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We've announced so many things these past few weeks that we thought we'd have a nice chat to catch up about them! Think of it as a bonus bonus episode! (The real February bonus was released early, in January, and it's the robo-generated Lingthusiasm episode.)

In this bonus bonus episode of Lingthusiasm, Lauren and Gretchen catch up with our senior producer Claire to take stock of all the exciting things happening with Lingthusiasm at the moment (and finally explain what happened with the original Bonus 3 back in the day). 

We talk about the Lingthusiasm Discord, which now hosts over 150 of you chatting about various lingthusiastic topics, from the serious to the silly, including a channel where people are reading their way through an open-source introductory linguistics textbook together, a channel for conlangs, a channel for language puzzles, a channel to post photos of things that might be wugs, and of course a channel for cute pet pics. Get more info about Discord here.

A reminder that we're giving out a LingComm Grant of $500 USD for an upcoming linguistics communication project! Do forward the LingComm Grant page to anyone you think might be interested in applying! It's thanks to all of your support as patrons that we're able to pay it forward to another project. 

We're also trying a new experiment! Last year's special offer stickers were so popular that we've teamed up with Patreon to add "Lingthusiast" stickers and mugs at the higher tiers, in addition to their regular rewards of getting your name and favourite IPA character on our Lingthusiasm supporter Wall of Fame and helping to sponsor additional LingComm Grants.  We're not sure how long we're going to run this Patreon merch experiment for, so if the sticker or mug are something you're interested in, get on those sooner rather than later! (Note that the glottal bottle and esoteric symbols scarf are just there for scale, and still available through Redbubble.

Note that this bonus bonus is only updates, no actual linguistics content, so if you'd rather just read the updates, you can see a full transcript of this episode here

Here are the links mentioned in this episode:

You can listen to this episode on this page, via the Patreon RSS or download the mp3. A transcript of this episode is available as a Google Doc. Lingthusiasm is also on Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter. Email us at contact [at] lingthusiasm [dot] com or chat to us on the Patreon page.

Gretchen is on Twitter as @GretchenAMcC and blogs at All ThingsLinguistic. Lauren is on Twitter as @superlinguo and blogs at Superlinguo.



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