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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the dimly lit research base, Researcher Lu in uniform gradually departed.

Dr. Dora pushed open the glass door of her office and addressed the last person inside, "Betty, I'm leaving now. Please provide me with the materials regarding the Mercury Base orbit tomorrow morning."

"Understood, Dr. Dora," replied Betty, the female researcher. "I'll also give you the materials related to the Mercury Base patrol robots that the United Nations Space Commissioner delivered yesterday. You can submit them together."

"Thank you," Dora smiled and closed the door behind her.

As she walked down the corridor, she ran her fingers through her hair and shook her head, feeling as if she had traveled through time. It was as if her legendary journey of betraying the Life Foundation, teaming up with the journalist Eddie, and exposing the conspiracy of the Life Foundation's owner had happened just yesterday.

Now, Dr. Dora had become a researcher in the Mercury Base's Oxygen Circulation System Research Group, primarily responsible for researching habitable directions within the Solar System. In just a year, she had handled three or four top-level projects. If all went as planned, she would become the head of this base within the year.

Just as she was contemplating this, her mobile phone rang. Dora picked it up and saw that the caller was Eddie Brock. She answered, "Hello? Mr. Eddie, what's going on?"

"What? Someone wants to steal information related to the Mercury Base's orbit? Why? What do they intend to do with that information?"

"They want to launch a special device close to the Sun? Then let them. Why do they need to involve us?... What did you say? They are not part of the Solar System development team? They want to launch it secretly?"

"Don't worry; our technology and research materials are strictly confidential. There's no way anyone can access the information!"

Dora's expression became resolute. She said, "You should understand my principles. I will never allow unscrupulous individuals to jeopardize the future, just as we did at the Life Foundation's base!"

Suddenly, her expression changed again, taking on a strange look. She paused and said, "Wait... Eddie, are you... drinking? Are you asking us to deliberately leak the materials?"

"Oh, I see!" Dora had a moment of realization. She said, "You want me to modify the materials and provide them with incorrect data, right? That way, they will surely fail!"

"What? Give them the real materials?... Oh, there's more to this, isn't there?... I see, it's a top-secret plan?"

"They are just making trouble for no reason! What's wrong with mutants? Several of my colleagues are mutants. I'm not a mutant hater..."

"Jesus, I see now. It's something those military people would do... Tell me the details. How can I help you?"

While Dora was talking on the phone, she turned a corner in the corridor and disappeared into the base. However, the corridor didn't remain quiet for long, as another female voice was heard from the office at the end.

"No! You lunatic! I will never give you the materials!" Inside the office, Betty gritted her teeth and said, "Ross! You bastard! You'll never force me to do your bidding!... Father? You dare mention father?!"

"In any case, I will never hand over the materials I have to you! You will never use me to fulfill your evil plan!"

Betty angrily hung up the phone, then her hands dropped to her sides, and the phone fell onto the desktop. She leaned against the desk, her hands trembling, and eventually covered her mouth with her hands as she began to cry.

In the dark office, only her solitary figure was visible. Betty's shoulders continued to shake, and in the end, she used her hands to wipe away her tears and slumped into her chair, resting her head on the desk.

A soft buzzing sound came from her mobile phone, and Betty, amidst her tears, raised her head. She wiped away a tear with the back of her hand and picked up her mobile phone, which displayed a text message: "Dear, I've already made a reservation at the restaurant. Shall we go out for dinner tonight?"

The sender's name was "Bruce Banner." Seeing this familiar name, instead of feeling better, Betty began to sob uncontrollably once more.

Half a minute later, her mobile phone rang again, and Betty answered it. On the other end was Banner's warm voice. He said, "Dear, what's wrong? Why haven't you responded to my messages?"

"I heard that there's a new Belgian restaurant in Manhattan with excellent reviews. I worked hard to get a reservation. What dishes would you like? I can go ahead and order."

Betty swallowed hard, trying to steady her voice and prevent herself from choking up. She said, "I'm not feeling well, I... let's postpone it, okay?"

Banner fell silent for a moment, and Betty quickly added, "Darling, I know you want to see me, and I know reservations at popular restaurants are precious, but I've been really busy lately, as you know, with the Mercury Base and all..."

"I understand, my love," Banner's voice was always gentle yet firm. He said, "Don't worry, no reservation is more precious than you. Take care, and we can talk another time."

Betty hung up the phone, unable to stop her tears.

At that moment, her phone started buzzing continuously with several text messages.

"Betty Ross! Why did you block my phone number?"

"Do you think this will work?"

"I am your father!! You are defying your father!!"

"Aren't you my daughter? Why won't you listen to me?! Your last name is Ross!!!"

"Why won't you consider the future of humanity?! Don't you realize that what I'm doing now is entirely for the safety of humanity?!!"

As the text messages sounded, Betty seemed to lose control. She grabbed her hair, retreated, and crouched on the ground, beginning to wail as if she were experiencing a hallucination, waving her arms uncontrollably.

Documents and materials that had been placed on the table scattered on the floor, floating like shackles, binding Betty's hands, forcing her to sit on the ground, curling her body, and sobbing softly.

When Bruce Banner arrived, this was the scene he encountered.

He immediately rushed in, lifted his beloved, and patted Betty's back repeatedly, trying to soothe her. But it seemed like Betty was choking, causing her to cough continuously. The convulsions brought on by her crying made her start retching, and her body began to hunch over.

Banner, unsure of what had happened, was deeply concerned. He half-knelt down and held Betty, saying, "It's okay, it's okay, my dear. I'm here. Don't be afraid..."

Betty stopped retching, but her body continued to tremble. Banner couldn't fully comprehend the situation, but he didn't want to upset Betty further. He reached for his own mobile phone and dialed a number.

About ten minutes later, Schiller appeared at the door of the office. After entering, he saw Banner holding his girlfriend, the two of them clinging to each other. Schiller widened his eyes and said, "What's going on? Miss Ross, why did she suddenly..."

Banner turned his head and said to Schiller, "I don't know what happened exactly. When I called her on the phone just now, I noticed that her tone was off. So I rushed over, but I didn't expect her to be crying continuously, trembling all over..."

At that moment, the mobile phone screen lit up again, and Schiller, who was standing next to the desk, saw the numerous text messages on it.

Schiller picked up the mobile phone, but since it was locked, he could only see the few text messages on the screen. However, just from those messages, he understood what was going on.

He walked up, patted Banner on the shoulder, and said, "First, lay Miss Ross down. Holding her like this won't allow her to breathe properly."

Then, Schiller took out a stethoscope, listened to Betty's heartbeat, and checked her pupils. He told Banner, "Now, I'm going to give you this mobile phone, but if you read the contents, you might get very angry..."

"You should know that your mental state isn't stable either. I can't handle two patients at the same time, especially when one of them has incredible strength."

Banner took a deep breath and said, "Since the last time Hulk came out to vent his anger, his condition has been relatively stable. I've been trying to control my emotions. If necessary, you can contact Professor X to put me to sleep before I fully unleash my powers..."

Schiller paused for a moment but still handed the mobile phone to Banner. He then noticed that Banner's chest was rising and falling rapidly, clearly becoming enraged.

The screen was filled with General Ross's reprimands to Betty, continuously pressuring her to hand over certain materials.

Banner slammed the mobile phone onto the ground, but at that moment, Betty tried to reach for the phone with her hand. Banner quickly stopped her, and Betty lay in his arms, crying. She said, "If I don't reply to him, he'll send people to find me. He might even locate my residence, and my landlord will evict me..."

Schiller looked at Banner and said, "Mr. Ross's behavior towards Miss Betty has already crossed into emotional abuse. It seems that during this time, he has been pressuring her to surrender something and has employed various forms of harassment."

"Now, it appears that Miss Betty may be suffering from panic disorder. Without treatment, it could lead to long-term anxiety. If we want to deal with this, we need to address the trouble she's been going through."

Banner held his girlfriend tightly and said, "I'll go talk to her father. He can't continue to abuse his own daughter like this!"

"No, don't go, Bruce..." Betty grabbed Banner's arm and said, "He will harm you. He has never liked you..."

Betty closed her eyes in despair and said, "He has connections with the Tartufaction, a faction that holds significant influence in the military. Many important generals in the Army and Navy belong to them. Bruce, you won't be able to confront them..."

Seeing Banner's fists tighten, Schiller said to him, "Stay calm, Bruce. We can't leave Miss Ross lying on the floor like this. Take her to the rest area first, and then we'll return to my sanatorium. She may need some rest for a while."

"No!" Betty shouted, "I must keep an eye on the materials... We absolutely can't let them succeed! Many people will be harmed! I understand... cough... I understand, Ross. We can't let him succeed..."

"My dear!" Banner raised his voice and said, "Didn't you hear what the doctor just said? You may have developed panic disorder now, and if left untreated, it could become a chronic condition that will affect your whole life. You have to come with me, dear, please listen..."

Banner lifted his girlfriend, and Schiller pushed open the door. Before leaving, he glanced back at the scattered materials on the floor, shook his head, and took out his mobile phone.

After the three of them had left, Dora, who had previously left, returned.

In the dark office, she put down her mobile phone, glanced around, and took out her high-level access employee card. She swiped it on Betty's computer, then used a special storage device to copy all the materials.

She walked over to the chair, picked up the mobile phone that had been left behind by a few people, squinted at the messages on the screen, let out a cold snort, and then connected the storage device to the mobile phone, transferring the materials.

In the military base's operations office, General Ross heard the sound of his mobile phone.

He took out his mobile phone, looked at the reply message filled with extensive material data, and revealed a satisfied smile.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 867: The Shining Stars of Rotten (12) 


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