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Welcome to the monthly State of the Game!

We're heading into the holiday season this month, so first off I want to say, I hope everyone has a happy season, but secondly I'd like to confirm that this isn't expected to affect the project schedule - there will still be two updates this month as usual. Moving on to poll results, the winner of last weekend's raffle is...no one, apparently, as there were no entries. Fair enough, I suppose. If anyone has suggestions on more interesting events I could try in the future, feel free to drop me a line. As for the monthly Random Encounter poll, we had the first poll victory for the insectoid Roth Workers, which will make this the first proper Roth-focused scene added to the game.

For December, you can expect to see more of the Schen Director in v0.12.0, and the first introduction of the Maelish in v0.12.1. Next chapter of Watch Station Stories is planned for next weekend, and will be our first M/M chapter in that series! As the development calendar is pretty well laid out for the next few months, this month's poll will probably focus on picking the next chapter theme. Project health-wise, the patreon has continued to dip somewhat in support, so may I suggest that Carnal Coup makes an excellent Christmas present? Tell your friends and family when you go home for the holidays this year!

To review:

November Accomplishments:

  • 8 New Text Scenes
  • 3 New CGs! (Thanks to artist Suki for this month's productivity)
  • Female Overseer Character Selection Designs (from artist Phall)
  • 1 Stories from Watch Station chapter (from writer Francis Smith)

December Forecast:

  • Schen Scientist Director and other scenes
  • First proper introduction of the Maelish pilots
  • Schen Citizen Designs
  • Continued progress towards Hellfire NPC designs and more scene CGs

Again, I wish you happy holidays, and thanks for your support!


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