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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


After the extinction of Andromeda Galaxystar, this starry domain plunged into the darkness of Eternity.

The Sulphur Dwarves lost their vital source of existence. Their science and technology systems were heavily reliant on the energy output of stars. Even during the entire course of their civilization's development, any device not connected to star energy output was phased out. Consequently, after the stars went out, the flame of their civilization came perilously close to extinguishing.

Now, on their main star cluster, only a few flickering lights remain. Upon closer inspection, most of them are mining development areas owned by humans.

The Sulphur Dwarves possess a unique talent – they can extract Special Metal Molten Steel from the homeworld's mineral resources. This metal is exceptionally friendly for primitive space civilizations, with a large yield, balanced properties, and outstanding performance in all aspects. It could be considered a direct substitute for Vibranium.

However, it quickly developed into a replacement for Vibranium, primarily due to its incredibly low price.

Firstly, the main star cluster inhabited by the Sulphur Dwarves covers an extensive area with numerous planets and abundant mineral resources.

Furthermore, while Molten Steel mining is not surface mining, the Sulphur Dwarves have a mature mining system, making the extraction process relatively straightforward and cost-effective.

The only relatively high cost comes from transportation. However, they use Kree spaceships for transport, which are powered by star energy. Besides the time cost, it's essentially free.

As a result, Molten Steel gained a significant advantage in terms of pricing. Even though Vibranium excelled in some attributes, humanity rapidly embraced this metal and intended to cast Vibranium into the annals of history.

Vibranium is a patient metal, but Wakanda is not.

Wakanda's high international standing and vast wealth largely depend on Vibranium production. Before the appearance of Molten Steel, Vibranium was far superior to other metals in various aspects. Despite its high cost, countries reluctantly accepted it.

If everyone else buys it, and you don't, then others will develop new weapons, and you'll be vulnerable. Consequently, the price of Vibranium soared, and Wakanda became exceedingly wealthy.

However, now that Molten Steel has emerged, although it may fall short in certain attributes compared to Vibranium, its affordability and the ability to compensate for those shortcomings with volume have rendered Vibranium obsolete as the first choice in the international society.

For Wakanda, this is a fatal blow, much like how the Sulphur Dwarves were overly reliant on star energy. They have become excessively dependent on Vibranium.

Molten Steel is not only cheap but also abundant, fully meeting the current needs of space technology development worldwide. In this way, Vibranium has completely lost its market. Although Wakanda's resources may sustain them for a while, they are in a more urgent situation than the entire world.

To deal with this situation, there are two options: either cease dependence on Vibranium or raise Vibranium's price again. The former method is evidently challenging to achieve in the short term, and to realize the latter, Molten Steel production is crucial.

With quality, price, and quantity all in favor, it's virtually impossible for any other commodity to compete. Furthermore, since this resource comes from outer space development, with funding and benefits shared by all of humanity, Wakanda has no grounds to complain about a monopoly. They also lack a solid argument in the court of public opinion.

At this critical juncture, a mysterious force contacted Wakanda, offering to help them deal with this trouble in exchange for a small favor.

Near the second-largest ringed volcano on the Sulphur Dwarf's main star, within an abandoned energy supply center, Polaris traversed the dark corridor, her green hair dancing in the breeze.

The extreme cold around her couldn't affect her at all, as Iceman, trailing behind her, emitted a faint white light from his body, maintaining a constant temperature within a few meters of his surroundings.

Following Polaris were not only Iceman but also Blink, Sprite, and a few small mutants parasitized by symbiotes, along with other Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters students.

Leading the way in front was a Sulphur Dwarf, his body covered in faint golden patterns of light. Although he wore a serious expression, it was clear he was making an effort to stay close to Iceman to ward off the cold.

Entering a spacious hall, they finally had some light. The larger and taller Sulphur Dwarf sitting on the main seat hadn't spoken yet when Polaris casually flipped her hair and said, "Finally, some light. I was starting to think you couldn't even turn on the lights here. But then again, a bunch of losers like you, what can I expect?"

With a "bang," the armrest of the seat cracked. The towering Sulphur Dwarf sitting on the throne spoke with a deep and resonant voice, "You cannot insult our race!"

"I didn't expect you to be quite proficient in English. Did your human slave masters teach you?" Polaris sneered. "Humans, a weak race in space. If it weren't for relying on All-Father Odin, they would have gone extinct long ago. Yet, you've allowed yourselves to be enslaved by such a feeble race? Hahaha!"

The Sulphur Dwarf overhead took a deep breath and said, "Regardless of whom you represent, it was your side that approached us first."

"I represent the great Lord Thanos, a descendant of the Great Titan and the ruler of the Dark Dimension. Compared to his fleet, all the civilizations in the Andromeda Galaxy combined are insignificant."

Polaris raised her head high, extending a hand. With a gentle lift, all the parts in the base started to float.

She turned her palm, spreading her fingers, and with a light push, all the parts turned into high-speed bullets, nailing themselves into the wall behind the Sulphur Dwarf.

The leader of the Sulphur Dwarves immediately wore a grave expression, understanding the implications of this power. Previously, someone with the same ability had ignited the star upon which they relied for survival with just a gentle touch.

Accompanied by Polaris's soft disdainful hum, the magnetic field in the area was completely locked down, like solidified ice, causing cold sweat to break out on the towering Sulphur Dwarf's back.

Polaris lowered her gaze, looking at her own fingers and muttered, "No wonder he likes using this move... Hmm."

She then looked at the leader of the Sulphur Dwarves and said, "We've come to you not because you have any help to offer to Lord Thanos' cause. You bunch of wretches are only fit to be dogs, but even as dogs, Lord Thanos wishes you could bark a little more enthusiastically."

The leader of the Sulphur Dwarves clenched the hammer tightly in his hand, veins bulging on his arm, clearly struggling to contain the insult. However, Polaris remained unfazed, saying coldly, "Submit or die. Choose one."

"What can you offer us in exchange for our cooperation?" asked the Sulphur Dwarf leader, looking at Polaris.

"Would a bit of dog food be sufficient? Hahaha!... Your expression tells me you want a new home star, want to regain control of the mines, and dominate the Andromeda Galaxy again... Don't even dream about it!"

Polaris's face turned colder as she continued, "Lord Thanos sent me to see you not out of charity, wanting to save you pitiful beggars. Why are you in this state? It's your own doing!"

"I've seen many civilizations perish with the extinguishing of stars. How many of them cried and begged for help just because the temperature dropped a bit, only to rely on humans to save them? You're truly the most useless race I've ever encountered!"

The leader of the Sulphur Dwarves snorted but didn't display the same anger as before because he knew that what Polaris said wasn't entirely unreasonable. Now, he felt a sense of regret.

Initially, the Sulphur Dwarves possessed the ability to travel among the stars and were well aware that in the vastness of space, the phenomenon of star extinction was not uncommon. Many civilizations were affected by it.

Back then, the Sulphur Dwarves had witnessed such incidents several times, but they had failed to raise their guard. They believed their home star was very secure and hadn't even prepared contingency plans during scientific and technological upgrades. They had walked blindly down one path, leading to their current predicament.

Polaris flipped her hair once more and said, "Regardless of how the situation has come to this, you should think about how to deal with it."

"Lord Thanos can offer you some support, but our goal isn't to save you; it's merely to stir up trouble for humanity. After all, everyone desires the beautiful space greenhouse, just like King Sams of the North."

"We'll support your uprising, but it won't be without a cost. First, after you seize the mines from humans, you'll need to provide us with an additional 10% on top of the original share."

The leader of the Sulphur Dwarves was about to say something, but Polaris immediately interjected, "If you think it's unfair, remember that we'll provide you with equipment and manpower..."

"And, we promise that once you take control of the mines, you can govern them on your own. You'll gain the freedom you've been yearning for. How about it?"

The word "freedom" triggered something in the Sulphur Dwarf leader's memory from his days of being forced to learn the human language. He had a vivid recollection of the detestable human teacher, but this word, "freedom," sounded quite beautiful.

"Of course, we've come here with sincerity," Polaris said, clapping her hands. Two mutants behind her stepped forward and handed her a briefcase. After she opened it, it revealed several blocks inside.

Polaris said to the Sulphur Dwarf leader, "It's not convenient to display them here, but not far from here, there's a mine. Blink, take us there."

With a snap of Blink's fingers, everyone appeared at the location Polaris had mentioned. It was a small hill situated to the east of the crater, offering a clear view of the black smoke rising from the nearby mine.

The imposing machine overseer had completely sealed off the entrance to the mine. The Sulphur Dwarf leader gripped his hammer tightly and said, "Those are the machines that humans created, monsters specifically designed to target Sulphur Dwarves. All their weapons have low-temperature effects and can even flash-freeze. Once frozen, a Sulphur Dwarf is as good as dead."

Polaris, however, let out a scornful smirk. She took a block from the briefcase and projected it around the mine using her magnetic force.

In an instant, the compression block expanded into a colossal robot in a manner incomprehensible to the Sulphur Dwarf. The guard robots reacted swiftly, and several ice spikes flew towards the towering robot.

However, the ice spikes, which caused four times the damage when they hit a Sulphur Dwarf, only slightly slowed down the movements of the robot when they struck it. Subsequently, a more potent barrage of firepower erupted from the robot's arms and back, swiftly obliterating all the guard robots at the mine entrance.

The Sulphur Dwarf leader's eyes gradually lit up as he watched the towering robot. It tore apart all the guard robots that had exploited his people, and he couldn't help but raise his hammer, roaring. The other rebels behind him also let out similar roars.

On this planet, where the light of all civilizations had been extinguished, in the desolate and chilling winds, the Sulphur Dwarf leader raised his head, gazing at the familiar night sky. Emotions surged within him, but he eventually clenched his hammer tightly with one hand and hammered his chest with the other, bowing his head slightly.

"Long live Lord Thanos!"

Polaris, too, gazed into the distance and whispered softly, "Long live Lord Thanos..."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 866: Shimmering Stars and Rotten (11) 


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