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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


At this moment on the battlefield, the human side was generally at a disadvantage. However, due to Wang Hong's distraction, along with the assistance of the Poisonous Bees he released, they could still hold on for the time being.

As long as they could barely hold out now, the toxins within these Demonic Beasts' bodies would gradually take effect, providing hope for a reversal of the situation on the Human Clan's side.

Wang Hong was running away while evading the pursuit of four third-tier Demonic Beasts and dozens of second-tier Demonic Beasts. He was gulping down Spirit Wine.

He used the Shifting Positions technique, which allowed him to move extremely fast within a short distance, making him agile in combat. However, it was ultimately a dodging technique in battle and consumed a considerable amount of energy, not suitable for prolonged travel.

If it weren't for his robust physical body and the ample supply of Spirit Wine replenishing his Spiritual Power, with his level of Spiritual Power, he could only use it three to five times consecutively.

When he passed by Gu Qingyang again, the Demonic Beast that had been fighting with Gu Qingyang saw the person who had just attacked it earlier approaching once more. It became enraged and shed a few feathers, which shot toward Wang Hong.

Startled, Wang Hong quickly turned and used the Shifting Positions technique to evade at a distance. Fortunately, the feather attack was just a casual strike and didn't have too much power, so he managed to escape unharmed.

Gu Qingyang seized the opportunity when the Demonic Beast's attention was diverted by the feather attack and slashed at its wing with his sword, causing a deep wound that disrupted its flight stability.

After escaping the feather attack, a large group of Demonic Beasts from behind caught up to Wang Hong. In a hurry, he repeatedly used the Shifting Positions technique to escape their attacks.

Once he had distanced himself safely, Wang Hong halted and once again drew his bow, shooting an arrow at a three-tier Demonic Cow charging ahead. Whether he could harm it or not, the provocative gesture had to be made to keep them from diverting their attention to other cultivators.

The Demonic Cow lightly flicked the arrow away with its horn, roared in anger, and accelerated its pursuit of Wang Hong.

These Demonic Beasts had initially chased Wang Hong because he had killed the Roc Bird, hoping to capture him for credit. However, in the process of pursuing him, they had been continuously provoked, causing them to forget their original intent. Now, they only wanted to catch Wang Hong and tear him apart.

Wang Hong, upon seeing this, immediately turned to flee. He had no intention of confronting them head-on and wanted to live a few more days.

With a group of Demonic Beasts circling around the Flying Boat and making a large detour, they returned to the vicinity of Gu Qingyang. Wang Hong appeared to have the intention of getting closer for a surprise attack.

The Demonic Beast, which had been distracted by Wang Hong earlier and suffered a loss, saw Wang Hong approaching again. It glanced at him, ignoring him completely. The same trick wouldn't work twice on me; I'm not that foolish.

Instead, it focused on dealing with Gu Qingyang. It was already at a disadvantage, and if it were to divert its attention to deal with others, it would be too dangerous.

A mere Foundation Building Human Clan, what could you possibly do to me?

Just as the Demonic Beast was planning to ignore Wang Hong, a Binding Spirit Rope, like a snake, wrapped around it. Starting from its tail feathers and entwining around its wings and claws.

Under normal circumstances, a mere top-quality Spiritual Weapon wouldn't be worth its attention. But in the midst of this battle, especially when they were at a disadvantage, even a slight hindrance to its agility and a delayed reaction could cost it its life.
Gu Qingyang seized the opportunity and a dazzling sword light beheaded the Demonic Beast.

However, Wang Hong had no time to share in Gu Qingyang's victory. Instead, he handed a porcelain bottle to Gu Qingyang and sent a Message Transmission, saying, "Antidote!"

Without further explanation, he turned and fled once more, with the pursuing Demonic Beasts closing in from behind.

Previously, Wang Hong had scattered Devouring Spirit Poison around the Flying Boat. While everyone had the Flying Boat's defensive shield protecting them before, it had now been shattered, leaving everyone exposed to the poison. Given enough time, the poison would take its toll.

The Human Clan members, however, had been poisoned later than the Demon Clan, so if anyone were to die, it would be the Demon Clan members first.

Gu Qingyang accepted the porcelain bottle and instantly understood what had happened when he thought of the Demonic Beasts that had died from poisoning earlier. However, instead of immediately consuming the antidote, he controlled his Flying Sword to strike at a three-tier Demonic Beast that was pursuing Wang Hong.

As Wang Hong ran, he noticed that the number of Demonic Beasts chasing him was gradually decreasing. Occasionally, he looked back, and at this point, some second-tier Demonic Beasts were flying erratically, as if they were intoxicated, and some even fell down.

The battles of the other Foundation Building cultivators were now considerably easier. Previously, they had to deal with double the number of strong opponents, but now it had become almost one-on-one.

After leveling the playing field at the Foundation Building tier, the situation gradually improved as the number of second-tier Demonic Beasts decreased.

However, at the Golden Core level, they were still at a disadvantage. Apart from the three three-tier Demonic Beasts pursuing Wang Hong, there were fourteen others remaining, while only eight Golden Core cultivators were left.

One Golden Core cultivator was torn apart by two Demonic Beasts, and another was severely injured. Seeing no hope of survival, the latter chose to self-detonate their Golden Core. It exploded on the spot, killing one three-tier Demonic Beast and severely injuring another before other cultivators took the opportunity to finish it off.

Wang Hong led the group of Demonic Beasts in a brief escape and noticed that there were no more second-tier Demonic Beasts on the battlefield.

The three hundred Foundation Building cultivators had dwindled to just over two hundred. They were now far away and summoning their Spiritual Weapons, seeking opportunities to attack the remaining three-tier Demonic Beasts on the battlefield.

The three-tier Demonic Beasts on the battlefield were now at their weakest, as the Devouring Spirit Poison they had been affected by earlier was rapidly devouring their demonic energy.

The battle had been going on for nearly an hour, and these three-tier Demonic Beasts had not paid attention to it earlier, taking no measures.

At this point, they had very little demonic energy left, and they were too busy with the poison in their bodies during the battle.

As a result, although the Demon Clan had the numerical advantage, they hadn't gained any significant advantage in the battle. The two sides were now evenly matched.

The three-tier Demonic Beasts that had been pursuing Wang Hong finally realized the situation and stopped chasing him alone.

No matter how Wang Hong taunted them, they paid him no more attention. Instead, they rushed into the crowd of Foundation Building cultivators, wreaking havoc.

Faced with the massacre by the three three-tier Demonic Beasts, the two hundred cultivators had no choice but to scatter and flee.

Wang Hong's over ten thousand Poisonous Bees, after all the second-tier Demonic Beasts had died, remained quietly in the air without Wang Hong's command.

With no Demonic Beasts pursuing him at the moment, Wang Hong led this swarm of Poisonous Bees towards the battlefield of the Golden Core cultivators.

Although many Foundation Building fellow cultivators were being slaughtered, with many of them emitting desperate screams, Wang Hong himself was only at the Foundation Building cultivation level and couldn't be of much help.

It was better to provide some assistance to the Golden Core cultivators; the Golden Core battlefield was the key to changing the tide of the battle.

He hadn't participated in the disadvantaged battles earlier because he couldn't single-handedly change the situation.

He chose the battles where they already had the upper hand, so by joining them, he could be the final straw that broke the camel's back.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 401: Detoxification 


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