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Heyo everyone! Sorry for the late post. Some awkward sleep patterns put me in a bit of a weird timing. This week was dedicated to setting up the atmosphere, layout, and obstacles of the scene. I'll cover a few other things, but let's jump in!

Alright! To start, this level will be you following alongside some tubes/pipes. These tubes actually belong to a planet sized Parasite. Here's another look at the planet's overview concept.

As a recap, this planet, while having been devoured by the parasite, finds itself in a situation where it is also the main component holding this planet together. The population has since been zombified, like this.

This is one of the characters we are going to be involved with the level.

Many islands are being held together by chains. Throughout the level you will be weaving between this planet's rubble.

At a certain point the track will start spiraling around the giant tube (As shown by the white line gizmo). I had to rewrite some scripts to allow the player, and camera to technically be upside down, as this is something that was never needed before. It may have minor effects on other levels, but likely nothing negative.

With that we also have our alien's (Who we are going to be calling Rooster from now on) intercom

and their spot on the ship

With many of the set pieces in play, next week will be dedicated to putting in the enemy tracks. 

Alright everyone, thanks a ton! I'll catch you all next week for the enemy layouts and breakdown!




Lunatic 0verlord

Not sure if Rooster is sleeping...or trying not to cry. Also is that zombie an ally or an enemy?