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Alright everyone! I have a few things to go over for this one. I did a few extra things on this last day here, and kinda got hung up on it... which is honestly probably for the better, as they were pretty necessary changes to the level... anyways, before I ramble about vague things, lets just jump into the update!

Pix has a similar set up of animations:

A cheap smug laugh.

When she's feeling really confident.

When you've pissed her off. (Her left arm gets super skinny, so I will likely make adjustments to the rig to fix that)

something like this.

She also has a "Happy" loop.

and as usual you can play with a couple clothing settings

or anti-clothing settings

Now, as mentioned, there were a few other things I did on this last day before the post.

The first thing was adding a little more foliage to fill out the "Jungle" 

As a result of additional foliage. I wanted to rework some occlusion culling, and draw distances for optimization. There is a lot of stuff in the scene, so I wanted to make sure it won't impact performance too much.

Another thing I did, was a little more universal. Across the board, I made it so small enemies do not receive shadows. This will hopefully help with forms of readability for the smaller enemies in darker areas.

When they receive shadows:

When they do not receive shadows:

This pretty much sums up this week. The next week is gonna be a bit scattered, however. I have a large list of things to tie up before it finishes, so it will be a scramble. Things like fixing up timing in the level, reworking the boss a bit to feel a little less clunky,  touching up some of the animations in the Hscenes, adding sound effects to several things (some of these may be placeholders for the time being), tying up the scenes and UI, and writing Pix's dialogue. I would like to do some extra stuff, but I feel like these things will eat up the week. Either way, I will be sure to let you all know how things go when the time comes!

Thanks again everyone! I'll catch you then!




Denial Leon

She got them crazy eyes! Kinda fitting with the whole loose cannon pilot.