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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


The changes within the African territory did not go unnoticed by only the United States.

The Five Big Bullies all had substantial interests in Africa. A certain Far East country had made significant investments in Africa and had deployed several peacekeeping forces. Over the past two years, they had also been attempting to establish contact with the Djibouti authorities, hoping to lease a "security base" within this peculiar nation.

Polar Bear had always been a major player in Africa. Throughout the years of turmoil in Africa, the primary arms dealer behind the scenes had been Polar Bear, known for its robust and affordable weaponry.

As for Anglo-French, it needed no introduction. The world dominators before World War II, with centuries of plunder in their ancestry, had left behind numerous colonies in Africa.

Even though they had to relinquish their colonial powers and a significant amount of influence under the wave of African independence several decades ago, Anglo-French remained a major player in Africa after centuries of operations. This was a fact that even the United States had to acknowledge.

So, when the clouds of war began to gather over Africa, the Four Big Bullies took notice as well.

It was a curious coincidence that, apart from the United States, all four major rogues discreetly dispatched special representatives to Terindad Island.

Upon receiving a communication request from Terindad Island, Sun Cheng was surprised to learn that it was Forerunner reporting to him. The Four Big Bullies had sent representatives in unison, hoping to uncover the truth behind the impending storm in Africa.

After a moment of contemplation, Sun Cheng gave instructions to Forerunner, "I understand. You'll be in charge of receiving them. Apart from matters concerning our contact with Optimus Prime and our presence in Africa, you can disclose some information to them."

Forerunner had undergone more than a year of training and had now reached the level of an Elite Warrior. With several batches of advanced warriors sent by the Black Market and the island's defense systems, even if they were to face another Black Market defense battle, they would not be as helpless as before.

Thus, Sun Cheng felt confident in continuing to develop Forerunner. After all, as the leader of a faction, he didn't need to personally handle every situation.

"I understand, Commander-in-chief!"

Forerunner quickly severed the connection and went to deal with the representatives dispatched by the Four Big Bullies on the island.

Gazing towards Africa, Sun Cheng awaited a message.

A message about Optimus Prime returning to New Iron Fortress City or news of his confrontation with Sentinel Prime.

"How's the military preparations coming along?" Sun Cheng asked suddenly, his gaze falling on Thunder, who stood motionless by his side like a guardian.

"Commander-in-chief, in terms of ammunition and combat robots, we have prepared enough to sustain high-intensity combat for 16 days, as estimated for a force of ten thousand. Currently, all munitions factories under the control of Base Two are working at full capacity to produce combat robot components and various types of weapons and ammunition."

With Optimus Prime potentially unable to stop Sentinel Prime, and the looming threat of the Skytiger Legion behind them, no one could predict the extent of the upcoming war. At least, Sun Cheng couldn't. Therefore, they had made the worst-case assumption, anticipating the need to deploy a force of over ten thousand Decepticons for combat.

As for the current number of Decepticon warriors within Base Two, it had only recently surpassed two thousand, with over ninety percent still being regular soldiers.

However, this did not deter them from continuing their preparations for the worst-case scenario. After all, having the right equipment and personnel ready was much better than facing a shortage of weapons and ammunition during wartime.

Sun Cheng nodded slightly, but he wasn't entirely satisfied with the current number of Decepticons at their disposal.

However, he also understood that they had done their best within their means. Nurturing Decepticons was a resource and time-consuming project. Even Starscream, who could create Vehicons as he pleased, wouldn't dare to squander resources without the technological expertise and centuries of experience he had accumulated during the Civil War and the hundred years on Earth.

It should be noted that, even now, Base Two could not directly produce even a common-level Decepticon warrior. Despite the overall enhancement of all Decepticon mechanical bodies within Base Two, thanks to Starscream's technological advancements, a regular soldier still needed the advantage of better equipment and teamwork to take on a single Vehicon.

This gave a glimpse of the technical prowess Starscream, one of the top scientists in the Skytiger Legion, possessed in the field of Decepticon creation.

After some contemplation, Sun Cheng gave his orders, "We don't need to expand the factories here at Base Two any further. The current scale is sufficient. If we do indeed face a full-scale invasion by the Autobots and the Skytiger Legion, with our current strength, the only outcome for Base Two will be complete destruction. From now on, we will allocate more production capacity and resources to Mars. This place will serve as our stronghold on Earth!"

Thunder paused for a moment, then nodded solemnly. "Understood!"

He was about to leave to relay the orders when Sun Cheng stopped him. "Wait!"

Sun Cheng glanced at the time and issued another command, "Order all units to enter a state of wartime readiness starting today. Except for those stationed at sub-bases, all advanced warriors and Elite Warriors will participate in patrols. I don't expect to keep every fly out, but at least we can't allow any of those mad dogs from the Skytiger Legion to get in!"

"Understood!" Thunder responded with gravity before quickly leaving to convey the orders.

As Sun Cheng's orders were implemented and simple arrangements were made, one by one, advanced warriors set out to various locations in South America to reinforce the existing combat robot patrol units, taking their vigilance seriously.

Two days later, an abrupt battle confirmed the prudence of their preparations.

The unexpected battle took place near the rocky coastline of the Arequipa Province in Peru. It occurred at midnight, where a team of six combat robots on their routine patrol, as usual, traversed the cliffside seashore that appeared as an insurmountable abyss to ordinary people.

Suddenly, a long steel spear shot out from the darkness, accurately piercing one of the combat robots. Red alert lights immediately illuminated the night, and dozens of figures quickly leaped from below the cliffs by the sea. The battle lasted less than forty seconds, and the patrol team of combat robots was completely wiped out.

However, that was enough.

The alarms had alerted another patrol team led by a Decepticon advanced warrior nearby. The alarm system on the combat robots could emit a special warning electromagnetic wave that could be received by all comrades within a radius of dozens of square kilometers.

Realizing the danger and locking onto the target through the warning electromagnetic wave, the advanced warrior immediately led his squad of Decepticon soldiers to rush to the area where the alarm originated.

At the same time, he didn't forget to activate the area patrol channel and issue a warning: "Coordinates xxxx, in the xxxx area, a patrol team of combat robots was ambushed, completely wiped out in 43 seconds. Suspected encounter with Autobots or Decepticons. All units, raise your alert levels. Decepticons patrolling nearby, converge immediately to the incident area!"

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 899: Enigma 


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