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vs LAC game 14



This was the most frustrating game I've watched in a long time. In closing minutes, Dray acting like a stubborn donkey, McKinney making rookie turnover after turnover, bad coaching (imo), horrible horrible refs.....ugh!! I just hope this bad blood between Dray and KD doesnt drive KD away in resigning. I hope this is like any health marriage that has doses of spats and miscommunication quarrels.


Draymond fucked up and I cannot believe he had the audacity to act like he did not? Klay shots continue to be questionable, the defense was decent clippers made some tough shots. But those fuckong refs were awful especially marc davis. Kerr needs to learn how to run the fucking offense when steph is out 3 years into the kd rea and they have yet to find a consistent method I'm fed the fuck up.


Haven't even clicked on the video yet cause I have to say some shit smh ppl want to blame Draymond for the lost (thou his decision cost a free go ahead possession) but it's deeper to me... First I want to put to rest the whose better Steph or KD... No shade, but when Steph scores 30 it's 85% of the time a win but if KD scores 40 it might stull come down to the wire or result in an L like yesterday... Also McKinney had about 2-3 momentum killing mistakes that really hurt the comeback, Looney had a solif game until overtime in the clutch when his true colors showed looked like a damn gerber in the paint against reckless ass Montrez/Montrell whatever sidebar: dude's got heart and is somewhat skilled in what he does but is a gotdamn hack) and Livingston... All respect cause he's an OG in this Gsw dynasty and he blends well with the team... Blends toooooo fucking well to the point I forget he's out there til I see him getting cooked on the defensive end smh Kerr shoukda played JB or Jerebco(spell check) and Quinn Cook at more points too... I get Cook can be a liability on d, but so is Shaun at this point and on top of that he barely tries to find his own shot anymore... Smh this team needs Steph back to gel at 100%, not worried but it's telling... Salute Alc💯💯💯


Young guys showed their inexperience in this game. I think Kerr left the young guys in to get some crunch time experience, which is good to get in the regular season, just came up short. Great comeback for the team and 4Q from Klay after a slow start, but spoiled by carelessness and lack of defensive discipline. Damian Jones and Bell need a refresher course on rolling and playing disciplined defense. Looney's jumper looks smooth (would like to see him in the DWest/Mo Buckets pick-and-pop more). McKinnie needs to slow himself down again and get out of his own way.

Chris Harris

I've always said that if KD re-signs with the warriors Draymond is gone


Good point about Stephs 30 pt games. I want to put some more thought into that. It’s not just about spacing and movement. There is a energy.


Well, they sucked it and deserved to lose, but you hate to see wins turn into that. I was good with Klay given that Steph was down; it sucks when he wallflowers it and KD iso's all night. I thought KD's triple-double wasn't all that, but I think the fouls got into his head some. The real focus to me was Iggy and Dot vs Cook and McKinnie; the old pros showed what they have, but in this situation we need more from the young guys, and I thought they sucked. Cook can always shoot and he did hit some, but he gave nothing else and Kerr had to bench him; the hot (uncontested) shooting and the KD support of Sunday wasn't there last night to make him look better than he is. McKinnie absolutely shat the bed in OT, and I think you can say Kerr should have gone with Dot, but he does have to fire-test his bench youth. I know it's a groaner, but last night shows what not having McCaw does to this team; he's the guy to take those old guy minutes and would have been the guy to replace KD in OT. The centers were always going to be a work in progress, and work that doesn't have to be completed this year with Booger on the way, but solid play at the other four spots is much more of a necessity, and it just wasn't there last night. The best thing was the amped-up D at the end of regulation that got them into a position to win; it's good to see that rabbit apparently is always in their hat. Oh, and those turnovers - Jesus...


They will be fine. Dray is man enough to admit he was wrong. Kerr could have prevented it with a to. You have a guy who can get his shot whenever on whoever. You don’t even need a good play just a functioning one.


I enjoy that heat at the end. They’ve been to the end 4 times in a row. They could easily not care. I’m glad to see them upset about an early season loss.


Hmmmm! Funny thing is they are closer off the court than any of the others. At least it appears that way.


Yeah KD was too agitated. I like him irked, but mad he gets out a pocket. You could tell Kerr didn’t know who he wanted to go with.


+1 on time out or KD pull up


But damn Klays looking like they best make room in that top 10 in the nba


Am I the only person who thinks balmer is the most annoying owner/billionaire?!? Damn I hate these clippers even when my most hated player is gone (cp3). Not only will balmer soil his pants while celebrating, he might get a heart attack. Please don't feel bad, he's a freaking billionaire. I will never forgive KD if he joins the clippers...or Lakers or Knicks, any other freaking team. Ok, let me get back to earth. My 7 year old son was like, "Wait, why didn't they call a time out, Daddy?!? They have 2 left. And why didn't Draymond Green pass the ball??" My response:" I have no (wanted to say f$&king) clue, son. It's okay bc it's only a regular season game. Life goes on." 😄 It's hard to be a good dad.


smh... K Looney AND Damien Jones have 2 Go, they look soft, clueless plus their screens are terrible (add someone at the 5 to space the floor because dray n the center position do not get guarded at all offensively, really should have just paid Javale vet minimum or Montrez Harrell $4 mill, or brook lopez $3.4 mill. (their current contracts)


No one can blame KD for this loss. Dude somehow draws all the superstar calls that no one else on the team gets, although he didn't get preferential treatment on the defensive end like the rest of the Warriors. He drew guys in the paint and handed it off for easy assists, which seems to be one of his main ways of passing contributions. Anyone notice Klay can hit all these tough fadeaway shots like 90% of the time and clunk everywhere else? Just Klay things. Quite possibly Draymond's worst game of the season, but oh well he's back from injury. Damian needs to learn how to anticipate passes but this has been discussed to death now haha. Looney and McKinnie... oh well this team deserved the loss regardless.


nah when klay finally got the ball he found a rhythm when kd has the ball no one else is in rhythm but him aka Iso/Hero Ball (No Ball Movement/Motion Offense). He's a ball stopper.


Sorry but I disagree. Looney sets better screens than Javale ever did. Javale did get offered the veteran minimum I'm pretty sure, he just wanted more playing time so he went to the Lakers. He wouldn't really space the floor anyhow. Someone like Boogie can space the floor but he's worse atrocious on defense. When we play against teams that switching like the Rockets, that's where guys like Looney will provide value.


Steph is a better full time owner of the Clippers than Balmer


Williams is like Harden Jr. and players need to start guarding him like Harden. Gets someone like DJ or Looney switched on him all the time who are either not experienced enough or not high-IQ enough to handle the fakes that lead to foul calls. Didn't he just do a stint over at Houston? He must have learned from the best at this sort of craft. :p Also, I do enjoy the energy and effort that Harrell plays with. That guy seems to just put everything on the line all the time. I can't dislike that sort of player.


What do you think about Draymond calling out kd on his free agency? I’d say it’s 60/40 in favor of kd staying but it’s nkt looking good


If you have Steph in the game no time out but no Steph should have used T.O. but it's not that big a deal...nobody needs to infer selfishness or bad intent on the part of Draymond. Be calm, talk it over, be clear of the strategy for next time.


I completely agree, STEVE KERR NEEDS TO CALL A TIMEOUT WITH ONLY 5 SECS LEFT. its funny because I was beyond pissed and was cursing at the TV after Kerr failed to call a timeout and I screamed out loud, "Its probably because you don't have a play to draw up!" I truly believe Kerr isn't prepared to draw up plays at the end of games because a lot of the Warriors' games are either not close or even if they are close there's not a situation where we need to draw up a play. I'll put it this way, if we replaced him with Brad Stevens, no doubt theres a timeout thats called in that situation.


wrong, stephs unselfishness covers up a lot of egos on the warriors.. Steph amazing play covers up bad coaching/terrible lineups and selfish play from draymond n kd turning into turnovers.


no give him credit... having steph, kd and klay on the court and he drew up a play for Damien Jones.


I feel we missed DWest for this game. He would have been good matchup for Montrezl Harrell. I have seen two Clippers game this season and Harrell seems to give 100% on both ends of the floor.


ESPN The Jump shows the whole video of the bench after Draymond fell with the ball just like he did in the WCF last year...i'm no lip reader but KD was basically like "bruh just get me the ball i'm trying to win this game" and Draymond's response is all emotion no substance....a bunch of animation...but seriously, somebody tell me for real....What can Draymond possibly say to justify not giving up the ball to KD???? We all know Dray is a play maker but with 6 seconds left you give it to KD / sprint down the court and try to set a pick on Klay's guy and dive to the bucket / then you live with KD either geting his Game 3 of NBA finals on or making the right play...Dray will probably never admit he was dead wrong either...smh


Omg so many new updates with the spat yesterday btwn KD and Dray yesterday and now Dray is suspended one game without pay by the team. Your thoughts on that?


I AM LIVID!!! havent watched the vid yet alch.. just got off work.. but gotta voice my opinion on this draymond spat.. first off, let me start light and say shaun shaun Livingston aka pogostick(can only do one thing) is terrible.. i dont know why yall like him.. okay on the ball defended.. terrible team defender.. okay with the ball on offense.. terrible screen setter and floor spacer.. im sure i will have plenty to say about him all yr.. we got rid of mo speights and now just gotta get rid of shaun and id be happy.. but on a serious note... this draymond suspension is got me worked up.. and again i havent seen ur breakdown yet so go easy if i missed something.. but this is how i saw it live in my mind.. gsw was losing this game.. then iggys dunk happened.. fron there we got to the defense sparked.. klay dray and dre's hands were all on point just amazing to watch(had the steph curry 3 feel as the clippers drived towards the basket) you just knew they were gonna get a stop.. so then klay gets hot on the offense and i mean china klay with those jerseys.. and man did we all want that top of key 3 to drop on that 2nd to last possession i think.. but it didnt so we came down and locked it up like for some reason i knew we would do.. i mean do u even doubt drays defense in the final minutes anymore its gotta be on par with splash brother 3s.. but heres where i get mad.. and i havent watched the play again since last night but im pretty sure dray secured the rebound and started to push.. at that moment i feel like i knew exactly what dray was thinking.. "get klay the ball".. but noooo u got KD staying back just to make it his shot.. KD had no intentions of gettin that ball to the front court and pass.. that dude was taking the last shot(just got new youtube draymond challenges kd vid #notificationgang) but dray knew what kd would do so he decided he was gonna get klay the shot.. and then yadda yadda he does the patented green stumble in last shot scenarios.. so most of the team especially klay is thinking its all good.. we fought back and were gonna steal this thing in OT(the right mindset).. but no KD butt hurt cuz he didnt get the hero chance.. absolutely ridiculous.. just acting like baby bron after the JR play in finals.. this is one of the few times my loyalty has been tested with this team.. but i found out real quick im picking the OG splash squad over kd anyday.. this dude have the audacity to beg for the ball on clearly klays ending and then not only be mad but actually bitch about it mid game! Fuk that kd can leave for all i care.. and then on top of that it looks like the team(managament) is taking KDs side.. im not happy about that shit at all.. someone help me calm down lol.. alright now i gotta check out ur vids and ill be back


Watched the whole game and things seemed to look like regular (curryless) Warriors basketball, but that last play I was just so upset and then KD getting fouled out, and now this altercation and suspension. Things went 0-100 REAL quick

Thomas Ogas

I was just absolutely surprised it even got to OT. Never lead whole game. Terrible rhythm. Too many touch fouls. Stupid turnovers. Bad shot selection. Lazy defense. Felt like no offensive game plan -- like they didn't even consider who they were playing, they just went out there and improvised. When this team doesn't have Steph Curry, it clearly needs to play a more focused, defensive minded game. When Curry is there, they can play around, improvise, play with flow. Without him, they need to grind a lot more.


i've been saying it for a while jones is trash, zaza was better.


The only thing I can say is KD seemed pretty unconcerned about the clock - he wasn't showing any urgency at all and didn't really move after Dray got the ball, like he gave up once Dray headed down the court, instead of filling a lane or getting in position for a kickout three.


That’s a different prospective... but I kinda like it tho. The one thing you missed live is dray kinda snatched it from KD. But I hadn’t considered The Klay aspect. I think KD was our best option in that scenario. Mark just brought up a great point, his sense of urgency didn’t seem there.


Mckinnie was pretty disappointing last few minutes felt like 3 straight turnovers that he was involved in :/


The moment I saw the Dray-KD drama, first thing I thought: Joe Lacob is watching this. My second thought: Alc's lip-read will be fire Feel bad for Dray. This is too harsh. He's done a lot for the team. And out of nowhere, Wanda chimes in: <a href="https://twitter.com/TMZ/status/1062487537715961856" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/TMZ/status/1062487537715961856</a>


NBA tv really didn’t even show the exchange had to gather footage. Sorry to disappoint, but it was such a critical play and moment I did even think of a lip reading spoof.

Mayansh Upadhyaya

I think he said that shit wack. At least I'm hoping so it's better than 'I'm out'

Jansen E

Oh my LORD I cannot fathom how infuriating that game was. 1) Looney again looked slow. He was crucial on a bunch of defense plays. But overall just killed us over and over again with his lack of athleticism on the offensive end. The one where he got stuffed at the rim TWICE. my goodness looney. 2) MCKINNIE CHOKING. Now not a huge blame because yes hes new and young and maybe that situation was too much for him. But I wouldve been more forgiving if he just made ONE mistake. When he made the SECOND mistake, I was even more mad but still willing to open to forgiving him. But fucking hell. That 3rd turnover nearly made me wanna decapitate a puppy. 3 straight turnovers for Mckinnie. Christ almighty. 3) Everyones bagging on Draymond for stealing the rebound and trying to go for glory. And while I 100% agree that he shouldve given the ball to Durant or Klay (because honestly, what the fuck was he doing????), why is no one mad at Kerr YET AGAIN not using TWOOOOOO timeouts with 7 seconds left! They couldve easily drawn up a perfect play for Durant or Klay to win that game without a hassle. But no, Kerr has a stick up his ass again and decides not to use a timeout. I absolutely HATE when he does that. I get that the famous OKC game for Curry happened because he didnt use a timeout, but so many times since then, the Warriors have turned out for the worse when Kerr does that. He had two fucking timeouts and decided to take a piss on his chair rather than do any coaching in that final 7 seconds. 4) Kinda worried about Green-KD now. I dont know how to feel about this.

Nathan Glanzer

The refs pissed me off all game. KDs last fouls made me break some things. Haha.


KD will stay. Drey will be traded


Doc has his bench coached up for synchronized bitching at the refs


The vibe on the bench against ATL was pretty normal. Lots of celebrating and camaraderie even though Dray wasn't there, so that tells me no one is really stressing about this situation. As hot-headed as Dray is on the court, he's a very logical and mature person off the court. I think the fact that he's practically alone in this issue will make him come to his senses. Also did you catch Iggy's interview after last night's game? He quoted an old pimp named Spice Adams, who said "You couldn't climb the mountain if the mountain is smooth." Probably the most "Andre" thing he's ever said, and I think it's very true for this team. The more losses/adversity we face during the season, the more prepared we are to deal with it in the postseason when it actually matters. I'd rather KD/Dray have this issue in November than in May, so I'm glad it was addressed in the moment rather than letting it simmer into something much bigger.