist.. KD will take the ball and dribble himself to his spot and score.. no assist/help from Dray.. I've seen this multiple times this year, might have played a part as Dray flat out stole that rebound from KD, wasn't another Hawk in the area. Dray likes to play Hero as much as anyone and he wanted to be a part of the play.


I am VERY interested in seeing how tomorrow's game goes. Imma even watch it live!


I just read an article about this Dray/KD beef and mannnn... Draymond was wrong for snapping, but he wasn't wrong in what he said... KD can go wherever he wants but maybe not talk so much about your free agency, like we get it you're nit taking anymore pay cuts blah blah blah... Come to think of it, suspending Draymond made the organization look weak and desperate... Hope this isn't the beginning of the end... Oh yeah, Steph out for 4 more games smh we need to out that boy in bubble wrap like wtf 👿👿👿


Was Steph that big when he came into the league? As I recall he was pretty small, maybe not as much as Trae Young but give him time to grow. Steph was tiny as a rookie. Just my thoughts.


He was skinny but his frame was way bigger. Tre will get stronger but his arms ain’t get longer and hips and shoulders ain’t getting wider. I think he still has a chance to be nice.


what teams u willing to trade with and for who?