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GS vs Dal gm55



Good Vid✊🏽


mejri was talking shit to kd too right when he scored and kd pulled up a 3 ball in his face like it was cookies lol


I feel you're a bit hard on Steph for the defense at times. Like he usually puts in effort and fights for position with players who are bigger than him. He puts in alot more effort than other stars in this league on a consistent basis . e.g: Russ. With his size we gotta live with some of the deficiencies but he makes sure to communicate with his teammates so it puts his team in the best position on that end


Maybe I should compare him more to his star pg peers rather than our other defenders. I can’t agree with you on the effort, that to me is way to inconsistent. He fights in the paint, but in space and with screens id say it’s maybe 40% effort most of the time. He is no longer asked to carry the offense, I think he can afford to spend some energy on defense. But your point is taken, most star guards don’t play much defense In today’s NBA.


Good analysis, and it is amazing what can be picked up with multiple viewings. I did not recognize even half of the defensive work McCaw gave us this game.


That has been The Cavs number 1 attack against us in all 3 finals. He has some bad habits, but he is much more capable than what he is showing. Right now he just flat out does not want to fight through any type of screen regardless who he has to switch onto. I can’t imagine he is being coached to. But it’s almost like he just doesn’t want to guard his guy, if the big torches him, well...it was a miss match. If he WANTS to he can avoid switching way more. It’s not a matter of skills or physical limitations.


Thats great analysis, we gotta get you to replace Kelenna Azubuike on Warriors games. You got much more useful info to offer lol


Any idea of when Jordan Bell could be back ?


Alch: 1) do you think Andre is nursing some injury, and if not what is your best guess as to what is going on with him? 2) if you were the coach, how would you deal with Draymond's demeanor on the court, re technical fouls? As usual, great analysis.


I think he is saving himself, having basketball knees that are his age ( not near the mileage) your good, your good...and one awkward deep jump or landing and your knees or knee is sore for 2 weeks. Now that said,I believe it’s his back too. Basketball is such a practice sport, you need reps on reps. Now it may be starting to mentally wear on him, like “can I flip the switch like have” doing what I do and watching every games list 3x I am probably to quick to think the worst. The 3 point shooting though is less explainable. Usually guys losing their bounce start to fall in love with the 3ball and even shoot it better because it becomes more of a set shot. IDK man all eye on that first week out of the break!


Im Dead at "Klay up"

Daniel Fries

Barnes at a republican convention lololol! his voice tho..

Major Powers

Fuckin hell Alc this was a top quality breakdown. Thanks for doing what you do.


Now I’m a bit worried that the fact HOU is simply stacking their bench with more depth, now adding Joe Johnson and Branden Wright.....


This was on point. Glad I subscribed.


Question, what happened to Caspi’s 3pt shooting????


Definitely looking forward to it. Hopefully they are just waiting for the playoffs to let him shoot the 3


The front office and coaches are so cerebral it’s tempting to think there is an Ace up the sleeve.. there might be. But Casspi is in his head. I appreciate the support brotha!


Yes the front office as well as Steve Kerr, are deliberate with what they show and don’t show. So I truly hope they have an ace up their sleeve. Especially since the Rockets are loading up on bench players now. And you’re welcome brother. Keep doing your thing, I appreciate what you do.