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Hey everyone! Just popping in to say that the current build has been updated for a few hotfixes and changes to match the public build which released today.

v0.12.2 changes

  • Changed where Samga2 looks in some instances
  • Fixed an issue where Samga's Xray doesn't sync properly.
  • Decrease rate prompt appears on the starting round as well
  • Drain value now increases properly (50%, previously was 150%)... woops
  • Toto's alt scene animations no longer reset if you initiate the same animation.
  • Made a change what will hopefully prevent Nitros from causing a miss in some instances
  • Added a "Performance Mode". This sets animations on low priority, removing bone physics, and greatly reducing frame rate in animations. This will hopefully help those who may be experiencing lag spikes in the notes. (Animations will look pretty bad in this mode)

I will give a progress update on v0.13 on Friday. This post is just to cover the update on v0.12


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