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Heyo everyone! The last week has been a bit of an interesting one, so let's dive right in!

To start off with, AmHidden has done up the victory still, and the remaining backgrounds for Samga's scenes. On the programming side of things, I have been implementing something called a "Band of Partnership". This is the "detour" mentioned in the title. Simply put, it's an item you can purchase with SS coins. It's function is simple, but just adds something for those who want a specialized ending with their favorite character. This Item will give you no extra H-content.

Upon finishing the game you will choose someone to give it to (or skip for normal endings). You will be brought in to have a brief conversation with the character where you give them the band, and the endings screen will reflect the outcome.

It's been a small setback adding these in, but I think they will add a nice charm for the time invested in them. That being said! What is to come in the following week?

  • Final touches on the "Save System"(specifically setting up the "Progress %" display)
  • Finishing Keybinds (Possibly reworking them, as I ran into some issues with UI)
  • Potentially optimizing the menu where you assign a band for the final boss. This scene has a large load time at the moment due to loading like.. over 40 audio files. It's not a huge deal, but it is a jarring difference to every other scene's loading time.
  • Assigning Samga's info in home tent, and victory still. (It's likely you will not be able to use her theme song in your home tent for reasons related to the above.)
  • A few pretty important bug fixes

That is the list of things I'll be working on. The reality is, those are the last things until the base game is completed. It miighhtt take a little bit longer than this week, but we'll see what kind of complications I run in to.

That being said, upon the game's completion I will likely be teasing and going in to some more details on our next project as I get SpunkStock's distribution in order.

Here's a very vague teaser on things to come.

Thanks for coming by everyone! I'll catch you all next week!




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