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I had to record form a stream online with no sound, but I put some lil extra touches in this one. 


GS vs PHX gm 57



saw steve kerr crossing the street while I was in little italy this weekend, almost ran out the restaurant lol


American pie the remake looooooool

Major Powers

From Treymond to Coachmond.


damn dude u got some disrespected coming out too with that clip of the dancers haha. but it was really nice to see the others on the bench finally produce what they were brought on to do, even if it was against the Suns. Hopefully this is a sing that they are hungry for the next couple months to keep that first seed.


After Klay forced the Troy Daniels up/down, his shrug was vicious. Klay giving the shrug is like any other player dancing all over you.


Holy shit, Alc -- I'm watching this on a second screen at work, and the extendo dance performance made me look like a perv. Not bad, though! Also: "Richard Simmons East" FTW.


Something about Mary hair !!


mybad mybad! I was just trying to take advantage of the different stream and make up for missing the first Q.


It's cool, they work hard out there too and glad they got the shout out.


Casspi was a revelation and back doing what he was doing before his injury. He made the team look so much better with his effective play. It was against the Suns so I should temper my enthusiasm.


They had the dance girls on the Warriors app last week, they’re scorching hot man 🔥, but also it looked like the cast of The Bachelor 😂


"Checks for LeBron" lol holy shit 😂😂😂


Great lip-reading on Kerr at the end! You been studying lip-reading?


Even I could infer the general content, but you got him almost word-for-word!


Damn alc, I love your vids and this cut was great. Always look forward to watching your recaps the next day.


Hopefully we can see more of that from Casspi in the matchup with Portland. My thoughts at the beginning of the game was, damn, thats smart, starting Casspi lets see if it sparks him. I was glad to be proven wrong on his play. But it was the suns. Maybe they should start him again, let Dre get an extended rest going into the Allstar break, guy plays a lot of minutes.


I really hope after draymond retires the warriors pick him up as a coach cuz I stg he will be the most hilarious coach ever just by the way he acts mane I cant wait😂😂😂


lol @ the kid hitting the dude in the face at 10:30, he was hella annoyed




Beautiful take as always al!


Loved it AA! hahaha There's something about Mary!! hahahaha!!!


I've been watching basketball a ling time and I've never seen 1 team have so many different players and teams come out and open up games by just not missing shot. All the dubs shooter come out ice cold and the other guys can't miss. So yea the TO don't help and defense hasn't been great, but these teams are shooting like 40% higher than their average. And that's not an exaggeration. ky, Russ, Payton, and D Smith have shot 25/30 in opening quarters. When the other team is hitting every shot and you can't hit one, everything else just gets magnified drastically. And they're playing like shit again in the 1st against POR. If a team would just shoot their avg in the first, or if the dubs would just shoot their avg, no one would even be talking about 1st qtr problems


This is maybe the biggest fatigue factor for champs... These huge opening punches by everyone with nothing to lose.