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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


As the second Spirit Net once again ensnared the Roc Bird, Wang Hong had nearly exhausted all the poison he had at his disposal.

At this moment, he drew a seemingly ordinary wooden arrow, nocked it onto his bow, and aimed it at the Roc Bird.

With a swift motion, the arrow reached the Roc Bird, only to be deflected by its beak, a magical weapon in its own right.

Wang Hong continued to shoot arrows at the Roc Bird one after another, but they were all blocked, unable to harm it in the slightest.

Meanwhile, a large number of demonic birds, poisoned, began to plummet to their deaths.

The remaining Demon Clan attacks intensified, particularly the relentless assaults from the third-tier Demonic Beasts, causing the spiritual light shield on the Flying Boat to dim, as if it could shatter at any moment.

At this point, there were only a little over six hundred second-tier Demonic Beasts and twenty third-tier Demonic Beasts left among the besieging Demonic Beasts. One of the third-tier Demonic Beasts was still caught in a Spirit Net.

The Demon Clan had twice the numbers of the Human Clan, but the Humans had one advantage—they were not poisoned.

In contrast, every member of the Demon Clan had been affected by Wang Hong's Devouring Spirit Poison, and their combat capabilities were gradually diminishing, though they remained unaware of it.

The Roc Bird ensnared by Wang Hong realized that the arrows he shot were only leaving minor dents on its large body, which were akin to scratches for a creature of its size. Eventually, it gave up resisting and paid little attention to Wang Hong's attacks.

It focused solely on using its beak, a magical weapon, to peck through the Spirit Net, hoping to break free as soon as possible.

Being trapped by such a small creature for so long had already damaged its pride. How could it face other birds in the future? How would they look at it?

Unfortunately, due to the effects of the poison, its mind wasn't functioning at its best, and it often injured itself due to imprecise control while pecking at the Spirit Net.

Finally, it managed to create another opening in the Spirit Net. It could now extend its head and neck outside the net.

With newfound freedom, it turned its neck, its eyes glaring menacingly at Wang Hong. It vowed to exact a heavy price, no matter what it took, and reduce this mere ant to a shattered corpse.

Just at that moment, it saw a golden light approaching with great momentum. Due to its slowed reaction time, by the time it realized it, the golden Flying Sword was already close.

Since it hadn't taken Wang Hong's previous attacks seriously, its beak, a magical weapon, was still focused on pecking at the Spirit Net.

Now, it was too late to try to control the magical weapon to block the oncoming Flying Sword. The sword was already aimed at its eye.

The Roc Bird saw a golden wooden sword rapidly enlarging in its field of vision, and then its eye stung, followed by a sensation of chaos inside its head. There was no afterward.

Just as Wang Hong finally managed to slay a third-tier Demonic Beast, the defensive shield on the Flying Boat couldn't bear the strain any longer and was shattered.

The remaining five to six hundred Demonic Beasts went berserk, rushing toward the Flying Boat. The Human Clan cultivators had no other choice but to face them head-on.

Everyone had long been mentally prepared for this. Wang Hong's poisoning of a large number of low-tier Demonic Beasts had given them a glimmer of hope.

After slaying the demon, Wang Hong swiftly collected the corpse of the third-tier demonic bird.

At the same time, many Demonic Beasts, upon seeing the Roc Bird being slain and its body taken away, roared in fury and charged toward Wang Hong.

The Roc Bird was the leader of this siege on the beast horde and was also the younger brother of the Ashen Roc. With the Roc Bird dead, they would face severe punishment upon returning.
Therefore, Wang Hong attracted four third-tier Demonic Beasts and a large number of second-tier Demonic Beasts, all of them targeting him and closing in for the kill.

Seeing the situation, Wang Hong didn't dare to engage in battle. He immediately controlled a Flying Sword and turned to escape.

The Flying Boat was too confined, and it was easy to draw enemies toward his fellow sect members, posing a threat to them. In a situation where there was no grudge, he didn't intend to do so.

He flew directly out of the Flying Boat, where the space was broader. His agility thrived in this vast expanse, allowing him to maneuver more effectively.

At this moment, the Demonic Beasts chasing him included four third-tier ones and around fifty to sixty second-tier ones. Unbeknownst to him, he had indirectly relieved pressure from his companions by drawing this large group of enemies away.

Currently, there were fourteen third-tier Demonic Beasts and approximately over four hundred second-tier Demonic Beasts still fighting his fellow sect members on the Flying Boat.

Wang Hong pushed forward as fast as he could, occasionally using the shifting positions technique to increase his speed or change direction. Whenever he used the shifting positions repeatedly, not even the third-tier Demonic Beasts could catch up.

He could only run in circles around the Flying Boat to avoid being surrounded by the Demonic Beasts. Once truly surrounded, he would have no chance of survival.

At this point, he could only place his hope in his fellow sect members, hoping they would finish off their opponents, and he could then escape.

The Demonic Beasts' speeds were not coordinated, preventing them from completely encircling him.

There were several close calls where he almost got trapped by a few third-tier Demonic Beasts, but he managed to escape using the shifting positions technique.

While fleeing, Wang Hong released his Poisonous Bees. However, he didn't have them stay close to him for assistance in combat. The Poisonous Bees couldn't keep up with his escape pace.

Instead, he directed the Poisonous Bees to the Flying Boat to help his fellow sect members attack the second-tier Demonic Beasts. With over ten thousand Poisonous Bees attacking simultaneously, no second-tier Demonic Beast could withstand them.

Even as he fled, Wang Hong couldn't stay entirely passive.

Gu Qingyang was relatively lucky, with only one third-tier Demonic Beast as his opponent, and he had a slight advantage in the fight. However, it still wouldn't be easy to slay the opponent.

In a battle between equals, defeating one's opponent was no simple task.

At this moment, Wang Hong used shifting positions and suddenly appeared several yards behind the Demonic Beast. He tossed a few pills toward it and didn't even look at the outcome before using shifting positions again to escape.

The pills he threw were all poison pills, but before they could get close to the Demonic Beast, they were shattered by the intense spiritual energy fluctuations generated by the battle between them.

However, some of the shattered poison pills still drifted toward the Demonic Beast, while the remaining fragments scattered in all directions.

After noticing this situation, Wang Hong dared not casually release more poison pills, fearing he might accidentally harm his fellow sect members.

He once again activated shifting positions to move away. When he reappeared, he landed on the back of a third-tier demonic bird.

This demonic bird was engaged in a fierce battle with a Golden Core Elder from the Qingxu Sect and the two were evenly matched.

Without hesitation, Wang Hong, armed with a Long Spear, thrust it directly into the back of the demonic bird.

After this thrust, Wang Hong immediately used shifting positions to escape to a safe distance, causing the demonic bird to roar furiously.

Seeing the demonic bird distracted, the cultivator fighting it took the opportunity to inflict a grievous wound on the creature.

Wang Hong continued to maintain his high-speed movements, creating trouble for the Demonic Beasts in the ongoing battle as he fled.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 400: Assistance 


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