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Former NBA Ref Tim Donaghy on Game 4 NBA finals



It says the video is private!


When I'm on my phone I get an email as well as a Patreon notification.


This just makes me sick,I mean come on 22 FTs,and the Commentators slobbering all over the Cavs nuts was just sickening,seriously I hate JVG/M.Jax combo,they are the worst in sports.


its disturbing but I thought yall might want to be prepared for more fuckery .


Yea I get emails


I got your back door!


lol this shit is disgusting. We wonder why Steph sometimes seems to stop trying as hard/plays less confident, he knows what's happening with the refs and it just tilts the shit out of him. If that's actually the case then it's not an excuse for his mentality, but it's incredible that it's a factor in the first place. And it just takes the fun out of watching because you're watching your guys get blatantly fucked on national TV while people rooting for the Cavs couldn't give less of a shit, instead coming up with every possible excuse for why the reffing didn't matter. And there's always just enough plausible deniability that it will never stop happening.


BTW heads up Alchemy, I'm not sure if you intended the video to stay private seeing that it's unlisted, but I see this getting posted on reddit.


Yeah I dropped it in a tweet to quitley get it out there. But no way I could drop it on the main channel.


That's why I was so happy we won the third game. Had we lost it, I had a feeling we would lose Friday to for various reasons and the series would be tied up. Just happy they get a chance to close it out Monday.


Totally feeling all this shit. The frustration and familiarity. Donaghy may have low cred but I believe every word he is saying is accurate. Does anybody know where you can find free throw / foul call stats by game online? like a 4 quarter breakdown of game 4? I have been looking for twenty minutes to win a twitter war but I can't find any lol


I'm a salt mine after game 4. I'm not even pissed the Cavs won the game, they shot lights out. I'm getting tired of the inconsistent calls, Curry getting mugged every time he runs through a screen or tries to trot 40 feet and getting a shoulder putting him on the floor. It's like, c'mon man! Still, even with the lights out performance, Dubs still got theirs. We pick up our defense and the Cavs come back down to earth, we get game 5. We still shot +50%.


I excpect the game plan to be unleash Steph early. Use there aggression against them, a part of his game that has expanded this year is learning the "Harden"


Only way to get something like that would probably be through synergy sports. Or to manually do it. The NBA wouldn't make something incriminating accessible.


Hot damn my brother told me it was rigged but I didn't wanna believe him. But u right - Steph just gotta Steph and he just gotta put up those numbers like he always does when we r hot. Can't deny that he brings some momentum to the table


The refs were blatant about what they wanted accomplished. Game 4 was decided in the 1st q. And the refs decided the 1st q. Any longtime NBA fan could tell what was going on. Even casual fans knew something wasn't right. This was the league saying - "GSW cannot be allowed to sweep". Shameful night for the NBA.

Kevin Morris

Yo Alchemy, we're jonesin' for your game 5 recap. The grand finale.

Daniel Vu

Game 4 was a little throwback to the 2002 WCF.


That team would have one it all, with prime Cwebb Peja and co

Daniel Vu

They were basically the mini Warriors. Ran an open flow offense and completely unselfish. Loved watching them play back then. Greatest team to never win a championship.