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Transformers Begin : Table of Content/Chapter List


Somewhere in the primeval forest of West Africa...

Optimus Prime reached out and flicked away a venomous snake crawling up his mechanical body, continuing deeper into the dense jungle.

This region in West Africa, a remote primeval forest, was a perilous place for humans. Venomous snakes and fierce beasts roamed freely, and countless swamps and toxic plants filled the area.

However, Optimus Prime was a Cybertronian, a powerful Autobot Leader. To him, jackals, cheetahs, venomous snakes, and insects were all mere pests. What truly captured his attention were his ancient adversaries, those he had been in conflict with for millions of years.

"You've been following me for so long. Do you intend to continue?" he asked, growing impatient as he ventured deeper into the forest.

Arriving in the heart of the woods, he swung his weapon to cleave through several trees, each over twenty meters tall.

Optimus Prime suddenly came to a halt, his gaze fixated on a group of menacing Decepticons emerging from the dense forest to his left. His tone grew impatient, "I am no longer the leader of the Autobots. Decepticons, are you sure you want to fight?"

In response, a sharp, piercing roar echoed from within the forest.

Immediately after, eight fearsome Decepticons, with faces contorted in rage, roared as they rushed out from the left side of the forest, their intentions clear. Some brandished energy cannons, firing shots at Optimus Prime from a hundred meters away through gaps in the trees. Others wielded blades, nail hammers, and similar weapons, tearing through the surrounding trees and shrubs without hesitation as they charged towards him.

Optimus Prime's expression turned cold, and he fearlessly gripped his weapon, charging towards them. He encountered the fastest Decepticon, blocking the opponent's scythe effortlessly with his weapon. Simultaneously, he transformed his left hand into an energy cannon and fired a shot straight at the fearsome head.


An advanced Decepticon warrior instantly fell, its head obliterated.

The death of their comrade did not instill fear in these fierce Decepticons. They were not afraid of death; they were the most ruthless Vehicons bred by Starscream. Each prototype was the most ferocious Decepticon who fearlessly embraced death during the Cybertronian Civil War, causing the Autobots great pain.

Once Optimus Prime confirmed their identity, he showed no mercy.

Three Decepticons charged at him simultaneously, but with a raised hand, he fired a shot, sending one flying. Then, he kicked another one out of his way. At the same time, his weapon precisely blocked a nail hammer aimed at his right shoulder.

His extensive combat experience and Leader-level strength allowed Optimus Prime to handle the situation effortlessly, even when facing multiple opponents alone.

However, he was growing weary.

This wasn't the first time Optimus Prime had been hunted by Decepticons. Since leaving New Iron Fortress City, this was the sixth time he had faced an attack. If it weren't for his formidable strength and the fact that the Decepticons chasing him lacked both numbers and strength to pose a real threat, the outcome might have been different.

Even so, as powerful as Optimus Prime was, he still felt a growing sense of fatigue.


In a moment when Optimus Prime's attention wavered, a long blade struck him.

Then, another energy cannon shot struck his chest armor with tremendous force. Optimus Prime was forced to step back several paces, and the attack caused some cracks to appear in his chest armor.

"You annoying pests!" he exclaimed.

Quickly regaining his focus, he aimed the energy cannon in his left hand at the Decepticon wielding the long blade, firing a shot that pierced through the Decepticon's chest.

Following this, Optimus Prime hurled the weapon in his right hand, impaling the slowest-moving Decepticon with the long sword.

A powerful punch was delivered, sending the Decepticon who had just shot him flying. Optimus Prime then raised his energy cannon again and took out that Decepticon with a shot.

As he watched the final two Decepticons, still charging at him relentlessly, Optimus Prime sighed, shook his head, and raised his energy cannon.

"Boom... Boom..."

Two consecutive shots echoed through the forest, adding two more lifeless bodies to the scene.

After the battle, a soft blue glow appeared on Optimus Prime's wounds.

It was the Leadership Module, rapidly repairing his body.

Approaching one of the fallen Decepticon corpses, he retrieved the long sword he had thrown earlier and sheathed it on his back.

Optimus Prime surveyed the devastated forest, a result of their battle, and the blue light in his eyes dimmed.

"Teacher, I voluntarily left New Iron Fortress City and gave up my authority... Why won't you let me go?" he whispered.

He had learned long ago, from Decepticon Frenzy, that his mentor, Sentinel Prime, had likely betrayed the Autobots and made some kind of secret agreement with Megatron.

Initially, Optimus Prime had refused to believe this information. However, as the leader of his faction, he decided to investigate cautiously.

With Gold Beetle's promotion and increased combat prowess, his information-gathering abilities had also improved. A massive amount of intelligence gathered from various sources, combined with contributions from some Autobots who had newly arrived from Cybertron to Earth, provided crucial information that Optimus Prime had previously overlooked.

As the military commander during the latter stages of the Cybertronian Civil War and eventually taking up the mantle of Autobot Leader, he was privy to many insider secrets from that time.

All these factors combined to reveal a dark secret that even Optimus Prime found difficult to believe. His mentor, Sentinel Prime, the former Leader of the Autobots and the once-beloved ruler of Cybertron, had apparently committed many acts that were detrimental to the Autobots, possibly even betraying them.

Once Optimus Prime had confirmed Frenzy's intelligence, he felt not only disbelief but also profound disappointment and desolation. Even though Sentinel Prime had been reawakened, and Optimus Prime had willingly offered to return his authority, even handing over the Leadership Module, Sentinel Prime had refused.

Privately, Gold Beetle and Autobots loyal to Optimus Prime began to realize that Sentinel Prime was gathering support to seize power, initiating protests against Optimus Prime, spreading rumors that he had betrayed the Autobots, and even collaborating with the Skytiger Legion.

Optimus Prime might be kind-hearted, but he had gone through so much and had become a qualified Autobot Leader. The wisdom of a leader and the respect for his mentor finally led him to make a stubborn decision.

Ignoring the advice of his loved ones, friends, and subordinates, he had sought out Sentinel Prime again and unilaterally announced his resignation as Autobot Leader, self-exiling himself.

But what he hadn't expected was the continuous arrival of Decepticons hunting him since he left New Iron Fortress City, attempting to kill him. Coupled with the information he had uncovered, Optimus Prime, with his wisdom, couldn't remain oblivious to the reasons behind it.

His mentor had come to view him as a thorn in his side and seemed to have made some kind of agreement with the Decepticons to eliminate him.

As he thought about this, a look of profound desolation settled on Optimus Prime's face.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 888: Reunion 


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