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Eran's scene has been fully rigged, and I have started her animations. This preview is very much a work in progress. I didn't get quite as much done this week as I was originally intending, as I took a bit of time to create a trailer for our Steam page, and an alternate version of it to be displayed on an upcoming Expo presentation that I submitted SpunkStock to.

With all of that said, the new lighting shenanigans we were trying out are implemented, but not quite looking how we want yet (it is not in the preview). I will be tinkering with it this week while finishing remaining animations.

Once the animation is complete, it should be smooth cruising until the end of the build. The planned mechanic should be fairly simple to implement, the new zone has already has it's base laid out(Just needs a few things), and after that I just need to stick Eran's dialogue in.

The build should still be on schedule to release mid-March.

Kinda sucks I don't actually have too much to show this week other than Eran's scene finally having motion. Most of the work done this week was more "behind the scenes" type things which I mean... I could show, but they definitely aren't to interesting ahaha.

Thank you all the new supporters, and of course all of you have been sticking with us for all this time!





Am tired so I'll just say I'm hoping in rigged in our favor :p