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NOT SO FAST: Warriors Cavs || Game 4



You can tell the League does not want to lose money


I read even Lacob would have lost 22 mill not having a game 5, seemed like Steph was down.


Why can't you post this on YouTube?


The network I signed to only allows me to show the clips that you see in the shorter version on youtube. (I was not aware of this when signing)

Major Powers

High octane quality video. Damn!


I know its rough to revisit, if you notice there are much less views on the rare Ls we take. Respect 👊


Thanks for your take man, your roasting softened some of the blow from this game.


Yeah it was a rough edit for me..but glad i could lighten the mood for you.


Just became a Patron to watch this video as the shorter one on YT didn't quite cut it for me. Glad to hear some more criticism of the reffing here as well as good analysis of what we did wrong. Keep up the quality vids!


Welcome Irene! Thank you for the support! If you have any questions or request please post here. It much easier for me to spot it.


I gotta say this with all due respect Alchemy,I think steph was off because he was being manhandled all night without a single call going his way,yes he was passive,but when he went into the pain it seemed every time he was getting assrammed and not a single,where we so much as looked at Bron/Irving on a drive there was a call,and let's face it that shit is disheartening as a player.


Valid point. I just wish he would try and shoot his way out of it. That is why they do it to him. They know he can be discouraged to shoot. He was hesitant to shoot from outside, that should never be. Like I said, we need to hard foul Kyrie a few times instead of letting him make a uncle drew commercial out there.


It's less that he would have lost 22m,and more that the team would not have earned that,since no one accounts for the playoffs in terms of making money,since you aren't guaranteed to make the playoffs,let alone the finals.


I just didnt want to be that guy. I know everyone will be talking about it until game 5


Dont know where your comment went Jesse but thanks! Haven't had to do a loss video in what feels like months haha. I know Kyrie is elusive, but someone needs to put him on his butt every once in a while.! Calling Matt Barnes?


We're blessed with so much talent I'm confident we win this next one at home. I was concerned that we seemed to stray from the defensive scheme that worked so well in game 1 and 2 though, single coverage on lebron and sticking on shooters at the 3 pt line. Let's hope there's a little less Zaza on the floor and a LOT more energy to start the game. Cuz you know these cavs aren't going home without a fight


I think a larger emphasis needs to be getting Steph free, I know he came out of the game seemingly out of it and not playing aggressively at all but I want Kerr to force him to shoot more. In the game I saw him setting screens for KD but I think rain or shine KD can get his, whether the team performs well or bad. However, if Steph is on just by eye test it seems like the whole team performs better as well. I think a lot of warriors fans have become awestruck by the signing of the 7 footer and forget who is the biggest factor to Warriors success. Thoughts?


AA! I joined your Patreon after watching your videos on YouTube for months. First of all, thank you for posting these amazing videos--they're great and your humor and analysis is unparalleled. Secondly, this video was tough to watch but I'm glad that you went over everything that happened. I'm a little discouraged after last night's game but at the same time, the box score for the rest of the three quarters was pretty even; which is both good news and bad news. We can still play with Cleveland, obviously, but we just couldn't make up the initial difference because we weren't mentally there... I wish the refereeing was better and hopefully we get the calls at Oracle because that was some straight up bullshit; especially in the first quarter when the pace was set for the entire game. Also, I wanted to ask your opinion on both Kerr and Brown as coaches. I thought we definitely played better, disciplined defense AND offense with Brown at the helm than with Kerr. Sometimes I worry that Kerr's obsession with the formula, not mixing it up when needed, and his substitutions can hurt the GSWs more than they help. What do you think? Sorry this was so long, I just want to hear your input since you have you're so attuned to the details of the game and team. Have a good day, dude!


Thanks for the support! And welcome to this nice little private community we are building here. I was not a fan of kerr coming back at this time. We had been rolling, and he is clearly not all the way healthy. So the move reeked of selfishness to me. While he is a great basketball mind, i think his ego causes him to over think things at times. Its simple when shit hits the fan, ride your superstars. Dont get me wrong his finger print is all over the success of this team. But always trying to maintain his rotation is a weakness. Mike Brown would probably not be this successful on his own. But giding what kerr has built with less ego hes has been tremendous.


There's no doubt the officiating in both games 3-4 was inconsistent from end to end especially the multiple offensive fouls on Zaza and other Warriors players on the screens but as all coaches (and old coaches) should tell their players you have to play your same consistent way and just play through those calls focus on clean the technique on the next opportunity. The inconsistent calls and constant prolonged stoppages gave Cleveland's big 2 rest and may have aided in blunting the A's comeback attempts. My only true complaint comes from something Clyde Lee said back in the day when asked how he got so many offensive rebounds and his response was how high can you jump if your weight is on your heels? Put another way, Lou Carnesecca called it the "subway" push but what TT does as evidenced to both the live eye and the video eye is 2 hand push/pull, like the play on Livingston under the hoop at the end of the game where s-dot gets a foul that's an uneven whistle.

A Scott FitzGerald

The officiating has been terrible but in my opinion so has the coaching. Both Coach Lue and Coach Kerr's in game adjustments have been suspect. It took pretty much every former player on ABC, ESPN, and NBA TV to talk Lue into posting up LeBron in Game 4 after 3 straight games where it was obvious the Cavs can't run head up with the Warriors and win at that pace. And on the flipside, Kerr is so in love with the "Death Line Up" that when they are getting bullied on the boards by Thompson, Love, and LeBron he still insists on playing Iggy with Draymond at the 5 even though (as KlayAllen pointed out in his video on Javale McGee) the line up of Steph/KD/Klay/Dray/JaVale has the highest plus/minus of any line up in the NBA this season and having Javale out there with KD and Draymond gives them two 7-footers on the court to direct the Cavs to when they drive to the paint. I hope they wrap things up back in Oakland but I think Kerr needs to be called out for his poor in game adjustments. Granted he can't overcome the NBA wanting to extend the series for that ad revenue but he's been a one trick pony at coach ever since they came up with the small ball line up in 2015.


I think Barnes is our solution to putting some stop to kyrie. Having said that it's a bit hard call to put him in at this point bc he hasn't played that many minutes in this series, not sure if he needs that time to warm up but we could def use the physicality


Well said. What I noticed was they were giving too much help off of him. He had been so quite in the first 3 games, it was like they forgot he could hurt them. Unless its Steph switched on him, I really don't like doubling LeBron in the post.


Problem with Javale is he gets abused in the PnR and Cleveland goes to it right away to get him off the floor.

A Scott FitzGerald

But don't you think even that is something that could be a coachable fix? The issue is that by their scheme the Warriors switch on everything defensively. The Cavs use that to try to force Steph onto LeBron or Kyrie for a mismatch and they also use it to isolate Javale in the high post to try to blow by him. If Javale, KD and Draymond can get the communication down correctly I think they can scheme for Javale to just leak to the paint rather than getting caught around the free throw line to the top of the key in space and getting those cheap rundown fouls.


Not sure it is at this point, I think he is who he is. He doesn't process quickly or show discpline staying down. I love him for who he is, but in this match up I question. If the juice is worth the squeeze.


This was a game you're just thankful no one got suspended or injured, bc it was out of control. Our defense was bad but it's also hard to criticize it too much bc it is impossible to defend when the refs handcuff you so early in the game. The officiating was blatant. Our defense needed to be physical by how can we be physical if the refs are only letting one team get away with it? The league couldn't allow a sweep so they did what they had to do.