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Heyo everyone! I'm back from the trip, and have gotten some headway where possible. There are going to be a few first looks at things here, as AmHidden has knocked off a good amount in my absence. Before I get into the new mechanics, I'm going to say that alongside this post I am going to do the build's poll.

As there are no more characters to vote for, I will be doing a poll for a "type of Hscene". This poll will consist of options that typically wouldn't show up, or hasn't showed up so far. Another thing about the poll is that "when" it will come could vary, to ensure we are working on a suitable character for it.

The current hscene types on the poll will be:
-Light BDSM (tied)


Now onto the mechanics:

In this hallway you will be dodging many colorful wires. You will only want to shoot the pink wires. This will award you with affinity, and potentially help you in the boss. If you shoot or collide with any other color, an explosion will happen and you may take damage. This is the alternate route if you mange to help the catgirl and clear a path for her.

Another thing covered was Nika's passive and active. I'm still going to experiment with this a bit, but she does have a bit of an isolated combo.

Active: Playful
-You will throw a piece of yarn into the battle field infront of you.

Passive: Reckless
-For every yarn collected, the player will get +1% attack speed, but take +1% increase damage.

The idea behind this ability is that it's a double edged sword, but it is also an ability you can effectively use on downtime.

Alright with the new mechanics planned out, I'm going to cover whats coming in the upcoming weeks.

Typically we would do the boss fight next, but due to some circumstances, and the complexity of this boss, we are rearranging things a bit to give the team a more smooth time to flesh it out. This boss will likely stick you on a circular rail system. You will move around a giant hologram of the boss shooting off pieces of her clothing.

We want to give extra time for modelling, rigging, and animating her. Because of this, next week we will be working on our catgirl's (Who we will call Nika for now) first Hscene.

Nika has also been added to the Hub

and her "Help" animation was added

Alright, that should pretty much wrap up what we got here. I'll catch you all next week with Nika's first Hscene! Thanks again everyone, and welcome to all the newcomers!




Lunatic 0verlord

How cute :3 Though it is odd that she seems to have more clothes in her H-scene than in her base pose.