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Evening all! We're still a few days off from the next State of the Game post, but I figure there will be enough to talk about with Romance Scene updates, so I've decided I'd break things up a bit and give you a small art preview a little early!

The to-do list for artwork for Carnal Voyages is very long, but the first thing on my priority list was the playable race portraits. NPC character portraits in CV will work very differently from Coup, due to the fact that these art assets will also provide the building blocks for the customizable player characters. While portraits in CC were static with a few basic variants for each species, CV portraits will be much more modular in terms of exactly what body details a character may have. So far we've finished two portrait sets, the Roth and the Figura, thanks to our artist Vin4ART.

In addition to the bodies, the uniforms for the playable faction are also modular. The colors displayed above are in fact not the colors you will see in game, rather they have been broken up such that I'll be able to apply different colors in-game for each ship division, much like you might see on a Star Trek style uniform. In fact by being dynamic, it may even be user customizable. I also have plans drawn up for future uniform 'upgrades' (the kind that involve progressively less fabric being used as you go), but that's still a ways off.

We're two down and four left to go for playable races, and it's my hope that we'll be able to get them all in before the first release. Still a lot of work left to go though, which I'll be back to talk about more this coming weekend. See you then!



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