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Warriors game 2 || Pelicans ||



Glad to see we are slowly getting in shape and showing glimpses of warriors basketball..it starts with defense


HAHAHAHAHA!! "she's like scared and turned on all at the same time" - this is like me watching every GSW game... Scared that Klay might just suddenly erupt. and turned on because... good basketball.. This was a great win! Keen to go get those Grizz tomorrow!!


Mr. Scrooge lmao. That block he swatted right to the sideline was my favorite. Let's keep the block party alive tonight!


AA if I have one request this season, it's that you continue to point out to Warrior fans how valuable and unique Zaza's skill set and play are for this team. Zaza is one of a kind 5 on this roster and Zaza is a perfect fit in the Warrior offense as well. Zaza's contributions are often overshadowed by all the spectacular play of the stars, yes I see you Klay, I see you KD.....Zaza, he's a modern day Clyde Lee.


No doubt.. The way the league is now there are nights he can't stay on the floor. But when teams play a traditional big he is our best option.


Just like last year, definitely seems like there's a feeling out phase with all the bench players, which is probably why SDot's deficiencies are more glaring than usual. That being said, it's going to be interesting to see how Casspi fits, since he's been out so much.

Keith Reynolds Jr.

Like you said Livingston is worrying me. He looks out of sorts. Defense and his court spots are ineffective. IDK if its a case of being out of shape, or of Father time jumping on his back. The team turnovers really need to improve as a whole.


We going for the 3 allot more than last year? Haven't looked at the stats but it feels that way. Maybe a combination of Young, Draymond's (unwarranted?) confidence and the match-up but it'll be interesting going forward.


This was def one of my top 3 favorite videos so far, had the best mix of content/analysis/jokes and your talking points were super smooth. Keep on grindin