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Time to meet an elf, head back to Hogwarts and solve the mystery of the Heir of Slytherin. Join us as Mrs. Movies watches Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002). Here's her reaction to her first time watching.


EARLY ACCESS: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) | Movie Reaction

Time to meet an elf, head back to Hogwarts and solve the mystery of the Heir of Slytherin. Join us as Mrs. Movies watches Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002). Here's her reaction to her first time watching.


Tony A. Aragon

Some trivia, a Basilisk is bred when a chicken egg is hatched under a toad.


Dumbledore was recast after this film due to Richard Harris' death. Coincidentally, Sir Michael Gambon who portrayed Dumbledore in films 3-8 recently died. Before Christian Coulson was cast as Tom Riddle, Eddie Redmayne, who would later play Newt Scamander in the Fantastic Beasts films, auditioned for the role. Hugh Grant was originally cast as Lockhart but was forced to withdraw at the last minute because of scheduling conflicts. Jason Isaacs also originally auditioned for Lockhart. Tom Felton did indeed improvise Draco's line "I didn't know you could read" to Harry disguised as Goyle because he forgot his line. Furthermore, Lucius' and Harry's exchange just before Lucius leaves Dumbledore's office was completely improvised by the actors on the spot. Jason Isaacs said "Let us hope that Mr. Potter will always be around to save the day" and Daniel Radcliffe immediately replied "Don't worry, I will be". Lucius starts to use the Killing Curse "Avada Kedavra" on Harry after leaving Dumbledore's office. To actually try to kill a child in the middle of a school makes him seem quite dumb. But Jason Isaacs explained that the book didn't mention any specific spell and this was the only one he could remember. Wearing glasses does not protect a person from dying by the basilisk's eyes, because glasses still allow one's line of vision to connect directly and clearly with the snake's eyes, unlike looking in a mirror or through a camera. Interesting theory about not wearing them though. It's almost universally agreed upon that the films did Ron dirty. One of the most notable ways was how most of his best lines were given to Hermione. One notable example of this is when Hermione is the one to explain what "Mudblood" means instead of Ron. In the book, Ron is also the one who points out how ridiculous the whole idea of wizarding blood supremacy is (instead of Hagrid). Hermione and Ron's awkward non-hug was the result of Emma Watson being embarassed to hug both Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint in front of everyone, with her hugging Daniel during filming having to be frozen for a few seconds to get the desired effect due to her breaking the hug too quickly. In the book it's revealed that Filch is actually a Squib, which is a non-magical person who is born with at least one magical parent (kind of the opposite of a Muggleborn). Foreign language translations had to change Tom Marvolo Riddle's name, so that an appropriate anagram could be formed. In Icelandic (my language) his name is "Trevor Délgome" which aligns with "Ég er Voldemort". A sweet behind the scenes story is that during production, Emma Watson frequently brought her pet hamster Millie on set but, unfortunately, Millie passed away shortly after filming began. The set department created a specially-made hamster coffin for her.