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Heyo! I'm sending this message to all currently active patrons who have contributed under $15 USD in total.

If you are unsure of the relevance, basically to summarize:
Patrons who have contributed the total price of the game will receive a key to the full game. The current planned cut off for this is January 4th (when tallying will take place). If you want to reach this threshold, you have until there to reach it. 

People who have reached the $15 threshold will get an Itch.io key by default. If you plan to reach $15USD, but would rather have a Steam key instead, be sure to let me know, and I'll about getting that noted down.

For more info be sure to check out the latest post. In it, I cover some important news involving the Patreon page's state as well.

Thanks everyone!
Published: 2022-12