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Hey all, welcome to this decidedly un-foolish update post! As usual, the free release has been updated on the blog for you all to enjoy!

The task list for the coming month is fairly straightforward - epilogues all the way through. In fact, I've worked my schedule forecast a bit further forward and it's looking like epilogue content will be our focus from now until the first half of June. Specifically though I do have some particular scenes in mind for April. First off I'll be working to finish the Director epilogues, which I expect will be all in for the next release, and possibly the setting up for Department epilogues. Before I get too much into those however I will be tossing in a Specialist scene, and this month we have the Sorority up next on the list!

Artwise, things are slowing down as we come closer to wrapping up, but we do still have a few scenes in progress, and I hope to have at least one or two items to add in this month. I may not do a poll for it, but if anyone has a particular scene they wish had a CG - citizen, Specialist, or other - feel free to add your requests in the comments or the Discord, as the final commissions will be coming up soon and I'm always open to suggestions.

I don't believe I have much more to add tonight, but as we are coming close to crossing off all of the remaining items on the to-do list, you can probably expect to hear more about the future plans for Carnal Coup in the next few months. Til then, in summary:

March Accomplishments:

  • 2 Bad End Scene sets added
  • 4 Epilogue Scene sets added
  • Final Progression functionality added
  • Numerous code/editing fixes
  • 1 CG set added, from artist Vin4ART!

April Forecast:

  • All remaining Director Epilogues
  • Sorority Epilogue
  • Several Department Epilogues
  • 1-3 CG sets

Thanks for playing!


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