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Evening all, here tonight to pose a question to you! I'm still in the early stages of planning for the next game, but it is time to begin considering which alien races to feature in the sequel. There will certainly be some returning options, but I'd like to add some new faces as well, and it's likely that some of the departments from Carnal Coup will need to be pushed to the background for practical reasons. I'll probably do another poll in the future regarding potential additions, but for tonight, which species would you like to see make a re-appearance in another game? I have some thoughts on this myself of course, but for now I'd like to hear your unbiased opinions.

To add one additional wrinkle to the question...I will not set anything in stone at this time, but players may have the option to play as one of the following races in the next game. Something to consider!

This poll will run for a few weeks, and you have the option of picking multiple responses, but I'd ask that you limit it to four max. Thanks for the feedback!



Grunt is my favorite character, hands down, so definitely Harian. Though I do love the Roth workers, too.