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Hey everyone! Sorry if this post seems a bit rushed, but I'm a bit on the clock here. I got as much of the enemy implementation done as possible in the last couple days before leaving for a week, but there is still some things to do when I get back.

Let's start with a brief list of enemies you will encounter on Neos:

-Neos City Drones
-Hologram Hands
-Hologram "Rockets"
-Tram Carts
-Brown Grunts (Appears in most levels to some degree)
-Purple Claws (Same as you've seen in other levels

I'm going to start by showing off some small grunt clusters... the main reason for this is that I've made some minor balance changes. The Charge shot's blast radius has been increased along with it's damage (I can't remember if I mentioned this previously, but it's been overall buffed).

It will more reliably kill large/more spread out clusters, and also will kill just about any small enemy in 1 shot.

2nd Enemy I will show off is still unfinished, but they are the drones.

I will state that MOST enemies right now are fairly hard to see. This will be improved when we get to polishing, and apply proper shaders/textures.

Hijacked by the boss, she navigates these drones to drop their packages on you, so you'll likely need to watch out for this.

Next, as you saw in the back are the hologram hands. The digital world begins to mesh with the physical world. Typically these hands will come out with 2 attack types. They will wind up for a punch, or open up for a slap.

The punch will typically be much quicker, but cover a smaller area. The slap will be slower, but cover a larger area. It will generally be best to dodge punches, but shoot down slaps. (Unless you have some serious firepower, or counters, like the Barrier... which does a lot of damage on collision).

Next are the Rocket Holograms... yes they are rockets. (Don't mind the flickering green window. Shader layers haven't been properly set yet).

What happens when a hologram hand meets a hologram rocket? We'll have to see.

And finally are the trams.

These will be opening fire as they pass by, and will likely be slightly repositioned and be faster.

You will face all these enemies through the level. It's all still a bit scuffed as I wasn't quite able to finish/polish things up in these couple days, but alas, my time to leave for the week has come. I'll have to finish it up when I get back. I will be behind as a result, which is inevitable, really. Just means I'll need to double down on some weeks to catch up for the v0.6 release on Feb 1st.

That should wrap things up! Again, sorry if it seemed a bit rushed, but I've grown a bit short on time here. Next post will be on the 22nd, and unfortunately it might also be a bit scarce, but I will do my best to have at least SOME stuff to show. I might actually push the post back to the 23rd or something just so I have an extra day to crunch to ensure there are things to showcase, but we'll see how it goes.

Thanks again everyone! And welcome to all new patrons! Scheduling and work flow is normally quite consistent here, but this week is a bit of an exception. I appreciate the patience!




Lunatic 0verlord

I think I speak for everyone when I say that these rockets look rather suggestive. Guess the boss has some unfulfilled urgers.