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Each game is a story, some stories takes longer to unfold. I have no set amount of time for how long my highlights are I just tell the story. A 30 point blow out may only be a 5 or 6 min story but when its close its usually longer..


Warriors vs Rockets gm1



Casspi n McGee, and Looney look real Cuttable to me.


I definitely think will need McGee's rim protection...and Casspi is a guy who can fit in a lot of line ups but his body always betrays him.


Hoodie's made for the players only. I asked someone at the team store yesterday.


You're right AA, it is what it is, but when the W's play the best teams the W's advantage is always in the fact that they have more plus defenders up and down the lineup, so yea no Andre/Dray at the finish ya get a make it take it game.


Hate to say it but im thinking it so I will...The refs had there hands all over this game in the first half. Now this is part of the league, but when is Steph going to get the Superstar whistle or better yet non whistle at times!


This organization is a notch above now! While Im disappointed I cant own one, its dope that instead of seeing dollar signs they took the opportunity to give the players something special.


Agree, but it's 1 game and i'm excited that the Warriors might have their best defensive team ever....let that thought linger a moment...e..v..e..r..


I agree with the thinking that this loss is a positive. It's a reminder, on ring night, that shit was last year. This year we start over and have to work. Kerr is becoming quite the Pop/Phil hybrid genius.

Jansen E

They needed McGee so badly in this game. Early foul trouble ruined the entire flow of the game and terrible whistles interrupted everything. This game was bad from the start. Chris Paul treating this like the NBA Finals, finally beating Curry in what....like 4 years? Bad game from basically everyone except Swaggy.


Well said... Dray was doing work tho... S_dot no where to be found.


man.. KD is my boy, but he gotta stop with those damn turnovers yo! I don't care about this loss, I just hope Dray is okay...


To me, KD looked like he was trying to facilitate more which caused him to force passes. The lack of a preseason was noticable (as you mentioned) the spacing was all out of sorts, in conjunction with foul trouble. In my opinion, you can tell who has played with each other in practice and who hasn't. I think Looney looked solid for the first time in a while and I think SDot is regressing quicker that I expected ( he always feels a step behind). My two cents


Good take... No IG is probably culprit number 1 in the sloppy turnovers. I also think a lot of the passes were there against last year's Rockets team. Tucker and Luc were factors on both ends.