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I will be live 4:30pm PT for a pre game. I know its early, but you can listen along in your commute or check it out on your own time.  


GS vs Dal gm 36


Major Powers

Holy shit this vid was particularly epic, Alc.


I have to work with what I'm given...sometimes there is a ton, sometimes almost none! Haha but yeah I quit my job last week details in live stream.




Nvm..read the description! Keep up the good work brutha


430 pm PT half hour before the game. I know it's early..but you will be able to view it whenever.


Great vid. Keep up the awesome work. Nice to see your subscriptions rising everywhere.

Nathan Glanzer

I like how Curry bounced the ball to the floor sweeper while arguing that call at :50 haha.

Nathan Glanzer

One thing I noticed Smith doing was going up for layups after one step not two. He's quick enough and explosive enough to do it well and no shot blocker is really ready for it. He got under Bell, Zaza, and a couple others with that and the ball was off the glass before the defender even left his feet. (You see it at 8:55ish)

Nathan Glanzer

I got stuck watching the Dallas announcers cause of some League Pass problems. Man it really makes you appreciate how good Fitz and JB really are. They are super unbiased when it comes to the ref and the game I really like that. At one point the Mavs announcer said "(mav player) got screwed on that call" I can't ever imagine Fitz or JB saying something like that. And they talk about the game or Warriors stuff. That's it. I hate watching ESPN or TNT and hearing those morons talk about how their son's birthday party went or some shit like that. Haha. Even in blowouts the Warriors announcers are great to listen to.


He is a special athlete, but lets see how much better he gets. His demeanor suggests he is hard headed.


I wouldn’t say “super” unbiased but they are bearable to watch. They still heavily favor the Dubs. Numerous times they say that the refs got the wrong calls or what have you in favor of the dubs. All team broadcasters are biased and that’s fare. I usually love watching opponents broadcasters to hear the reactions when we dominate them haha.


Hey Alchemy, the delivery on your commentary and especially your jokes is smooth and buttery. I was wondering if you record your audio in one take, flow of consciousness style speaking everything as it comes and then break it up and edit it all together or if you are writing down jokes and recording stuff constantly in bits and pieces throughout out the game to edit together later.


When you contrast this game with the HOU game, it's pretty easy to tell the Dubs just didn't have the same focus level for Dallas. It's like they knew they could turn it on and beat them when they needed to. Poor, slow rotations all game. Gave up an absurd number of open corner 3's. Their defense had more energy vs HOU . GSW forced a bad 3pt shooting night from the rockets.


I take time stamp notes during the game to speed up the editing process. When I sit down to record i try to do it all in one take naturally. I have a few punch lines I have ready then i just let it flow. It depends on the edit, some games i can get it done only starting and stopping my narration 3 or 4 times. More choppy games I have to start and stop more to deliver all i want to say.


They did! And it was the right stratagy, but the amount of layups they yielded was s bit much.