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vs NOP game 9



Hey alc, have you thought about live-streaming you watching the game and breaking some things down, discussing it with your followers? I think that could be a new cool idea! Anyways, love your content!


I love this idea, but one problem with it: different feeds have different delays. Youtube TV, I think I found, was like 60 seconds behind live/broadcast. That will make it difficult.


Ah that makes sense @envoy510, but it could be watch at your own risk kinda thing ahah. And yeah I get that, shouldn’t mess with it if you don’t want to. Was just thinking about it yesterday and thought I would let you know! Its kinda similar to those reaction videos, people watch them because they want to share the experience with someone else. For example, none of my friends watch the NBA regularly and when they do, its usually me explaining everything to them lol. So it would be cool to kind of have someone knowledgable to listen to, and a chat to discuss whats going on while watching it.


Helllllllll yeah! Curry is on atomic-mega-fire! I don't want to jinx things, but...I'd love this to be his double MVP-FMVP season. KD can have them both next year when we 4-peat! #daringthebasketballgods

Daniel Fries

Where's the Alch voiceover on DeMarcus?!?


JerebGOAT! (from RIP-Shane on Golden State of Mind)


I feel like the convo Boogie had with Davis and Gentry started off all love then went left with Cousins talking spicy while George Jefferson strolling away while Davis and Gentry trying laugh it off to mask humiliation ftom getting curved lol...


How many turnovers did he have last night? I felt like he's almost playing too loose, but as Alch said maybe that's the price you pay for vintage Steph, at his best when his reach exceeds his grasp. Or maybe it was just an off night all around. Well, except for Dray.


Boogie's got to be feeling good about his decision--and itching to get back on court. What do you think the over-under on him getting a 50-point game this year, too? Or like a 40-20-5 night?


This game felt like another chapter in the "let's have some fun" theme for 18-19, and that really came out in the Kerr and Draymond interviews after the game. I didn't think they played all that well, but the vibe was different than games like this last year, when they almost seemed put-upon just having to be out there. The pieces continue to come together - Draymond played his best game of the year I think, Steph continued to step up to 15-16 level in reasserting his dominance, KD good with doing what he needs to as the terminator, Klay now comfortably doing his third-wheel thing, the three centers now all in play, and the bench continuing to define itself. There's not really that much to worry about now, except that Evans hasn't done anything, but that could largely be a Kerr strategy, making him earn it when he doesn't yet need him. It's all good. Well, except for the McCaw situation, which hit another important marker, a month past the expiration of the qualifying offer so a month into the real holdout.


Looney and Dolph Lundgren have become a reliable 1-2 punch!


Indeed Looney was a bad matchup against Randle as Randle just straight bullied him in the post. Jonas matched his physicality (much like what you were saying about how you need to be as physical back with Randle) and then when Dray was put on him, that's when he really didn't try to back him down.


For Jerebko: the "Swedish Sniper" shoutout to Armada


What lucky star are the Warriors living under when players like Jonas and McKinnie and of course Boogie just show up on our doorstop? It's like we're a fire station safe haven, leave em here no questions asked. Dubs are the beneficiary of "Utah's folly"....that could be a nickname too....


Yo Alch, you just embarrassed me in my office when I bursted out laughing with that DG's recruiting AD effort. I looked like a lunatic!! You should make NBA version of those lip-reading videos. Lol


Yeah the fun they're having reminds me of the 14-15 season when it felt more like friends balling together rather than just teammates... Almost feels like "The Last Hurrah" thou, I'm okay with KD leaving and achieving greatness elsewhere... Just hope we can keep Cousins somehow...


LOL @ 'Betty XL' 😂👍🔥


A pattern I've noticed with Iguodala is he doesn't finish when he should be finishing. Obviously AD was in this game but in other games too, you can hear the commentators talk about his inability to finish and making an awkward pass at the last moment. Damian Jones hopefully can improve his awareness and decision making on court. He has potential but that's going to be an important problem to crack. What I noticed with KD is he keeps avoiding open 3s. At this point I have to suspect KD is trying to increase his FG%, not because he's working on a different aspect of his game. A big chunk of his shots this season is uncontested dunks and there's no problem with that inherently, it's just you shouldn't be avoiding open 3s or even lightly contested ones.

Bradford A Barker

For Jerebko, maybe, "The Jonas Brother"?


Demarcus already ejected and now getting into it with Gentry (he seemed cool with AD). This sort of stuff makes me excited when he's back and healthy for big match ups v Boston, Rockets, Lakers, Raps, etc.


I really dont know how NBA head coaches keep their sanity trapping steph at halfcourt like that..just a quick ball screen and you're playing 4v3 every time. Ive never seen impact on a game like that in any sport man


jerebko has officially hit more 3's this season than casspi did all year last year (52ish) games.... marinate on that.


Jerebko is the swedish chef


it sounds good but I dont like to throw around GOAT or GAWD..he dose something big in the playoffs ill keep it in the chamber.


Its happened to me too many times as a young player, you wait for the contact its too late. But the way they are calling it now he is going to be even tougher.


Give Yoonas a new nick name every game


Betty XL


That little silent movie tripped me out. Wow. Can't wait to hear Alch talk about it.

Bradford A Barker

Greg and Fitz mentioned that Iguadala has had calf issues. That might explain much of the loss of lateral motion on defense. I guess he was cleared to play against the Bulls from earlier this week. Maybe I have it backwards and it's his age issues causing the calf injury from trying to keep up.


Chuckers chance & Betty XL 😂😂😂


I'm guessing Gentry doesn't want Boogie playing full throttle every time he plays against him for the rest of his career so he tried to play nice and smooth it out. It didn't look like Boog was having any part of it. Jonus and Zo are found money, so glad we finally picked up Jonus, we've been after him for years. And Zo is a force, McCaw is as dead as Disco to us at this point.


You should do more of those amusing lip read segments. They've been gold so far. Lip read that Boogie bit at the end if you get a chance. That'd be interesting. Also, I dunno bout you... but I like that Guccy Bear shirt he had on. That stands out. :)


Especially when he's the smörgås boards going after rebounds...


"I need that."- Draymond on winning DPOY this year

Kahlil Baker

How are you going to end it like that and not say anything about that convo😂😂




that goofy ass shirt boogie had on costs over 1,300$ lmao who would buy that


So um... we gotta any professional lip readers in the house???


Is there going to be a pregame show before the Warriors-Wolves matchup?


Not able to watch the game live tonight I have to DVR it. Ill go live for the Bucks game next week, that should be a good one.


Me being from Sweden... Warriors and Jonas actually working out? This is just too much for me!


at 9.29 "I think he's a good arch-you-type?!"