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Warriors vs Cavs Game 1 NBA FINALS 2018

Warriors vs Cavaliers Game 1 NBA FINALS 2018. Boom Called it! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/boom-called-it/id1280188283?mt=8 Custom Dubs Gear https://hoopernation.shop/



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long first take, i like it! i just wanted to note there were at least 2 possessions this game where nick young played 1 on 1 defense on lebron and lebron had to get rid of the ball, and i nearly shat myself. i also thought javale got great minutes, and maybe can see more play than what he got, even though he did blow that dunk.


Kd had me so hot he tried to lose this game 5 ways, the boxing out is disgusting and draymond needs to talk to him. I think jr slipped but when he slid into klay leg he made sure to go full force so fuck him. Warriors said it was klay ankle and not his knee so hopefully these 2 days off will have him feeling much better


I knew this game felt too easy going into it. KD and LeBron were suppose not cancel each other out. They did not. I knew it was going to be a dangerous game for us. And it was. What I didn't know was HOW, the Cavs would make it so. Of course it was Occam's Razor: Lebron James. The Dubs must be better in every single part of the game to end this. Win this chip. Once again they come out -and whether they threw a punch or not-rest assured felt to me got punched in the mouth. my main issue though was the fact the Warriors seemed to struggle to get stops, and when they did get stops, failed to score on other end. I did think they would guard LeBron better, and if not, keep every other Cav from affecting the game. I agree Alch, we stole one. We played well enough for J.R Smith to gift us a potential bucket . . . we have to be better.


This is the first time playing this version of the Cavs so the unfamiliarity affected their defense


Secret MVP and Nobel Peace Price to Draymond for not going off in response to Tristan Thompson’s silly bullshit ... also funny how the punch didn’t even phase him.


frustrating to see more hustle and heart out of larry nance than last year's FMVP. KD wasn't playing like he wanted it


I'm gonna quote you some Tye Lue "he (LeBron) was 4 feet outside (the restricted area)" and "that's the first time that's ever been reversed". I've said it before but I'll say it again, Lue has no business being an NBA head coach. Like Lue, all the criers after the game said, "but he was outside the restricted zone!" Listen being inside that restricted area ONLY! SAY IT AGAIN ONLY! makes that an automatic block call, it's not a special amulet, like in Skyrim that will protect you against all blocking foul calls. Here's the real deal, the NBA made the decision long ago by rule and rule interpretations to take the "charge" out of the game, they did so because it was a reckless play that was a danger to both players but especially at/under the rim. I speak as an player and an NBA fan since the 60's. As someone who remembers and patterned their game after players like Jerry Sloan, Norm Van Lier, or even more exactly the Warriors Charles Dudley "hopper" their was a time in the NBA were refs allowed players to intersect the driving path of an offensive player with only 2 factor authentication 1. had your feet stopped moving, 2. was the point of contact at the center of the defensive player's body (preferably shoulder to chest) and if so, that was player control. When I played I was the guy that got that call routinely (and i've had my two front fake teeth replaced 3 times on that play). If someone wants to converse with you about what are the factors in calling player control, a charge, and they try to sell you on 1 factor authentication even 2 factor......just walk away they don't know the game.


Alchemy Here's my theory for KD on the defensive end. There was an interview with him early in the year and he was saying one of the main reasons he wanted to come to the warriors to be more defensive minded. He was top 3 in blocks, locking down guards, and was frequently mentioned as defensive player of the year. But as everyone knows by now with second twitter account, listens to the talk shows and media as much as any player out there. He saw, even though his D was getting credit, nobody, and I mean nobody had him in the MVP vote. He subconsciously started to see that it wasn't really worth it for his legacy to be putting so much effort on the side of the ball that doesn't bring recognition, then Steph went out and he had a legitimate reason to reserve energy for the shots he now needed to take. Now the bad habits have cemented themselves in and theres no way to just brush them off when the lights get bright. And him missing defensive assignments is now effecting him psychologically on the offensive end. He's gonna off either in game 2 or 3 with 30+ It's just in his DNA, he's one the greatest shooters to every play game, but in 2019 if we keep him, Dray or Klay gotta go. I think it's best for the league and the Warriors culture to beef up the bench and let him go elsewhere, to create another great team. Will we be the sure favorite to win the 2019 championship, probably not. Can they win, absolutely. That 3peat would remove the KD asterisk.


J R 's play was reckless, unnecessary, and bonehead because he's not very smart....I'm gonna leave it at that.


Swaggy not Shawn....junk in the trunk body will give better resistance, Shawn is like a blade of grass that folds over in a strong wind.


Klay is a cyborg....


Thank goodness for Klay. His first shot back, like last time, was a huge airball--like when a sniper is callibrating his scope at the range in the movies. But his rock solid technique was the only thing that prevented a Houston-style slide. JR--he seems to do something low IQ every game. Not defending his rolling, but I will say I saw him slip later in the same manner midcourt. Van Gundy somehow thinks we'd rather listen to his whining about NBA rules (note: nothing can or will be done by your whining!) and his thinly researched patter on players instead of simply bringing insight into a hard fought "feeling out" game for two heavyweights. Also, I personally could have done without the Draymond provocations after the ejection and during some freethrows just before that.


J.R.Smith has always been a few clowns short of a circus. The lay out undercut on Klay is an instinctual football DB play. When you can't get there in time to knock down the pass completion you dive for the legs to get the receiver to flip and land on his head, half the time they drop the pass looking to protect themselves landing. JR slipping just slowed him down, might have saved Klay in some weird way. Hopefully, just like with CP3, Karma (or Zaza..) evens the score. I agree with you AA, slip Zaza in for a few rockem screens until he gets kicked out. Zaza and JR's careers are likely over anyway. "Don't let him out of Oakland" exactly how I feel, and I hope the Ref's don't buy this "Oh sorry" bullshit, let DWest knock him out then help him up and give him a hug...


So Alchemy, I know I'm not the most articulate and the best person to provide any real analysis. But I noticed you are on the same page as I am. WE NEED TO DO SOME SHIT WITH KD MAN! When I DM you about it, benching KD for a few cuz with him out the picture the offence through Steph is much more fluid. And f@#$!! if you can't do something as simple as boxing out you are not part of what the GS system is all about. Lets just make him a spot up shooter on the low post like a mid range specialist. We want not one f!@# more from him...straight up! And if you check my comments history Ive been saying this since his first run with GS despite it was clouded by his good scoring average in the last finals. I hate to see KD on the perimeter all the time for a man his height, shows poorly when you have some one like Steph getting more rebounds than him. He started well on the defensive end early in the 2017 season but just fell off. It showed up big time in the G7 with Rockets and it couldn't be any worse than it was in G1 with Cavs, where you have JR pulling down one in front of you. If JR & Draymond switch places...that was CAVS game. (I'm still blowing some steam yo!) You are 1005 right (AS U R USUALLY) I hated the pace of the game because they were playing right into Lebron's hand. And again I have knock KD for it, because he stagnates the offence with the lack of offball movement. there were several plays they just didn't had space to move the ball. Steph got caught picking up his dribble and no one there for the hand off. Like you said Steph is looking comfortable now, but I would like to see him more aggressive than KD. I might be bias but I rather Steph throwing up 32 shots than KD...I want to see him taking more shots. Draymond was excellent! And "Cyborg-Clay" is real! I may disagree with you about the JR extending himself (maybe or maybe not), but clearly it was a big slip added to the momentum he was going. But hey sometimes you need a little bit of luck with both Clay recovery and JR dumb ass play. G1 was GSW's own. So now is the time to wake up and blow this shit open! I'm still mad at KD...i'm out ya'll!


Have anyone noticed that all media host, ESPN, ABC all of them! are against the Warriors? It's crazy! I listen to all the commentators and everyone is commentating in favour of whoever Warriors are playing. Is it because they are the champs or the energy all around is just against warriors right now? With the rockets, I understand why because everyone wanted CP3 to get a chance for a ring. But god damn GS feel so hated right now that everything seems to be blown up to discredit the achievements.


My feeling is the JR lunge at Klay was reckless and he knew it, and knew there was a chance it would hurt Klay and didn't give af. I'm telling you, when I saw the replay, I thought Klay was done for the season. It is no less than a miracle that he didn't get seriously hurt in that. FUCK JR. (wrote this comment after pausing your video at the beginning... hehe, we're on the same page!)


While I'm at it, FUCK Tristan Thompson. That was straight up him trying to involve Dray in his BS and trying to get sanctions against him like 2 years ago. FUCK HIM.


Alchemy, I see it as a bad thing that Bron got the switch on Steph so many times. I don't understand why the Dubs didn't try harder to prevent that. I agree about KD. So disappointing. My worry is that overnight Klay's knee will start to be a problem and he might not be superman in GM2 (or play at all). That was no contusion. No way. Klay's foot was trapped under JR and pressure was applied to his knee.


that would make chelsea (trainer) the delos repair person (Westworld reference). you could hear her with the socket wrench replacing Klay's leg back in the locker room and setting his disposition to "locked in"


it was sort of interesting to watch steph defend against lebron. it looked like steph was using his right hand to constantly stab or flick at lebron's left hand--and that annoyed lebron for some reason? alchemy--please give insight if you have any on that.


Always love the takes alch.. wish you would do like a 5 secs promo for patreon that you could run top corner of video before vid ends... thot klay was done.. got about 5 texts talkN shit when it happened.. just answered "yep" to all of them.. but I will say I dont mind the matchup without klay.. if there's any of the big 4 we could lose and still win, its klay.. and I love me some "China paid for it to go game 7" klay.. now I think this goes for most warrior fans.. but with all our success we've had.. how ridiculous is our nerves at the end of close games.. I'm more on edge about how we are gonna give the game away than I am excited about steph or kd or whoever hitting a game winner.. even kds 3 last yr in game 3 was not a buzzer beater.. I'd rather see curry hit a clutch 3 dagger with a min left then bank on a last second play.. would love a clip of warrior fans watching that FT and rebound live! JR went from Zaza(klay) to javale(going for steal on halftime 3 by SC) to chris Weber by the end of that game! Love that TT set the league up perfectly.. now they can suspend TT for a meaningless game 2 maybe even love for coming onto the floor.. and that will make up for the green suspension in their minds.. only for Cavs to come back full health in game 3(knowing they were gonna be down 0-2 anyway) and magically win stealing momentum into game 4.. #shaunneedstoretire


The refs are only allowed to review a block/charge to see if it happened inside or outside of the restricted area. Since LeKing was obviously outside in the REPLAYS Lue is complaining that it should not have been reviewed. Of course if the refs always saw everything that is in the replays then they would never need to do a review. Also notice that in his interview, LeBron was totally cool with the review. Until the charge was overturned. Funny thing is neither Lue nor LeBron is saying it was a charge. They know it was a block but they wanted to benefit from the bad call. LeBron kept saying he took the hit. He never said he was in legal position. This is a big deal for them because if the refs are going to call LeBron on his fouls like they call every other player in the league then it's going to be tough for the Cavs to win. IMO this is why they were so upset. "Oops, LeBron's gonna have to play by the rules, we're in deep shit now". It has shattered is ego-aura of invincibility, like getting your car dinged. Even though you're not hurt, you realize there is no magic bubble protecting you from other drivers. Of course, LeBron's magic bubble will return. Not every game will be called as fairly as this one. The crybabies are going to sway the officiating again.


Agreed, the BronDroids are in full force since last night. If tables were turned, they would be siding for Draymond or GSW player suspension AGAIN. Also they don't want the series to end quick.


I like that idea. A 5 Second teaser outlining some key questions you answer in your patreon videos would give me something to look forward to but also show others what they're missing. This is one of the few patreons that is really worth it


Hahaha. That big boy trunk comes in handy from time to time!


JR was trying to take Klay out. Yes, he slipped. But he also lunges at Klays legs. Anyone forget he took Zaza out of the Finals? Another blank stare my bad face with sloppy body towards a knee. He’s a punk, a mook. Say what you will about Phil Jackson, he knows when to throw out the trash


So here's a question - did the officials actually make a final call before watching the replay? I know two officials called it differently in the moment, and if they decided to confirm the restricted area thing before making the final call on the charge, then anything they called at that point is fine. And there was legit reason to check that aspect of the deal - wasn't Lebron pretty much on the arc before he did that little bunny hop? And yes, one of the talking heads actually said you don't make that call on him when he's having such an epic game - wtf?


If Steph is Jesus then Klay is St. Peter, the rock upon which you build the church. I picked Cleveland to win last night and the Warriors the series in six, but now it's all up in the air - what kind of health will the Ws have, will this game shatter the Cavs' determination and psychology or redouble it, is this going to get hairy enough that the league can find a way they can suspend Draymond, will KD wake up or just go comatose, etc., etc. The one thing it isn't going to be is boring. What I've been hoping for more than anything is a rebirth of the Splash Bros., and we had every indication of that last night.


ESPN is sooo concerned with ratings and the Billion they payed for the NBA rights. But they don't upgrade the most obvious aspect of the presentation.


I love that take! Your right the slip might have saved him! I have just played enough basketball to know what that was.


The Cavs defense is just bad, I hope they don't get fooled into cruising because of how easy they will be able to score at times.


Looking at your video again Alchemy and that definitely was a LOW DOWN DIRTY PLAY by $%##@ JR. Sorry but pi#@ses me off to no end seeing that when it was right at beginning of 1st quarter and he does that?? Yes wish they would put ZaZa on him. What else gets me is there is no mention of this from the media anywhere only about poor poor Cavs got robbed - yes due to their own mistakes. I try not to but I'm seriously hating the Cavs and their dirty plays. And LeBum pushing Curry?? Uhm yeah, no respect for the MVP. Sheer jealousy and feels threatened by Curry and GSW, this is what he's shown throughout these years -JMO


The issue isn't that they got the call wrong initially or even upon review, the issue all the haters are complaining about is that LBJ was guilty of the block but the only reason that ended up the call was because they reviewed it, and they only can review it if there was uncertainty if LBJ was inside or outside the restricted area. Just as Lue did they all exaggerate how clearly out of the area he was, if he was four feet out he'd be inside the other arc below the freethrow line; in fact his litte bunny hop is what got his foot off the arc for the restricted area. And they say because he was clearly out of it (which is so clear only because they have seen replays from above) the whole thing was BS, LBJ should have gotten away with blocking because of a replay technicality. And the exaggerate the lack of clarity on the block itself; I've even heard people who should know better claiming it was clear that LBJ established position, doesn't matter if he was still moving. This is all just Warrior hate/ LBJ love.


I honestly would rather KD go keep the core squad. I'm getting the feel that KD is causing devisions among the team. All or most of the defensive lapses in G7 with Rockets in the first half involved KD. And you heard in the media, from Steph...the team could have gone to splinters. Cause everyone was yelling and pointer fingers. That says alot.