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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List



Accompanied by Ironhide's roar, a group of disoriented Autobots reluctantly gave up the pursuit of the Autobots following Sentinel Prime. They abandoned the chase and gathered around Optimus Prime, who lay on the ground, suffering from three shots of Universe Rust Gun. His body was rapidly corroding, and it seemed he was on the brink of death. Their faces displayed nothing but sorrow.

"My brothers..."

Optimus Prime wanted to say something, but a violent coughing fit overtook him.

With the coughing came a rapid shower of rusted metal shavings falling from his mechanical body.

"It seems my time is running out..."

Burning with the energy of his spark, Optimus Prime struggled to slow down the corrosion.

As he looked around at the saddened Autobots who had gathered, he felt a mixture of shame and regret. In the battle with his mentor, Sentinel Prime, he hadn't truly exerted his full power. Initially, Optimus Prime had hoped to try and steer his teacher away from the wrong path. However, the unexpected happened. Sentinel Prime had been using his full power from the beginning and had even taken the upper hand, immediately striking him down mercilessly.

His true nature as a warlord had been fully revealed, and Optimus Prime had paid a painful price for it.

With a hint of sadness in his eyes, Optimus Prime slowly opened the undamaged armor on his chest. Then, an oddly shaped crystalline structure of unknown origin flew out from within his mechanical body, suspended in the air before him.


He struggled to speak, "The Leadership Module is now in your care... after I... depart, please lead the Autobots..."

An Autobot pushed through the crowd of grieving Autobots, gathering in front of Optimus Prime.

"Everything is not beyond redemption yet!"

Jack spoke with determination as he stepped forward, taking the Leadership Module and aimed it at the corroding Spark on the edge of Optimus Prime. He forcefully inserted it.

The moment the Leadership Module was inserted into Optimus Prime's Spark, a powerful azure arc of electricity shot out continuously from it, quickly enveloping his entire body.

"Ah!" Optimus Prime let out a cry of agony.

"Everyone, step back!"

Jack shouted to the surrounding Autobots.

Ironhide and the other Autobots also noticed the changes occurring on Optimus Prime's body. They looked at each other in anticipation. Even in the midst of their grief, they couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope.

They all retreated a distance, creating a circular space of about ten meters in radius.

Jack stepped back with them, and all the Autobots watched anxiously.

At this moment, Optimus Prime was completely shrouded in the intense azure arc emanating from the Leadership Module, turning into an indistinct mass of light that no one could clearly see.


Pained roars continued to emanate from the mass of light, causing Ratchet, who was close to Jack, to speak anxiously, "Jack, are you sure the Leadership Module can save our Leader?"

"I'm not certain, but it's the only option we have now."

Jack shook his head. While he hadn't been part of the team that created the Universe Rust Gun for Sentinel Prime, as a former Autobot scientist, he had been involved in researching Cosmic Rust. According to their long-term observations, Cosmic Rust, which was seemingly incurable for all Cybertronians, might not have occurred naturally. It could have been a 'special infection' artificially synthesized by a more technologically advanced civilization targeting their silicon-based life forms. Although Cosmic Rust was unbeatable for all Cybertronians, the more powerful ones could resist it for a longer time after infection.

And the Leadership Module had already been proven to be a Sacred artifact capable of awakening fallen warriors. If even deceased soldiers could be resurrected, there was no reason why Optimus Prime, who was still struggling on the brink of death, couldn't be saved.

The roars continued, growing louder and more intense.

Jack stared intently at the massive sphere composed of azure arcs that surrounded Optimus Prime. His eyes seemed as if they were trying to penetrate the sphere to see what was happening inside.

As the sphere of arcs rapidly expanded to a certain point, it stopped spreading outward. Instead, the arcs, accompanying Optimus Prime's agonizing roars, began to gradually dim, as though they were being absorbed by him.

The arcs persisted for over ten minutes before finally dissipating completely.

With their disappearance, Optimus Prime, who had been lying on the ground, had already risen at some point, but it was unclear when.

His eyes were locked, the armor on his chest wide open, and on his Spark, emitting a piercing blue light, the dim and smoky Leadership Module was still firmly inserted.

Suddenly, Optimus Prime opened his eyes wide, and two beams of light shot forth from them.

He bellowed to the sky, and the Leadership Module, inserted into his Spark, seemed to respond to some kind of summoning. It suddenly flew out from Optimus Prime's Spark on its own and hovered in mid-air in front of him for a moment.

With a crisp sound, reminiscent of shattering glass, small cracks began to appear on the Leadership Module.

The cracks grew larger and quickly spread across all parts of the Leadership Module.

Optimus Prime looked down at it with a tinge of sadness, then let out a sigh.

As if bidding farewell, with his sigh, the Leadership Module suspended in mid-air suddenly burst with a loud pop, shattering into tiny, sparkling particles that disappeared into the air.

"The Leadership Module... shattered..."

Ironhide murmured, but he quickly looked excitedly at Optimus Prime.

The wounds that had once been corroded by the Universe Rust Gun, leaving three massive, continuously rusting wounds on Optimus Prime's body, had completely disappeared. His mechanical body was rejuvenated, and he appeared even taller and more imposing than before.

"Leader, that's amazing... Leader is still here..."

The surrounding Autobots erupted in cheers. To them, Optimus Prime was their guiding light, and they were unwaveringly loyal to their Leader.

Just moments ago, when Optimus Prime appeared to be fading away, many of them had fallen into despair because they couldn't envision a future without him.

Fortunately, hope had returned once more!

"Boss... this is incredible..."

Ratchet excitedly approached, shouting loudly by Optimus Prime's side.

Optimus Prime smiled and glanced at him, but his heart still ached from the complete shattering of the Leadership Module.

He looked at the New Iron Fortress, which had suffered some damage in the recent battle. Gazing over the empty streets and squares, Optimus Prime's vision seemed to transcend time and space, witnessing the battles and conflicts happening tens, hundreds, or even thousands of kilometers away on the African continent.

The root cause of all this tragedy was his own weakness and immaturity.

"A journey into the past is in order!"

A thought flashed through his mind, and Optimus Prime turned to look in the direction Sentinel Prime had left earlier.

"Autobots, target: Cairo. We have another fierce battle ahead."

"The battle has only just begun!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 912: The Crisis in the Ancient Capital 


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