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Hey all, it's monthly update time again! As noted in the last update, this last cycle was a fairly short one, so the change list will be a bit short as well. But before we can get into that, you can now find v0.6.0 up for the public at the usual itch.io page!

First off, the Ship Policies tab is now active, with the option to tell your XO to stop playing around with the other members of your crew, if that's how you like things. It is certainly a mechanical disadvantage to do so, but the option is there. Secondly, the ability to promote crewmembers is now also in place. The ability to get the funds required may still be a little difficult with the current game content, but I've also thoughtfully added a new cheat option to assist with that. Originally I was planning to make crew promotions a little more complex, likely using the duty assignment system, but in this case at least I eventually decided to keep things simple - as long as you've got the upgrade materials and they have the XP, the promotion option will be available on their crew profile page.

I did have a little extra time this month, which I spent on what will probably be my main priority for March - Harian story content. I've got a new Choker scene currently in progress (not a smutty one, sadly), and soon I'll be starting on the Harian Antagonist plotline, the equivalent to Carnal Coup's Director plots. As February was a very code-focused month, I'm currently planning to spend most if not all of the month on writing. I may dip into mechanics a bit for the second half, in which case I'll let you know in the mid-month update. Seeder-themed duty assignments are also in progress and may be added this month as well.

My personal schedule for the month is currently a bit chaotic, which hopefully won't affect the project schedule much but could if I'm unlucky. Either way, the next update is currently planned for March 17th. Til then, thanks for the support, patch notes are below and patron links will follow! Enjoy!

v0.7.0 Change Log

Game Functions:

  • Ship Policies button is now functional following the tutorial. One policy currently available: to toggle on or off daily XO training of crew with Sexual XP. The maximum number of crew trainings will be upgradable at a future date.
  • New Cheat Option added. A new button has been added that will add 10 of each upgrade item and 500 of each currency type when pressed.
  • Crew Promotions now available. When a crewmember has sufficient XP of both types, a button will appear on their crew profile. If you have sufficient upgrade items of the required type, you may promote them one rank. Trait bonuses applied to cost discounts, numbers still subject to adjustment.

Scene Content:

  • None

Art Content:

  • None

Codex Entries:

  • None

Bug Fixes:

  • The daily log report of XO trainings is now colored to match other log entries.

Known Issues:

  • None


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