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Heyo again everyone! This week was dedicated to populating the level with enemies and events. Before I jump into it, I want to quickly address the state of the poll, as it's the closest we've ever had a poll ahah.

Pix and Siren are in the lead currently with Lana a single vote behind. There are 14 days remaining on this poll for v0.8's Level.

With that, let's jump into the rundown on the enemies/events of Zol'gan... the parasite planet.

Let's start with our basic "mites".

These little guys will be sprinkled around the level and will shoot basic lasers at you.

The next is the Spider.

These spiders will fire a purple icor at you. These purple balls can be destroyed, and act in a similar way to the purple claws. It will stick to you and slowly drain your health. You can barrel roll to remove this.

Next up is our Red Claws. These enemies are ones you will enter into a bit more of a "tango" like the brown mid enemies in Catiya. Their firepower is different though.

This shot cannot be barrel rolled. You will need to actively move to avoid it. 

And finally we have our large worms.

These worms will often come at you. They do not have projectiles, but they are quite agile.

With the core 4 enemies covered, we have a couple other segments that will pop up. Like avoiding loose islands.

Overall this level is technically the longest by far... by a significant margin. Most levels average about 2500-3000 units in length, where as Zol'gan is between 3500-4000. Due to this, and the scale of the level. The overall rail speed of the player is increase a decent amount.

Now let's get into something else. We come back to a familiar face on this one. Welcome Pom.

Destroying the supply crate will reveal a golden power cell. This turns your jetflame yellow for 10 or so seconds. During this time boosting, braking, and ally abilities cost 0 thrust. It is your time to spam your abilities if you have them.

After you beat Pom on Neos a Power cell will spawn in every level. The location will be the same, and will likely be in a segment just before a lot of enemy spawns.

And the last thing I will touch on is the introduction of Rooster in the level.

Not too enthusiastic about the predicament, Rooster will lend you support in the coming level. Rooster's abilities are yet to be implemented or announced, but I will be sure to cover that when the time comes.


I have also sent off docs to Lewd K for additional sound effects, so those are in the works ^^. This next week will be dedicated to the construction of the boss. At the core of the planet, you must temper the parasite.

Thanks again everyone! I'll catch you all then!




Denial Leon

So the calm and collected Siren and the wild and chaotic Pix huh!? Maybe opposites attract!?

Lunatic 0verlord

Yeah, looking forward to what other adventures with the perpetually naked fishgirl we'll have.