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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the Freedom Square outside the City Hall of New Iron Fortress city.

Optimus Prime was currently engaged in fierce combat with his mentor, Sentinel Prime, wielding his heavy sword with great determination.

"Teacher... I once thought Frenzy was lying, but you have truly disappointed me..."

Sentinel Prime easily blocked Optimus Prime's heavy sword with his shield. Feeling the force transmitted through the shield, his expression darkened further.

"My student!" he exclaimed, exerting force to knock Optimus Prime away with his shield.

Then, brandishing a long sword that resembled a battleship's armor plate, Sentinel Prime slashed at Optimus Prime. As he attacked, he lectured, "You must realize, aspiring for the so-called peace of the Autobots does not make one a competent warrior. Thus, in our war with the Skytiger Legion, defeat is our only fate. To change this outcome, sacrifices must be made!"

"So, you betrayed us, betrayed the Autobots!"

Optimus Prime barely blocked his strike, and the immense power of Sentinel Prime forced him to retreat two steps to regain his footing.

Sentinel Prime, raising his sword for another strike, bellowed, "Betrayal? No, I merely made a deal with Megatron!"

With a mighty blow aimed at his former student, Sentinel Prime used his full strength.

Caught off guard, Optimus Prime's heavy sword clashed with Sentinel Prime's long blade. The enormous force instantly knocked the weapon from his hands, and he was sent flying by the impact.

"My student... as a commander, you are indeed competent!"

Drawing back the hand holding the long sword, Sentinel Prime coldly smirked and drew a long spear from behind, aiming it at Optimus Prime.

"But as a leader, you are definitely not up to the mark!"

Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger. The special weapon, resembling an Earth-style shotgun, fired a sand-yellow energy ball that swiftly struck Optimus Prime.


Ironhide, fighting nearby, witnessed this scene and was overcome with fury.

Sentinel Prime looked emotionlessly at his former student, who was in disbelief, feeling no inner turmoil.

"Farewell, my student!"

He then raised the Universe Rust Cannon again. Under the watchful eyes of several Autobots struggling to break free from nearby opponents to protect Optimus Prime, Sentinel Prime pulled the trigger twice more.

"Bang... Bang..."

The Universe Rust Cannon, a weapon of Sentinel Prime, was one of the highest achievements of the Autobot faction.

When Cosmic Rust struck, almost all silicon-based life forms in the Milky Way, similar to Cybertron Planet, suffered a fatal blow.

This special disease, still unexplained in its origin and cause, had a terrifying corrosive effect on all metals.

Any metal infected by this rust disease would rapidly corrode, soon turning into a brittle, dust-like rust.

Cybertron civilization had faced Cosmic Rust twice in its history. The first recorded incident occurred during the Quintessa civilization's colonization of Cybertron.

Due to the onslaught of Cosmic Rust, the once-mighty Quintessa civilization, capable of waging war with dozens of powerful civilizations in the Milky Way, faced near extinction.

It was due to this Cosmic Rust event that the Cybertronians not only repelled the Quintessa colonizers and reclaimed their home planet but also gained a wealth of Quintessa technology and former Quintesson colonies during the retreat.

From a colonial land exploited by others, Cybertron civilization leaped to become a powerful Universal civilization.

In the first Cosmic Rust event, Cybertron civilization did not suffer severe damage. However, the second event nearly destroyed them.

During the late stages of Cybertron's first Civil War, as the Decepticons and Autobots fiercely fought over control of Cybertron Planet, Cosmic Rust struck again, as mysteriously and dominantly as before.

The first infected was an Autobot soldier receiving treatment in the rear. His mechanical body, close to recovery, suddenly deteriorated and completely corroded into rust in a short time.

Cosmic Rust then broke out in both the Autobot and Skytiger Legion camps.

In a very short time, over one-third of the Decepticons and Autobots died from Cosmic Rust.

To avoid total annihilation, the Skytiger Legion and the Autobots hastily signed a ceasefire agreement, ending the first Cybertron Civil War.

Both factions then devoted massive resources to research prevention and eradication methods for Cosmic Rust, but none succeeded. Ultimately, both the Skytiger Legion and the Autobots resorted to a hibernation strategy to combat Cosmic Rust.

However, this was only the official narrative.

At least a few high-ranking Autobots knew that their scientists, after continuous efforts to save Cosmic Rust patients, had managed to analyze a small portion of its molecular structure. From this, they developed a special inducible energy that simulated Cosmic Rust.

The Universe Rust Cannon, wielded by Sentinel Prime, was designed using this special inducible energy, a dangerous weapon.

A single shot could severely wound even an Elite Warrior, causing rapid corrosion at the wound and leading to death.

Due to its malicious nature, the Autobots had only created one such weapon and entrusted it to Sentinel Prime.

Watching Optimus Prime's mechanical body rapidly corrode, with his life ebbing away, Sentinel Prime's face remained calm.

"Ironically, you, my student, supervised the creation of this weapon... and now, you die by it..."

He casually raised his shield to block a furious grenade shot from Ironhide.

Sentinel Prime glanced at Ironhide but did not kill him.

"Autobots, prepare to follow me into battle!"

After calmly issuing the order over the channel, Sentinel Prime turned and walked toward Crosshairs.

Surrounding him, several Autobots loyal to him quickly gathered. Most were reluctant to fight against Optimus Prime and Ironhide, having held back during the recent battle.

Now, seeing their former leader, Optimus Prime, lying nearby, rapidly corroding and nearing death, some Autobots displayed expressions of remorse, guilt, and sadness. With these complex emotions, they quickly followed Sentinel Prime in retreat, soon leaving New Iron Fortress city, heading toward the historic capital on the banks of the Nile River - Cairo!

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