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GS vs Bulls gm46


Nathan Glanzer

Checked my email at 2:00 to see if you had posted this or not. Didn't see it. Got sad. Was looking through some other emails when I got the Patreon notification email. It's fate. <3


Rather than push it out asap I have been taking my time getting in everything I want and how I want. Hopefully it shows .


Love it Alchemy! 👊


I think you’ve got the right idea by putting out the initial reaction video ASAP and then doing the extended version later on. Gotta take advantage of the time frame where the game is still trending to gain the attention necessary in order to effectively grow your viewership. Honestly, I’ve been really amazed by the fact that you’ve almost kept pace with Chris Smoove’s uploads (give or take an hour or two later), but with videos that are over twice as long and with 100x more depth to them. That must take some serious effort. Keep it going! I have a feeling this is gonna be the year your channel really takes off. 💪


Gotta correct you on this man, that's an eversion sprain. Inversion sprains are the most common.


Got you! I can't remember seeing one on a basketball court. Football sometimes when guys get rolled up on. But still rare. Do you know why its so much more painful?


When Klay hit that contested corner 3 the entire bench was in awe


Thanks Jim...greater risk of another injury with the lack of joint stability if ik reading that right. Probably why it takes longer to get back.


Pretty much. Because the Syndesmosis is regularly put under a lot of stress during walking and running, that sprain is also going to be a lot more noticeable/painful during weight bearing activity.


Pretty impressive win considering it was a trap game and both Draymond and Iguodala were out. News is that the MRI shows just a bone bruise for Bell. But Bell is gonna be missed against a team like Houston. Zaza's screens were great but he is getting destroyed in PnR. Kerr clearly does not trust Javale much at all so we'll see if he gets more minutes. Maybe time for giving Damien Jones some run?


Well Looney was the surprise last time we faced Houston so Looney will definitely see some playing time. This will be an interesting game though. Will need to contain Gordon and stop Capela from scoring on the PnR with either Harden or CP3


Just wanted to express my support and thank you for continuing to put out top quality content at an incredible price. You speak the truth and I hope that the day will come when people stop consuming that garbage spewed by ignorant goombas like nick wright and come to your channel to be enlightened. And on a side note, my 60 year old parents watch your videos with me and enjoy them just as much as I do. Your humor and basketball insight cross generations. Thank You, Alchemy!


Thank you for your feedback and support Jordan! Im keep grinding growing, I know I'll get my voice on the big stage.


Dubs and Houston have split their first two reg season games, today's game is the last we see of them until presumably the playoffs. I wouldn't put it past Kerr if we are ahead late to make some interesting substitutions. I can see the value of losing the regular season series giving us extra motivation in April.


Interesting thought.. I think Houston will definitely be the more hungry team. But the Dubs always rise when challenged.