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Evening all, time for our monthly State of the Game! First off, as usual, our free release update is now up on the usual blog page!

Next up, let's talk schedule. As I've mentioned before, my plan for the next few months is to work on randomized mission content, with missions occurring in one of four different areas, and me spending about a month on each area (along with Specialist scenes). However, this first set will take a bit more time as I also have to write up the code to do the whole randomized mission generation thing, as well as set up the mission rewards system. So, my goal for our first September release will be to have that functional, and have enough encounters for a playable mission - that is, two secondary encounters and a main mission objective. It won't be very random, but it will be playable. I'll then be going into the second release cycle to add in some more encounters to the random pool, and will hopefully still have time left over to write up a romance scene for Double D, our Overseer poll winner.

Art-wise, we still have one Department scene outstanding, but otherwise I'll be moving our artists onto doing scene backgrounds for those Department scenes prior to the climax encounter. I do eventually want to start doing artwork for Specialist romance scenes, but the complication there is that they do need to be written up first, which will take a while to get to. So you can probably expect a few months of backgrounds, then moving on to another focus - perhaps Random Encounter scenes, possibly with some polls coming on this topic.

Think that about covers it for now, so in review:

August Accomplishments:

  • 2 Loyalty Missions
  • 1 Romance Scene
  • 2 Department CGs from artists Suki and Vin4Art!

September Forecast:

  • Game functionality for randomized missions, and mission rewards (I will at some point be going back to add some rewards to Loyalty missions, may or may not be this month)
  • Randomized Mission Area - Watch Station
  • Double D Romance Scene
  • Final Department CG, possibly several Department backgrounds

Thanks for playing!


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